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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Didn't say they were intelligent. Said they had brains. LOL. Heck Kenny Williams has a brain... Now the intelligent part, that is a different story.
  2. Wow I would have thought that Sweeney and Anderson would have started at a higher level.
  3. Please stop bringing up Munoz. I lost a bet before the season that he'd make the opening day roster because I'm such a big fan. :fyou Mike! And I am still waiting
  4. Well I only saw the man from the neck up, so I can't comment on his weight, but yes he does look old. He doesn't look that old in the commercials he does. He was all smiles last night and chit-chatting with folks as he headed to that high rollers room, but he probably CAN'T be an ass when he's there or folks would be upset with Casino management. I still jam my REO Greatest Hits cd at least once a month. Not a big fan of the others, though. REO put on a kick ass show too. They are all from Chicago so they had like 50 guests there. Our "job" for the night was to sit in the VIP area and make sure that no one bothered Kevin Cronin (the lead singers) parents.
  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/spli...8&type=pitching Pretty much he has decent numbers against everyone in the ALC except for the Indians.
  6. LOL. I met Kenny Rogers last year at our county fair. I couldn't believe how much weight he has put on, or how old he looked. I didn't care much for him either as he was kind of a jerk. One of my best friends is on the grandstand staff so we always help set up all of the bands that come in for the county fairs. Good times. Met some really cool people and some real assholes. But we always have some fun. The biggest prick of all of the years was Travis Tritt of all people. The coolest were REO speedwagon, The Doobie Bros, Charlie Daniels, and the Villiage People of all groups. There are only like 2 of the original people in the VP and they are all straight and married.
  7. Geez, you ever visit Chicago, I am going to have to drag you out here for some blackjack. I'll make sure I get the seat right next to you
  8. Damn I missed it Ugly. Sorry about that. I am glad you guys are paying attention at least
  9. Where is this quote from? Its not from the Trib, I know that much. Here is in. It is from Whitesox.com http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...t=.jsp&c_id=cha
  10. Where is this quote from? Its not from the Trib, I know that much.
  11. Our pitching has been much more dependable this year though. In all reality you couldn't ask for anything more from the startersas a whole, and outside of Rick White and some questionable usage by JM the pen has been good on average. We expected a lot more of our "O", than we did from our pitching. If this team is going to get anywhere it is going to be on the strength of the offense.
  12. This is the most consistant that the offense has been so far. We are getting hits from more and more players throughout the line up. Good signs, and we will see if it keeps up.
  13. http://msnbc.com/news/922190.asp
  14. It would have been Miguel "future all-star" Olivo but no one picked him, so the runner up is D'Angelo with his 7 points from last night, but no one picked him SOOOO, the NEXT players were Jose and Lee tied at 4 points. But Jose loses the tie breakers with more K's and outs, so the winner is Carlos. Pickers were SoxfaninBeverly and JTC2784.
  15. Keep in mind that we did try to sign Acevedo during the off season, so I wouldn't be surprised if we put in a call to him to see what it would take to sign him. Personally I think he has the best chance of landing either in St Louis, San Diego, or Texas.
  16. If you really want a laugh read the Tribunes version of the story. You thought they ripped our security.
  17. With Jimenez, I am surprised that he wasn't pointed at Ray in the dugout...
  18. They call him the Spankable Boystown Rally Monkey
  19. I am drunk, and I know better than that!
  20. southsider2k5


    Spaniard. Nice.
  21. Koch's last 11 apprearances...era of 0.74.
  22. Bonds pops out to start the 9th. Great job by Marte, and Koch is going to come out to try to finish this.
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