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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Only they were talking about a $5000 bet, not $10.
  2. http://espn.go.com/ncf/news/2003/0605/1563467.html
  3. In my book they are all winners
  4. I consider myself a die hard sox fan. I had no interest in watching the game last night. There are better things to do. I didnt even know if they won or lost until a few minutes ago. The key give away was the absence of "this could be the turn around" posts.
  5. http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2003/0604/1563343.html Maybe we should sign him
  6. Just reading about the draft and found this note.
  7. Damn, that probably means I am out then. f***! I want to go SOOOO badly. I have been stalking EBay too, but tickets are averaging $1000 a pair. That is too far out of my range. So if anyone who has tickets backs out at the last minute, let me know!!!!
  8. Tampa's payroll not counting the Vaughn wages is $19 million for the year. Maggs will make $14 mil next year.
  9. I do LOVE watching Badelli play. That kid can flat out FLY. But Maggs for Badelli straight up? No way man. Maybe if it was Crawford and Badelli, but not Rocco alone.
  10. It is just like MLB where NOTHING else is allowed except the material the bat is made of. It is supposed to remain hollow.
  11. I LOVE minor league baseball. I go to see the South Bend Silver Hawks a couple of times a summer at least. Free street parking, $5 tickets, and cheap food. Everybody hustles and wants to be there. They willingly give autographs and interact with fans. The game is still pure at that level.
  12. Preach on Skip! Too bad he left the Trib, he was the only balance that they had for the Cubs Writers.
  13. I would guess two of the bottom 3 listed pitchers Honel, Ring or Cotts.
  14. As opposed to Sammy "camera hugger" Sosa?
  15. No it isn't legal. But what they do with aluminum bats is pop the top off of the bat and put superballs (the high bounce balls) inside of it, and then reseal it. It gives the bat more of a trampoline affect.
  16. When did you find out??? I have been saving the $500 for tickets, and was wondering if I needed to keep waiting or not.
  17. I'll admit it, I went to bed at about 9:30 after the 4th inning. Did people actually stick with it and watch that mess last night?
  18. Here's something interesting from Yahoo.
  19. If anyone else out there entered the all star ticket lottery, has anyone else heard if they got tickets or not? I am still waiting and wondering.
  20. Hey Texsox that is the third time you have picked Maggs already this week. You need to pick someone else! You can only pick a particular player twice in one week between Monday and Sunday.
  21. Or better yet does anyone honestly believe that in the 3 innings between the incident and MLB asking for his bats, that anything illegal would still be there? Hell no, SOMEONE would have cleaned that out, and stuck them in some closet somewhere. That examination proves nothing.
  22. With his solo HR and BB gives him 7 points. Picked by Abozichu, TexSox, WinningUgly, and Steff.
  23. So how do we blow the game today? Does Danny Wright get lit up? No offense against a no name pitcher? Fielding issues? Baserunning blunders?
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