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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Yeah Sammy has been treated SOOO badly as a minority over the course of his career STFU JOSE!!!
  2. PHOENIX -- Mark Grace brought his own corked bat to Arizona's game against the White Sox on Wednesday night. Sammy Sosa's longtime teammate with the Cubs is having a lot of fun with the issue, and not showing much sympathy. After batting practice Wednesday, Grace brought a bat back from the cage and proudly showed it to teammates and in the Arizona Diamondbacks' dugout. Atop the bat was a roll of tape around a long cork. The tip of the cork stuck out like the top of a champagne bottle. "Hey guys," Grace said. "This is my bat. I didn't know it was corked, I didn't know it was corked." He placed it in the bat rack and walked into the clubhouse as Arizona prepared to play the White Sox. Copyright © 2003, The Chicago Tribune
  3. There is no LIST, that would be to organized. The winds of change blow much more randomly than that...
  4. We wouldn't want to disrupt this wonderful team chemistry that we have
  5. Couldn't have happened to a more overblown, overrated, and conceited asswipe. Put "*" by all his HoF stats now..... especially the power numbers. Who knows when he cheated or how often. Sammy's got a better attitude than most other athletes that are as popular as he is. I bet you think Michael Jordan is some sort of role model to, don't ya? Wait til Sammy retires, and they give him the Kirby Puckett treatment. After the Chicago media even dug up dirt on Michael Jordan, you know they will do it to anyone.
  6. Nice posts Yas. You see the game the same way that I do. And yes there are guys on the Sox, and who have been on the Sox, who I can't stand because of the way they approach the game.
  7. Gaylord Perry is in the HOF, there is nothing more that needs to be said.
  8. wow from the grain pits to the army. Good luck man. We'll all be pullin for ya!
  9. Hey Bev, which floor do you work on? I was a clerk at the CBOE for 3 years, and now work for a futures company.
  10. How many different ways are there to say we suck? OH gee we could talk about who needs to be fired again? Or how bad someone does or doesn't suck? This team sucks, there is nothing more to talk about that hasn't been beaten into the ground already.
  11. They are ALL crooks. They have made a mockery of the backbone of our capitalist system. With out stock trading there would be no easy liquid manner to assign a value to corporations. They need to have the book thrown at them.
  12. Hmm maybe we should have a Kirby Puckett wife beating and affairs night. Anyone who brings their mistress gets in free. If you go with your wife you pay double.
  13. Bingo. The guy was a one year wonder. If we are looking at Brewers rejects, we should just stick with either Rowand or Borchard.
  14. He has quit the roids for now, why do you think he lost 20 pounds over the winter?
  15. You forgot the one where he compared his "sufferings" to those of Jesus during the contract problems he had before his last extension.
  16. I used to question the Sosa steroid accusers because he was never hurt. But after he lost the 20 pounds coming into this year once baseball started drug testing, coupled with his couple of temper tantrums and other lies and ego trips, I don't question it anymore.
  17. If there was ever anything that needed to be posted in green
  18. Bayless HATES Sosa, he always was the one guy who would RIP him in the Trib.
  19. Sure, unless his story was a bald faced lie...
  20. and how much cooperation did they get from the Cubs security and employees?
  21. "and that's a good thing"
  22. http://teamonebaseball.rivals.com/drafttea...icago+White+Sox We are through the 37th round now.
  23. Do they know what an xray machine is?
  24. f*** Sammy it was a rip off that he was second before he got busted. Now it is even more of a crime. I could name a half dozen NL OF's who deserve to be on that team more than that no talent ass clown.
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