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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. That was really terrible managing by Manuel. These are the things I see every game and its why the Sox are failing. I'd say they are scoring a run less a game because of what kind of a fool he is as a manager. Either they use Graffy or Josh Paul (Solid Bunter). Those two and Olivo are the only guys that can bunt. Was Josh Paul available at the game yesterday?
  2. Konerko now under .200... Can we see Brian Daubach yet?
  3. I don't know if I would be that confident. The job market sucks dick right now. I have been looking for a better job for the entire 10 months that I have been where I am at and can't find a thing. Good luck man!!! You said better job. If he gets laid off, obviously he is going to just take the best job he can get. Well considering I am in a company that is the bottom of the industry, any job would be a better job. Plus I was in Ugly's position last year after the great company that I worked for got bought and a bunch of people got laid off. It is just a brutal job market right now.
  4. I don't know if I would be that confident. The job market sucks dick right now. I have been looking for a better job for the entire 10 months that I have been where I am at and can't find a thing. Good luck man!!!
  5. I wouldn't count on Loz beating Schil. THink about it we can't score runs off of sorry ass pitchers, Schilling would probably no hit us.
  6. Arizona's Curt Schilling might not be able to make his Wednesday start against the White Sox. After taking a shot off his right hand Friday that was hit by San Diego's Sean Burroughs, Schilling's prospects are iffy. While the veteran right-hander said he expected to go, Diamondbacks trainer Paul Lessard told the Arizona Republic that he was skeptical about Schilling's chances because of the swelling in his right hand. "Am I confident? No," Lessard said.
  7. Heck I made that same play with a 12" softball Friday night while playing SS.
  8. Total Picked % of All Picks Alomar 1 0.94 Crede 8 7.55 Daubach 1 0.94 Graffanino 0 0.00 Jimenez 9 8.49 Konerko 4 3.77 Lee 24 22.64 Olivo 5 4.72 Ordonez 20 18.87 Rios 0 0.00 Borchard 11 10.38 Thomas 17 16.04 Valentin 6 5.66 Totals 106 100
  9. If someone doesn't start you have up until the 1st pitch of the game to change it.
  10. Preach on! Both Clu and Steff are right on! If you want to attack the opinion fine, but don't make it personal.
  11. Yeah I have never quite understood the Red Sox hatred for a guy that their own GM drove off. What was he supposed to do, quit because he ended up a Yankee? That is ignorant. And I do like the Ventura analogy. Just goes to show you that we appreciate good play when we see it.
  12. 11:05 (Chicago) start time so make sure to get in your picks to click early!!!
  13. scoring 10 points with his HR, sac fly, and 3B. Pickers were HotSoxChick, SoxfanBeverly, and ArneHarris Don't forget today is an 11:05 start Chicago time!!!!
  14. I told you guys I was the king of spam! I will have to say that 90% of my posts come at work. When we are slow there is really nothing better to do. Plus I love the off topic board format, that way the baseball people can have their unadulturated baseball, and the Sox4lifeinPA's of the board can have everything else!
  15. Damn I was hoping for a Rick White photoshoot
  16. And to add to that, Joe Borchards walk total all year in Charlotte....5
  17. Because our CF's are sooo great
  18. First thing Jim Rome has gotten right in 4 years. Ah yes the sun shines on a dog's ass every now and then.
  19. Oh sure no mention of me. The guy who started your birthday thread... F you PA!
  20. Today is Jerry Manuel's day to be the ass. 8th inning, 3 run lead, and two excellent lefty's out of the pen available, he goes with the righty. Nice job dumbass.
  21. So he is willing to take "risks" in trades to make this team better, but not willing to take a "risk" when it is a free agent that involves giving up NO IN RETURN???
  22. Marte has a 1-2-3 9th and it is on to extra innings.
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