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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. well he did just win them the game...
  2. This game has been unbelievable. They have are into the 16th inning and neither the Cubs nor Astros have scored a single run. And you thought our offense was bad
  3. So now do people think holding on to Paul was a decent idea? Right now we would be bringing up Jaime Burke!
  4. Eric Rudolph, the longtime fugitive charged in the 1996 Olympic Park bombing and in attacks at an abortion clinic and a gay nightclub, was arrested early Saturday in the mountains of North Carolina. Rudolph had been on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list and had eluded a massive manhunt for five years, much of it in the western North Carolina mountains near where he was caught Saturday. He was captured when Police Officer Jeffrey Postell spotted a man near a grocery about 4:30 a.m. in the small town of Murphy. Worried that he might try to break into a business, he arrested him. "I did not have a clue" who he was, Postell said. Postell took the man to the Cherokee County Sheriff's Department, where he gave a false name and birthdate, Sheriff Keith Lovin said. A deputy who thought he recognized him asked for his name, and he then admitted he was Eric Robert Rudolph, Lovin said. The FBI, confirmed Rudolph's identity through a fingerprint match, authorities said. The next step will be a hearing in federal court in Asheville, where authorities will decide whether Rudolph should be taken to Atlanta or Birmingham, Ala., where the bombings occurred. The FBI had offered a $1 million reward for his capture. "This sends a clear message that we will never cease in our efforts to hunt down all terrorists, foreign or domestic, and stop them from harming the innocent," Attorney General John Ashcroft said in a statement. The 36-year-old Army veteran and experienced outdoorsman hadn't been seen since July 1998 after he took supplies from a health store owner in North Carolina. Authorities believed he had fled into the mountains, and as more time passed with no reported sightings of him, some believed he was dead. "We always thought he was in the mountains of North Carolina somewhere," said Chris Swecker, the lead FBI agent in the state. "No law enforcement agent ever gave up on finding him." The small police and sheriff's departments that cover the region continued to look. Early in the search, authorities ran across some camping sites believed to be Rudolph's and found cartons of oatmeal and raisins, jars of peanuts and vitamins, and cans of tuna. "Quite some time ago, I made the comment if he was in our area, a local officer would be the most likely to stumble across him," Thigpen said. "It's a very appropriate way for him to be captured." Lovin said Rudolph appeared to have lost quite a bit of weight but still looked very much like his picture on wanted posters. He was wearing blue work pants and shirt, jogging shoes, a camouflage jacket and backpack when he was caught. He had a flashlight, but no weapon, and didn't resist when he was arrested, Lovin said. "He was very cooperative, not a bit disrespectful," Postell said. The 1996 bombing at the crowded Olympic park during the summer Olympics in Atlanta followed closely on the heels of the Oklahoma City federal building bombing and stunned the world. The bomb was left hidden in a knapsack in the crowded Centennial Olympic Park on July 27, 1996. When it exploded, it killed one woman and injured 111 other people. Two years later, Rudolph was charged with that attack and in three others -- at a gay nightclub in Atlanta and at an office building north of Atlanta in 1997, and at an abortion clinic in Birmingham in 1998. One police officer was killed. In all, the bombings killed two people and wounded more than 100 people, according to the FBI. Jeff Lyons, whose wife, Emily, was critically injured in the women's clinic attack in Birmingham, said they had never given up hope that Rudolph would be caught. Saturday morning, a friend called after hearing the news. "I turned to Emily, and I said 'What news would be worth being woken up for?'" he said. "This is indeed one of the best days we've had in quite some time." Emily Lyons said she is looking forward to seeing Rudolph face to face when he goes to trial. "You don't have to go to the Middle East to find terrorists. Rudolph is one of them. He terrorized and he murdered," Lyons said. Robert Stadler, whose wife worked at an attorney's office in the Atlanta building that was bombed in 1997, had been inside the building with the couple's baby twins when the bomb exploded. They had made it outside when a second bomb exploded that injured several police officers. "We had moved on from what happened in 1997," Stadler said Saturday, "but always there was a feeling that Eric Rudolph was somewhere." Rudolph, a Florida native who moved to western North Carolina in 1981, was believed to adhere to Christian Identity, a white supremacist religion that is anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-foreigner. Some of the four bombs he is charged with planting included messages from the shadowy "Army of God." The search for Rudolph began a day after the Birmingham blast. He was initially sought as a witness: A gray 1989 Nissan pickup truck registered in his name was seen near the clinic following the explosion. He was tied to the bombings when authorities who searched a storage locker he had rented in Murphy found nails like those used in the clinic attacks. At its height, the search for Rudolph in the mountainous region in western North Carolina, just over the Tennessee border, included more than 200 federal agents. In 2000, it was scaled back to less than a handful of agents working out of a National Guard Armory just outside Murphy. Pockets of western North Carolina have had a reputation as a haven for right-wing extremists. Some there mocked the government's inability to find Rudolph with bloodhounds, infrared-equipped helicopters and space-age motion detectors -- and some said they would hide him if asked. The FBI had said it believed Rudolph was somewhere in the Nantahala National Forest, living on his own, breaking into vacant vacation cabins, stealing from local gardens.
  5. Word? what word? Oh you must be using one of those cool younguns phrases...
  6. I have noticed that they seem to be working away away from Joe. I wonder where the comfort zone is in his swing. With his long swing I'll bet he likes the ball down, but that is just a guess. Anyone know anymore?
  7. lol Kings of Spam my ass. On ESPN I had about 11K posts in about 10 months. And I am even averaging 35 posts a day here. Actually all that is, is sad.
  8. Espesially since those loyal Cleveland fans have continued to support their team through the lean times
  9. Now can you imagine if Frank had said the samething as Sosa? It would have been national news. Instead no big deal. :fyou the Cub loving media.
  10. Have a good time, I don't get to go anywhere til the 4th of July weekend
  11. please tell me you dont live there... thats right down the street from me and ian.......... Uh oh, that might be too much info
  12. It is better than the alternative. He would have been well within his rights just to toss Olivo and leave us without a catcher!
  13. Kimm also got in some words about the strike calling. At one point you could see he in that joke of an umps face saying "that's twice" In reference to the 5 foot high strike to Maggs, and the six inch high strike to Jimenez. Kimm got his money's worth.
  14. Does it really matter, you'll just get ripped for it anyway
  15. If we fire JM we are going to hire Wally Backman. Book it. he is a hot commodity and JR won't want him to get away. It will kill two birds with one stone.
  16. I am locking this thread due to the game being postponned. None of these picks are being counted, and anyone who wants to makes picks for tommorrow needs to do so under Sunday June 1st thread!!!
  17. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=230531105
  18. Or the fact he is overpaid and doesn't care anymore?
  19. Are we going to see this post every week?
  20. http://espn.go.com/mlb/s/2003/0529/1560431.html
  21. Dude you realize that all 3 of your first points would get you laughed at. KC wants a 3B, 2B and a CF for Beltran. One of them has to be a cheap young star, two have to be huge prospects. Beltran wants 8 years at $15 mil per. Boras is his agent He isn't signing in Chicago or for $50mil. Colon is going to look for something much longer than 4 years. The per year might even be a little low depending on the Yankee effect of how many of their pitchers retire or leave, and how much they spend to replace them. Thomas can't be released, he has a dual option that we have to pay to get rid of him. He has a series of 4 one year contracts already signed. Jimenez at SS would be worse than Valentin. He has a lesser arm, less range, no work ethic, and a propensity to make the routine plays interesting.
  22. http://espn.go.com/mlb/columns/neyer_rob/1560894.html Neyers take on the deal. I have always wondered what the big deal was about Hillenbrand.
  23. Yea, so we get to be embarassing on two continents
  24. http://www.msnbc.com/news/919993.asp?0cv=CB20
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