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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. You what I screwed up, for whatever reason I wasn't even looking at Maggs. Probably because of when he hit it, I had been looking at the box score in the top of top of the 8th to see who won. The 3 run homer by Maggs was worth 8 points by itself. Plus his walk and other run scored made 10 points to 7 for Jimenez. The Maggs pickers were TexSox, HSC, SoxfaninBeverly, IDSeer, and Steff. Sorry about the mix up, thanks for paying attention to all!!!
  2. Jimenez is the PTC winner and the only guy who picked him was WhiteSox247. I love a gutsy pick! Congrats!
  3. damn I want to say that more often! Great job Jon Garland!
  4. Damn it, Billy Koch in to pitch the 9th. I was hoping they would let Jon finish.
  5. They would play worst than Jose is playing...i dont think so. Stick to soccer, Rafa, K? Oley, Oley, Ole, Oley.... This guys love Jose and his dick...i dont know why??? Jose is sucking offensevelly and defensevelly. Don't be an asshole....I like Jose as a player because of his range and what he helped us do in 2000. He is a SS with power. Of course I don't like him at the plate now....anyone that does is goddamn clueless. You find me a SS with 25 homer power that doesn't strike out 180 times, and I bet that he costs more than $5 mill. I was trying to be nice, but saying I like "Jose and his dick" is getting personal. I could say something about you liking "D'Angelo Jimenez and his dick", but I will not. I am mature enough not to resort to personal attacks. I could also say soccer is for dweebs....but I do not. Why? Because I am mature enough to respect your opinion on soccer. I personally do not like soccer....but I'm not attacking you, am I? Amen. No need to be personal. Keep it clean.
  6. They would play worst than Jose is playing...i dont think so. You'll either just have to take my word for it, or ask around. See what people say....ask them if a combo of Valentin-Jimenez or Jimenez-Miles looks better. IMO, DJ in SS and Miles in 2B. Jose has give too much game away... I haven't seen enough of Miles defensively, but there is a reason they moved Jimenez to 2B.
  8. This has been a great 9th inning. 3 huge runs added to the scoreboard on great hitting by Jimenez and Carlos. Now hopefully JM will send Jon out for the 9th to at least try for the shutout. He deserves that much with a 5 run lead. He only has 98 pitches through 8. Just keep him on a short leash.
  9. It is all mental. He gets scared and doesn't believe in his stuff way too often. Then he starts to nibble and falls behind hitters. And his stuff isn't good enough to pitch 2-0, 3-1 to hitters. He needs to be 0-1, 1-2 for his curve and sinker to be effective. But yes Great Game Jon!
  10. He might quit before then. The Boss just TOLD him that Jose Contreras was starting Friday against the Tigers. And you though that KW interfered with JM?
  11. He is at 98 pitches, and Billy Koch is warming in the pen... doesn't seem like that CG is going to happen for Jon unless we get some runs here.
  12. 5.00 is the Navarro line? Man I would have thought 6.00 at least if not 7 or 8! If you take his career ERA, and his ERA with us, then they average out to around 5.00.....I guess. Anyways....what's the difference between a 5.00 ERA and an 8.00 ERA? They're both s***ty! But you get under 5.00...and you're a Cy Young candiate! Gosh....I thought everyone knew that. Well there is s***ty, and then there is Jaime "damn they don't score enough runs for me" Navarro. Man would he love being on this team
  13. So does Konerko. I don't care who plays first anymore as long as they can HIT!
  14. You don't give a guy that big of a % of your teams salary if your a lower market team or a lower payroll team. Its just not smart cause it handcuffs you with all other deals. I think they can sign him for 10 mill a year and at that price its alright to have one high priced guy. And there is no way that Maggs takes a 30% paycut. Heck someone will give him at least what he was making, if not more. SS2k3... Maggs at $10 mill a year is too cheap, however, he wouldn't necessarily be taking a 30% pay cut. He would be in the final year of his deal, and a lot of times, in the final years of deals, players get paid the most. 5 years, $60 mill....$12 mill a year.....would be good. He earns more per year then he does on his current contract(a little less then $10 mill a year) and he makes a little less in his first year then he does in his last year. I would guess that someone like Boston or NY Yanks will step in and offer him 5 years at $15 mil. Look at the deal that Thome got. I think Maggs can get about the same annual amount for less years.
  15. As of the last few weeks he hasn't even been doing that much. He was great at getting on in April, but lately he hasn't even been walking at all.
  16. As of now, I am willing to let Frank play 1B everyday if he goes out and drives in runs with RISP. Why not?
  17. 5.00 is the Navarro line? Man I would have thought 6.00 at least if not 7 or 8!
  18. Actually the intent of the government was never to be the nations biggest employer. Don't you realize all of those government employees with their huge benefits are being paid by you and I? I have no interest in having my tax dollars going to things that SHOULD be done by the private sector. the government has ZERO business being involved in so many of the things that it does. Do you realize how much less effecient at most private sector activities? I don't have the #'s on this but I would bet that it takes the government at least $1.25 to do what the private sector could do for a dollar. And the last part of your statement just bolsters my outrage at the system. It wasn't just a fight. This guy and his son made a blind attack on a defenseless person. It wasn't like two guys duking it out in a bar over a girl. These two guys nearly beat Gamboa senseless. They cost him part of his hearing permanently. He will never get back what these two lowlifes took from him. His punishment ends in 5 years, when does Gamboa's punishment for being in the wrong place at the wrong time end? HE DID NOTHING! And IF someone attacked me or anyone else in a way that Gamboa was attacked along with all of the other illegal things he was doing at the time (criminal tresspassing, high on 5 drugs, intoxication etc..) He should get more than 5 damned years. Once again our goverment is so worried about things like sex, censorship and other moral issues that have no bearing on another persons life, and wasting our resourses, that legimate needs of society from their government gets short changed
  19. You don't give a guy that big of a % of your teams salary if your a lower market team or a lower payroll team. Its just not smart cause it handcuffs you with all other deals. I think they can sign him for 10 mill a year and at that price its alright to have one high priced guy. And there is no way that Maggs takes a 30% paycut. Heck someone will give him at least what he was making, if not more.
  20. Thanks Jas, I couldn't remember who was doing them so I figured I ask. And tell him to come up with a luckier wallpaper, May's was like a kick in the nuts!
  21. Now you are talking Jerry's language!!!
  22. I was thinking the same thing myself. Welcome over Bob!
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