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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Well tonight ought to be another occasion for this thread to be used. Tor going for the sweep, and Jon Garland on the mound.
  2. I agree. Maggs should bat third if Thomas is not starting or hurt. Lee bats cleanup until Konerko starts SOMETHING. Rios or Daubach or anyone else batting 3rd would be a mistake, and it shows. I wouldn't hit Carlos behind Maggs. It gives Carlos more protection with him in front of Maggs. I would hit Val #2 Carlos #3 and Maggs #4, with Frank on the bench.
  3. I am going to go out on a limb and say Frank Thomas
  4. I'm not sure who did April and May's but is anyone going to do a June Soxnet/Soxtalk wallpaper???
  5. Enjoy. Read only if you don't offend easily!!! http://www.theonion.com/onion3920/its_not_easy.html
  6. lol. Sorry I couldn't resist that 3-0 fastball.
  7. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...hilling_umpires
  8. oh i see how ya are now... i ask all the time and get nothing .. let the little virgin ask once and poof there it is............uh huh... see if i toot your horn anymore....... Toot his what?
  9. http://encarta.msn.com/collegeArticles/Par...artySchools.asp
  10. This one is funny, SARS is from space evidently... http://content.health.msn.com/content/arti...le/65/72723.htm
  11. But you can never have enough pitching...nevermind if your system is devoid of ready made positional talent... I told you guys ESPN had a wealth of undiscovered posting talent If only LSD, Rdivaldi, Boog and whitesox6011 could be enticed to switch over..... God anyone but Boog... I miss the rest of those guys though. Not to be all horn-tooting about it...but as soon as I signed up here I was practically begging Rio to bribe B-Joe, you, EJ and the rest of the gang into coming over... Yay fror me! Who did you post as over there? DimaAl88. I posted a bit in late 2000 and a few more times in 2001. But I do remember you guys though and i remember Mario just starting out with SN. I gotcha. I remember hearing about some of you guys from some of the "old timers" I take it you kept reading the board then for a while. What made you leave it?
  12. But you can never have enough pitching...nevermind if your system is devoid of ready made positional talent... I told you guys ESPN had a wealth of undiscovered posting talent If only LSD, Rdivaldi, Boog and whitesox6011 could be enticed to switch over..... God anyone but Boog... I miss the rest of those guys though. Not to be all horn-tooting about it...but as soon as I signed up here I was practically begging Rio to bribe B-Joe, you, EJ and the rest of the gang into coming over... Yay fror me! Who did you post as over there?
  13. Well it seems like we don't have to worry about any of these things happening
  14. I could be wrong for sure. When it was announced that is how we at ESPN.com understood the deal, as far as I can remember...
  15. That isn't how I understood the deal. I thought it was a series of 4 1 year deals with dual buyout options for both parties. If one party wanted out of the deal they could pay something like $2.5 mil and the rest of the deals were null and void. The talk was that if Frank had a big year he could buy it out and walk away for a huge contract.
  16. But you can never have enough pitching...nevermind if your system is devoid of ready made positional talent... I told you guys ESPN had a wealth of undiscovered posting talent If only LSD, Rdivaldi, Boog and whitesox6011 could be enticed to switch over..... God anyone but Boog... I miss the rest of those guys though.
  17. I just did a google search on it. I put a link to the full story above it.
  18. But that was from the Expos, this is a different point of the game. I think we could easily land two top prospects for Colon. Guys usually become more valuable as they get closer to the trading deadline. Think if the Yankees continue to struggle what some of our players could be worth to them...
  19. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/sp...all/print.phtml Here is the answer to the mound question.
  20. But you can never have enough pitching...nevermind if your system is devoid of ready made positional talent...
  21. Anything in the lower deck is a good seat except for the sections right next to the picnic area in CF. I love to sit out in LF behind the Sox pen, but that is IMO. .
  22. Blood spilled out of Daniel Hannant's right ear. He lay on the infield, his skull fractured in three places, his brain swollen, his life forever changed. Hannant was pitching for Downstate Pittsfield High School in April 2000 when a scorching line drive off an aluminum bat struck the side of his head. That bat, a 33-inch, 28-ounce "Air Attack" model made by Hillerich & Bradsby Co., is at the center of a federal lawsuit Hannant filed this month against the company as well as a larger debate about the safety of aluminum baseball bats. The "Air Attack" was legal at the time of the incident but no longer meets regulations imposed two years ago by the National Federation of High Schools, partly because of safety concerns. Such incidents also have prompted broader calls to ban non-wood bats from baseball, a debate that divides some people within the sport more than the designated hitter. Over the last three decades, amateur baseball teams have almost unanimously traded their wooden bats for metal. It is a decision based partly on performance and partly on price. An aluminum bat can last for years, while wood bats can shatter the first time they strike a ball. But opponents say some aluminum bats hit balls so hard that pitchers standing 60 feet from the plate have no time to react. While manufacturers agree that the ball comes off an aluminum bat with greater velocity, they contend that no data has shown metal bats to be more dangerous than wood. Despite the lack of conclusive data, Massachusetts has banned non-wooden bats from high school tournament games, and more than half of the state's high school leagues require wood bats in the regular season. A study by Amherst College coach Bill Thurston showed that between 1991 and 2001, 10 players were killed by batted balls--eight off aluminum bats and two off wooden bats. Blowing the whistle Daniel Hannant spent 11 days in a coma, and when he came out of it his ears were ringing. Three years later the ringing hasn't stopped, and he said his doctors don't believe it ever will. He also has a 20 percent hearing loss in his right ear. "You learn to live with it," he said. Hannant cannot remember the ball coming toward him or any other detail about the incident. But he has a clearer recollection of how he ended up in U.S. District Court in Chicago, where he filed suit this month seeking $80,000 in medical costs and an undetermined amount of punitive damages. A key moment in the decision to sue came when a family member surfing the Internet found the name of Jack MacKay, one of the designers of the Air Attack bat and a witness against Hillerich & Bradsby in several lawsuits. MacKay quit the firm in 1997 after 11 years, saying company officials had ignored his warnings that the Air Attack was dangerous. He later told Copley News Service that he didn't want his legacy to be that he helped "kill a kid." "We knew who he was, and yes, [MacKay] gave us some information on the bats that was helpful," said Toni Hannant, Daniel's mother. The Hannants said MacKay told them H&B knew the bat's design increased the risk of injury to pitchers. Though Hannant's lawsuit refers to MacKay, Hannant's attorney, Robert A. Chapman, said he never discussed the case with the former consultant, now a wood-bat manufacturer in Texas. "He told us his whole story, how the bat maker wouldn't change, so he quit," Daniel Hannant said of MacKay. "I never met him, but he was encouraging to us. He thought we should go ahead with the lawsuit. Yeah, we trusted what he said." To many involved in the bat debate, MacKay is a lightning rod. But MacKay isn't talking about aluminum bats anymore. H&B sued him in 1998, claiming he misrepresented data. The court agreed and earlier this year found him in contempt of court, ordering him to stop talking about the subject. "At this point, Jack's done altogether talking about aluminum bats," said Joe White, his attorney. Before that ruling, MacKay said, he testified in more than a dozen lawsuits against bat makers, advised legislators who wanted to ban non-wooden bats, and spoke out on how bat manufacturers "fraudulently represented" critical testing information. H&B officials paint MacKay as an opportunist with a history of deceit. The company contends MacKay fabricated data that then was used to produce bats under the Louisville Slugger label. H&B also contends that MacKay falsified his resume, claiming to have an engineering degree and a bachelor's degree in agricultural engineering from Mississippi State University. In fact, records presented in court attacking his credibility show he flunked out. MacKay declined to comment on the specifics of his academic background, saying, "My credentials are what this is all about, isn't it?" His credentials were accepted in the case of Jeremy Brett, an Oklahoma high school pitcher who also was struck by a line drive off an Air Attack bat in 2001. Brett required four hours of surgery, five metal plates, 75 staples and 12 screws to treat his head injuries. MacKay spent a day on the witness stand testifying to the dangers of the bat he designed. "I invented the atom bomb and didn't realize it until we got out there and shot it," he said, according to the Daily Oklahoman. A jury awarded Brett $100,000. The Los Angeles Second District Court of Appeals also cited MacKay's expertise last December when it ruled an injured college pitcher could sue the University of Southern California, the Pacific-10 Conference and the NCAA. Three years ago, MacKay filed a petition with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission asking the agency to come out against non-wooden bats. The petition was denied a year later because of insufficient data. "I know there are theories that aluminum bats are more dangerous," commission spokesman Ken Giles said. "But we couldn't show statistically that balls batted by aluminum bats pose a greater danger than those batted by wood." Is it a weapon? Nonetheless, the NCAA five years ago took some life out of aluminum bats, not because of safety concerns but because of worries about the integrity of the game. Scoring had exploded, culminating with a 21-14 final score in the College World Series title game. High schools followed suit in 2001. According to the new rules, all bats now must be 2 5/8 inches or less in diameter--down 1/8 of an inch--and a bat's length cannot exceed its weight by a factor of more than three. The differential used to be five, as it was with the bat that hit the ball at Daniel Hannant. Thus, a 34-inch bat now must weigh at least 31 ounces, specifications that help limit the ball's speed coming off the bat. That speed, referred to as the BESR--ball exit speed ratio--cannot exceed 97 m.p.h. Every bat that meets those requirements carries a stamp of approval or it cannot be used in college or high school baseball. Many coaches link those changes with a decrease in runs and home runs per game in each of the last four NCAA seasons. Others point to modifications made to a baseball that studies show may have been "juiced." Marty Archer, president of the Louisville Slugger division of Hillerich&Bradsby, stressed that all of his company's bats meet the new requirements. Moving on Daniel Hannant just finished his classes at a community college in Pittsfield. He wants to be a police officer. He enjoys life, still likes baseball and only gets angry about what happened to him when he hears criticism of the lawsuit he filed. "I see it in chat rooms on the Internet or people compare me to the person who sued McDonald's because the coffee was too hot, and that [ticks] me off," Hannant said. "But I can handle it. [Hillerich&Bradsby was] at fault. The bat shouldn't have been used." Others like Dave Keilitz, president of the American Baseball Coaches Association, aren't so sure. "The ball's not coming off the bat with the speed it was four years ago, and that's good," he said. "Still, our association recognizes, as everybody should, that unfortunately there are inherent dangers at the college and high school level. And there's danger whether it's an aluminum or a wood bat."
  23. Of all the dumbasses to blast proposed changes to Comiskey, the guys at Arlington Stadium should be one of the last. That stadium is just a big hodgepodge of everybody else's original ideas, all shoved into one park. Out of the new stadiums that I have seen, it is the worst.
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