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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Can you believe any governments????
  2. Didn't Bob Gibson have his 1.12 era in 1968? It was after that. I was thinking 1970 but I could be wrong...
  3. Why do you keep calling people assholes? I guess that is his opinion
  4. wow only 2 ER since tax day. That is very impressive.
  5. When they lowered the mound in 1970 how tall was it before? 12"?
  6. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...8/wl_nm/sars_dc
  7. Actually I am fully in support of making prisioners work while they are in prision. I am torn on the chain-gangs, as it borders on humiliation, or cruel and unusual punishment. But if they are able bodied and able minded, there is no reason that doing hard time shouldn't mean doing hard work. Espesially for non-violent offenders there is plenty of community work that they could be doing.
  8. Might tell you why Matt Clement has gone from incredible to edible very quickly...
  9. I guess the term "better" prisions was the wrong choice of words. There is no way prisioners should be getting college degrees on my tax dollars when my wife and I owe $60 for our college degrees. What kind of a system is that? My tax dollars should be keeping them away from society, is a better way of putting it, until they have served their debt to society.
  10. IMO, 5 years is good enough. The guy was admittedly high and drunk. If, and so far he has, he gets help and turns things around then good for him. People who commit worse crimes get far less. EXACTLY he was high and drunk and supervising kids. Why does being high and drunk in anyway LESSEN what he did????? To me that is like the difference between a robbery and a robbery at gunpoint. If you are drunk and high that makes more crimes that he committed. To me that is exaserbating (sp) the exsisting crime, not excusing it. 5 years is a crime all by itself. And personally I don't give a s*** about higher taxes. If it means things like better schools and prisions I am all for it. IMO that is one of the problems in society today is that the government pays so damned much money regulating peoples lives and thoughts that we don't have enough money for things that the government was intented to provide such a security and safety. This guy brutally attacked someone and is getting off lightly, and I don't feel safe with this guy walking around on the street. Southsider.. he was not the only adult there. There were 3 of them. He left the group in the first inning and they didn't see him again until the 5th. And I didn't excuse anything. Had he stuck with the not guilty plea he likely would have just ended up with probation. The guys is trying. Sheesh. And maybe you don't care about paying the taxes, but I - along with probably 99.9% of the US population -do. Isn't that almost exactly what happened to the last idiot who hopped out onto the field after and ump? As for the higher taxes I do preface that with if it meant better schools and prisions. Like I said government spending is so damned wrong in general it is just wrong. We spend so much money worrying about what people say and think (censorship type issues, sexuality issues etc) that could actually be put to use education people, or getting people to work, it makes me sick. Government was originally intended provide just the basic services that utopian farmers couldn't provide for themselves, such as societial security, instead we waste money giving idiot Senators time to tell us what morals we should live by, while we set criminals free because of the costs of enforcing the moralistic crap that gets passed. It just ends up the the legal system has become another victium of the bloated government.
  11. southsider2k5


    That stuff was the big knock on him before he got here is that he was lazy. That is why he would get off to quick starts and then fade is because his work ethic would catch up with him. Hopefully he keeps up the hard work because it is paying off big time for him.
  12. IMO, 5 years is good enough. The guy was admittedly high and drunk. If, and so far he has, he gets help and turns things around then good for him. People who commit worse crimes get far less. EXACTLY he was high and drunk and supervising kids. Why does being high and drunk in anyway LESSEN what he did????? To me that is like the difference between a robbery and a robbery at gunpoint. If you are drunk and high that makes more crimes that he committed. To me that is exaserbating (sp) the exsisting crime, not excusing it. 5 years is a crime all by itself. And personally I don't give a s*** about higher taxes. If it means things like better schools and prisions I am all for it. IMO that is one of the problems in society today is that the government pays so damned much money regulating peoples lives and thoughts that we don't have enough money for things that the government was intented to provide such a security and safety. This guy brutally attacked someone and is getting off lightly, and I don't feel safe with this guy walking around on the street.
  13. The Wrigley Field pitching mound was lowered by one-half inch before the homestand, after a measurement by the league. "To the best of my knowledge, it was too high," Baker said. "I think they went all over the league and did it. I wish they would tell somebody. ... "The mounds are different all over the league. Some look like a molehill. Some look like Mt. Everest. You see it all over. When I was in Dodger Stadium, our mound looked like it was high as heck. You aren't doing anything illegal intentionally." Kerry Wood said it was no big deal. "They took some of the slope out," Wood said. "It's not that big of an issue. It's not any significant problem."
  14. lol. Lucky them, the rest of us keep seeing this mess live. It is like a car wreck, you just can't stop staring.
  15. defensively Miles is worse than Jimenez at 2B, and #2 there is a reason that Jimenez isn't a SS anymore...
  16. southsider2k5


    A bad feeling? Nah, I am just going to have plenty of beer on hand...
  17. Anyone think that Joe likes hitting in the Skydome?
  18. Yeah Joe and his tape measure power will at least be interesting.
  19. We should stuff the ballot box for Aaron Rowand just to prove the system is busted and they need to fix it.
  20. 5 years what a f***ing joke :fyou Ligue :fyou lawyers
  21. i may be doing that soon anyhow and for different reasons though...........but i bet i left ya with a nasty image of jr in your mind now didnt i........... :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke
  22. Has Munoz looked any better lately? He was awful in April and I haven't heard anything since. On Ring, I think if he keeps up anywhere near the pace he has been at he will get a September cup of tea.
  23. Looks like Yofu had a good outing. Is 7 innings the most that he has pitched so far?
  24. How many guys in the clubhouse have said this already? Man the attitude of this team is really starting to stink.
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