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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Way to leave out the end of the quote. You know for someone who complains about Frank being "misunderstood", you think you would have more class than to take half of a quote from an article.
  2. Garland, Buehrle, Colon vs Williams, Foppert, and Rueter-respectively
  3. They did skip Wright. It was in the Trib today.
  4. SF seems to teach great pitching. They always seem to be able to revive pitchers. Plus except for the RF line they play in the biggest pitchers park outside of Comerica.
  5. looks like you beat me to it!
  6. for Cali!!! for Mathew!!! for both!!!
  7. It was for the whole thing. That is why the reply was to the whole thread and not just a quote of the one comment.
  8. I hate the idea too. You are there representing your team. If they are going to do away with the team uni's then they should quit having a rep from every team.
  9. New York Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi is the latest player to question Major League Baseball's decision to make All-Stars wear specially designed league uniforms in the game July 15 at U.S. Cellular Field. The longtime tradition of players wearing their own teams' uniforms at the All-Star Game apparently is over now that teams are playing for home-field advantage in the World Series. "I think it's stupid," Giambi said before Sunday's game at Wrigley Field. "It's another stupid idea they've got going on. The whole exciting part that the fans have is to see every player in their own uniform. I mean, we're not a softball team, so I don't think we should all be dressed in the same uniform. That's the fun part of it, going there and everybody wearing their different uniforms." Giambi said he hopes MLB changes its mind, but that isn't likely because it is trying to market the uniforms. Players have worn American and National League uniforms during batting practice and in the home-run derby, which is no problem for Giambi. "That's fine, but on game day?" he said. "The biggest thing is wearing your uniform out there. That's what it's all about."
  10. I did read the whole thing... and the comment was meant for the whole thing.
  11. Have you ever met the man? Have you ever really listened t what he has said? Have you ever talked to his teammates, past and present, for their real feelings? Even Konerko said Thomas "carried the team on his back", and "we need him". Have you ever been in the clubhouse, or even near it? Thomas is no cancer, he's the cure and has been. But when he's been injured, people like you bail out on him. Stay off the band wagon, Frank and his fans don't need two faced assholes to back him up only when he's hitting. f*** you, frontrunner. Way to make an arguement. If you can't beat em, use 4 letter words.
  12. Matt Ginter. He deserved to be here March 31st!
  13. Joe from what I have seen and understand is anything but uncoachable. He is a brilliant young man who was attending the Harvard of the West in Stanford. They have been working with him and have already changed the plane of his swing and are working on shortening it up. It took them two years to get Joe Crede's swing ready for the big leagues and that is after Crede has been playing baseball all of his life. Borchard is a raw work in progress. Once again for everyone who is jumping off of bridges because of Borchard this guy is playing in only his SECOND FULL SEASON of baseball. His whole life he played football first then baseball. This kid is learning on the job. Giving up on him at this stage of his career is senseless.
  14. He got off to a horrible start, but had been pitching much better as of late, last that I heard.
  15. Well said. Tony is a great sparkplug, but not a starter. He is a great roleplayer who can come off of the bench and give someone a day off.
  16. Oh Boy!! I really like you Rex, you're one of many many reasons I basically stick to this board and have left the others. Just warning you though in cyber friendship. This topic has literally gone nuclear on other boards with pro Frank and anti Frank people going at each other. The fact is the truth hurts. People don't want to believe their superstars are human. It is a fact that Chicago has 2 of the biggest egotistical superstar baseball players in all of MLB. Just like people didn't want to be believe that Michael Jordan could be betting hundreds of thousands of dollars on golf and such, while carrying on affairs, but it happened.
  17. This trade was never in question. This was a White Sox winner from day 1.
  18. Heck Loz should only have 1 loss. He had that 1-0 "L" also.
  19. If anyone can get Leifer to hit his potential it is Pinella. If he fails in Tampa he is done at the major league level.
  20. It just goes to show you the mental weaknesses the guy has since he can't hit as a DH. I don't know why but he just can't stay in the game unless he is playing 1B.
  21. I get the feeling that Ray will go off this weekend. I just hope to see Miguel gun him at second a couple of times.
  22. southsider2k5

    Bulls Rumors

    I wonder if salary cap room would allow for a deal with Boston for Antoine Walker. I know he has really fallen out of favor in Boston, and would be coming back home. He would be the big time scorer that we lack.
  23. I am not sure who said it, but that was the first time all year we scored 10 earned runs in one game.
  24. The plane ride home will likely cure whatever illness they had today. LOL I think we'll see Kong back at 1B Tuesday with Frank DHing for some unknown reason. I doubt it. Jerry has already said that Pauly will go to DH in Chicago, with Frank at first.
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