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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Colon 93 pitches through 7 IP Frank Thomas RBI double ( A CLUTCH HIT FOR FRANK!!) I'd call that getting lucky!
  2. LOL! Apu are you avoiding controversy to talk about the Sox??? OMG! Bartolo is looking great. The question becomes does Marte come out for the 8th or does Colon go back out there?
  3. ya know what... i dont think she should be playing either.. they have their own seperate leagues.. if the competition is that bad in the lpga then ya think she would be glad to be winning all the time huh............... lol.......girls dont have to do everything guys do........ The only thing that bothers me is almost everyone else is there because they earned it. Either they went through Q school or they played the minor tour and placed high enough to be there. Sorenstam is there because the sponsors knew it would draw attention, simple as that. IMO if she is good enough to qualify the way men have to, more power to her and let her play. Right now she is just a ratings paws for the networks. They might as well put her out there topless and just exploit her for all its worth.
  4. Let me be clear about how the picks work. You must SPECIFY ONE PLAYER. Not a position, not a first and second choice... just one specific player. It is too hard to take more than one choice, or to wait and see who plays a specific position. That is why I give everyone up until the first pitch of the game to make, or to change their choices. That way everyone has the chance to see the line ups and to switch their picks at the last minute if need be. If people have optional picks or position picks it just increases the chance that I will screw something up in my bookkeeping and get a person the wrong pick. Thank you all, and thanks to everyone for playing. Any questions or comments please do not hesitate to reply to my message or send me a private message if you feel more comfortable with it.
  5. Ouch. Man if that was me and I had a sniper rifle...
  6. DUCK!!! In other words, I don't think she should be playing, but I am not stupid enough to pull a VJ Singh!
  7. They just replaced the audio and video of Carlos coming back into the dug out after his catch. Some is in the backround going "Oh My God!" LMAO! Man that was an awesome catch and play. GREAT job Carlos!!!
  8. I said it earlier. Carlos ceded the Dumbass baton to D'Angelo.
  9. OH MY GOD WHAT A CATCH BY CARLOS!!!! A diving catch that ended up being a double play, hell it would have been a triple play if no one was out!
  10. HAHAHA! That's exactly what I thought after watching this commercial a few times [it takes a bit of time to not have the girl's O-E-O MAAAAAGLIO not make blood shoot out of one's ears because it's such a shrill voice] We haven't done s*** recently. We go from the '59 pennant to the '83 playoff team to the best we got is O-E-O and Jose! Jose! Jose! PA-THET-IC. LMAO! Because of that damned girl's voice, I really didn't think ABOUT the commercial until the last couple of times I saw it. Then after it his me I started to do this steam, and had to vent. maybe this should have gone in Heathers world famous venting thread!
  11. Are you talking about the one where they little girls sings O-E-O and Jose, Jose, Jose Jose? Cuz yeah that one is pretty sad. And you know what everytime I see this commercial it pisses me off even more. You've got the grandpa talking about the 1959 World Series team. You got've the Dad talking about the 1983 Winning Ugly team that had the best record in baseball. Then you've got the little girl talking about Maggs and Jose. INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS! :fyou Not about what we have won! :fyou The sad thing is, is this commerical is basically a Fruedian slip of what is exactly what is wrong with this team. Too many individuals not enough team. Maybe Gallas knew better what he was doing with that commercial than we all gave him credit for??
  12. How did the semester end Apu? Good grades?
  13. Big inning for Bart. He needs to get out of this without giving up anything for momentums sake. Those two two out runs could be huge.
  14. That is one way to do it! Line drive off of DOug Davis that ends up being an RBI infield hit. 2-0 Sox.
  15. Here is the spot for my PTC to SHINE
  16. Yeah I can handle that. Send me an email with all of the details.
  17. http://whitesox.blogspot.com/ This is the site all of the info gets kept on.
  18. all right then. I'll have to get that beer from you later. I am outta here for now.
  19. What about Texas? PA and I are going to a Rangers game over the 4th of July.
  20. I forgot about Kelly. He has to be a bright spot considering he hasn't given up a run all year. And I think he either has given up only 1 or 2 hits all year.
  21. I can't believe you guys all stuffed the box that badly. lol.
  22. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nba/story/6382055
  23. southsider2k5

    Hey Ugly

    Did you ever find out if you were going to get into Chicago this summer?
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