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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. But the last few years I have always kind of wondered if the Twins were stealing signs in the dome. For whatever reason they always seem to be on every pitch from every pitcher. The Twins have been accused of this in the past, but never really proven or disproven. What does everyone else think?
  2. Garland for Drew straight up, I couldn't pull the trigger quick enough. But I like the line of thinking that this thread is running on. The Cards and Sox are good matches for some deals. These are two teams to keep an eye on. Besides even if Garland gets dealt to the Cards and becomes consistant, at least we will be helping the Cards to beat the Cubs!!!
  3. Hee, Hee I was actually thinking about you. I just went into my bank at 11:50 to get a roll of quarters. BTW I don't think the whole foot up the ass thing is good customer servive IMO
  4. I'll be there at 12:55, pennies and all.
  5. This was a Jerry move. He has said that he wants Willie to play "every day in CF"
  6. Don't forget Garland's best outing this year was against the Twins.
  7. JINXERS each and everyone of you!!!
  8. Is there anything west of New York City?
  9. AND TRY NOT TO SUCK ANY DICKS IN THE PARKING LOT!!! Hey you two come back here!!!
  10. Let me PM Jason... I wanted you guys to be able to open and close topics if anything.
  11. If you look at the topics on a board, you will see the one that are stuck up top permanently. Those are pinned topics (unpinned moves them back to the regular section) closing a topic locks it so that no one else can post in it.
  12. I worked for 3 years in the AOL pit of the CBOE ( best job ever!) now I work for a futures firm on an institutional desk.
  13. I still can't do anything so it's just you still SS. Alex is rarely around. Do you have something at the top of your page that saids logged in as Winning Ugly (Log Out\ Mod CP)? That Mod CP is your moderators controls. If you click it, it should take you into the PTC stuff. Then if you click the Pick To Click title under forumn it will take you into the section where you pin, close, unpin etc.
  14. Man I love traders hours. Have a good weekend all and GO SOX!!! PS get in your picks to click!
  15. Sounds pretty much like Minnesota to me!!! .
  16. We should probably wait to see if this kid ever pitches in the majors before getting TOO excited about this trade.
  17. Meh, I am just done with him and his garbage. I have no interest in feeding the troll. Have fun with what you want to do, it is just IMO that all it does is embolden him. I think if everyone quits posting over there, so will he, and he will move onto his next board.
  18. southsider2k5

    Rod Beck

  19. I am sure he gets a Sept call up if he keeps anywhere near the way he has been. Whoelse would they call up? I also think that he would be the first player recalled if Jimenez, Graffy, or Val gets hurt.
  20. Go ahead and leave the old PTC threads up there, that way people can look back and see what picks that they have already made. I have been leaving them there for that reason.
  21. Heck that game early in April when Frank got hit again, and our bench was empty before the first guy from KC even set foot on the field.
  22. Both Comiskeys, both Arlington's the old one sucked, the new one is OK, the Astrodome incredible size, really cool back then, now would be totally outclassed Minute Maid Park in HOU Incredible place to see a game, I loved it Busch Stadium in STL I was disappointed it was just a cookie cutter stadium with a couple extras, Tiger Stadium scary neighborhood and a classic stadium either you love em or hate em, Comerica Park some really good things like the brick walls and statuesand some really stupid stuff like the Ferris Wheel, and the SkyDome in TOR, cool place. I even took the full tour of the place and got to see them switching from baseball to football. Ah I forgot Jacob's Field
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