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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. First wife beaters, then beaten by your wife? Wow are our standards dropping
  2. I don't care, I am happy if we don't have to see Jaques Jones.
  3. DeeDub (DW) was incredible tonight. He has had more movement on his pitches than I have seen since 2001. If we get that kind of a preformance out of him every night, we are in good shape.
  4. Does this mean I win another $20 from you Ugly
  5. I don't think Val has too many years left in him. Don't get me wrong Castillo is incredible, I just would be leary of dealing a guy who is on the verge of being in our rotation. 2B has been one of the least of our problems. I would rather see them go after Juan Pierre or IRod. Just definately not one of their starting pitchers.
  6. LMAO! I like Smirnoff, but the other 3 I agree, along with Blanks and Threadkiller in case they get too bored. Its pointless. All they have to do is make up a new ID. We just have to have faith in the admins to ban them if they start acting like idiots.
  7. I'd hate to trade Jon Rauch with many potential holes in the '04 rotation. PLus 2B has been one of our most consistant positions so far this year. If anything we need to be looking for a long term SS.
  8. If it isn't Boog, which if it is wouldn't surprise me at all, it is John. I trust our neighborhood physco. Anyone want to bet me?
  9. http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?;act=Members Geez. That is pathetic whoever it is.
  10. He either can't handle the fact that we all left (and he has already started posting on WSI) or our mystery guy is registering more names. And I still want my $20!!!
  11. Tommy Chong (news), who played one half of the dope-smoking duo in Cheech and Chong movies, pleaded guilty in federal court Tuesday to conspiring to sell drug paraphernalia. Chong also pleaded guilty on behalf of his business, Nice Dreams Enterprises, which made a line of marijuana bongs and pipes. Doing business as Chong Glass, Nice Dreams Enterprises sold glass pipes and bongs that Chong acknowledged were used to smoke marijuana. Chong's attorneys said he was accepting responsibility, but noted he was careful not to sell to minors. "This isn't his work. His work is that of a comedian and satirist," said attorney Richard G. Hirsch. After the hearing, Chong said he did not use drugs. "I don't smoke; I quit," he said. The actor-comedian, who recently had a recurring role on Fox's "That '70s Show," said he planned to return to what he's always done: speaking "the truth" in his comedy routines. He was scheduled to appear in Florida on Tuesday night. Chong said he and Cheech Marin (news) were back together and working on another movie; the two have appeared together in several films, including "Up in Smoke" and "Still Smokin'." His plea, he said, would be part of the new film. Chong's plea came after federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents purchased his paraphernalia and had them shipped to an undercover business. Agents also confiscated his company's paraphernalia during raids of "head shops" in numerous states and confiscated "thousands of marijuana bongs and pipes" in a raid of his Gardena, Calif., business. The raids were part of a series by the DEA in which at least 55 people were charged with trafficking in illegal drug paraphernalia. Officials said the investigation targeted the nation's biggest Internet distributors of paraphernalia. Chong is the first person to plead guilty in the raids, said U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan. Chong, 64, was released on recognizance bail, but must undergo drug testing and remain in the U.S. District Court jurisdiction of his Pacific Palisades home except to travel for work and court appearances. He faces a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a $250,000 fine when he is sentenced Sept. 11. Federal guidelines call for six months to one year incarceration, though Buchanan said the government would not make a recommendation to U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab.
  12. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...e_immigrants_dc By being wishy washy on immigration we keep tempting people to sneak accross the the border under unlivable conditions. We either need to always deport all illegal aliens, or make it legal immigration much easier to do, to save the lives of people who are going to risk their lives.
  13. I may have to delete my cookies so that I can get a few more ballots into the box
  15. a little thing called the Constitution.... who decides if something is indisputable if not the trial procedure in the judicial system? An initial plea of not guilty is very standard and means nothing. Now the plea is entered, the states atttorney and defense attorney do their thing and figure out what in fact the accused will plead guilty to and what the sentence will be - the defense attorney is doing her/his job - in a high profile case everyone is going to stake out some ground - any one here who was ever charged with a crime, you'd want your attorney to do everything for you - I doubt it will have any impact in this case - but the attorney is just doing what the attorney is supposed to do and what you'd want done for you if it were your ass being acccused - and when they have come to agreement a new plea will be entered, sentence imposed, and no trial - but everyone is entitled to a trial, everyone - it is a cost of freedom. I know, I know, just call it my rant for the day. It is just the possibility that this chump could walk on a technicality boils my blood (just like the Rodney King trial)
  16. Yeah and I want my $20! OR double or nothing on who it is...
  17. Did I miss something? Do the laws not apply as long as you regret doing something stupid or if you have 5 different drugs in your system when you do it? I hate the fact that the crime is 100% indisputable, yet my tax dollars are putting this guy through a trial :fyou Dybas
  18. http://espn.go.com/ncaa/news/2003/0513/1553257.html
  19. I'll remember you when I bring my change in on that Saturday. "May I help you?" "No, I am waiting for Alex" :finger
  20. Probably cuz you always pick the Manhole and he is sick of it!
  21. Let me handle this Ugly. F you PA. :fyou
  22. I hope they throw the book at this guy. Hard.
  23. It is called married and that is what the wife wants to watch. If I am ever going to see another ball game again, she gets to watch Idol. Are you off today? Or did you pirate the net again?
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