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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/gen/wire?...sageId=16579506
  2. This game has looked more like a 16"softball game than a major league baseball game. It is 11-5 Cards after only 3 innings. Clement gave up 11 runs in 2 2/3 IP.
  3. I gotcha. Thanks for the info.
  4. Any chance Kotex-boy has an ID on the MLB board and was just seeing the reaction to his article? (just playing devils advocate, as I know NOTHING about the situation)
  5. Kotex-Boy is the worst columnist in Chicago? But who didn't know that already? He is reason #1 I don't pay for the Sun-Times, and buy the Trib to read.
  6. Hey Alex, I have been trying to decide who else to try to convince to switch over to this site from ESPN. You and I are obviously here already, and I just sent Ugly an email. Anyone else sound good to you? I know Beverly has really sounded pissy with Boog, and there are a couple of other guys I wouldn't mind seeing over here too. But at the sametime I know how much I hate spam type emails, I don't want to sound too pushy. Whaddya think?
  7. MJ = KW. Anyone else notice the similarities in the stories that have followed them as GM's?
  8. I use direct deposit without a doubt. Making an hour and a half commute to work everyday, and with banking rules the way that they are, if I get paid on a Friday, I can't get to my bank until Saturday morning. Then if I deposit my check then, I can't use those funds to pay my bills until Tuesday. Lots of times those 3 days cost me late fees of $30 a piece or so on my credit cards. But that being said, maybe on my trip to Texas this summer I will have to gather up my $800 in change and go visit a certian credit union at about 11:55 am on a Saturday...
  9. The West just got a lot more interesting with the Kings losing Chris Webber. This is anybody's NBA finals now.
  10. It is looking more and more like sending down Holt was the best thing we could have done for him. Any chance he goes back to B'ham soon?
  11. He'll find work quickly. I doubt he will be unemployed too long. Out of curiousity how bad was the Sox break up with Torborg? Were the bridges burned or was it amicable?
  12. Is it DL time for Billy???
  13. Thanks CW, I was going to look for some all star stuff next game I got up to, now I can browse on line!
  14. The thing that has always caught my eye about the Sox system is the best years always seem to happen at AA Birmingham. Is that the Wally Backman influence, or just the kind of guys we draft, I don't know.
  15. According to today's trib the rehab wasn't working and they are going to have to do surgery. I wonder how much of Hernandez's arms problems were known when the Sox did the 3 way deal involving he and Colon (et al)?
  16. A minor league board is a good idea, and the reason of stuff getting buried quickly on the big board is exactly why. That way if people want to know about Royce Ring, it will be much easier to find on the minor league board, versus either trying to find it on here, or just reasking questions.
  17. THere is no way Belle makes it into the HOF without the Vets committee putting him in. Don't forget it is the baseball media that elects players. The same media that AB was at constant war with during his whole career.
  18. I really believe that most of the pitching stuff does not go through JM, just his style seems to be to trust his staff to do what they are supposed to do.
  19. You can say that again! I hope they call him back up before we play the Tigers again so we get to say his name a bunch of times!!!
  20. It is what I have been saying all year. Give the bench guys regular AB's and they will hit. The bench his year is too good to have guys sit and rot like Leifer and Rowand did last year. Daub, Rios, and Graffy are invaluable if they get 12-15 AB's a week.
  21. I agree Apu, let Al do his thing. At least Al has the decency to approach any and all artists that he parodies. You think Em has enough class to approach the people that he tears into? All this tells me is his whole Bad Ass house of cards that he is built is a joke. He is afraid of being a has been if he is afraid of a Weird Al parody!
  22. I cannot believe that with Kerry Wood's glass elbow, Dusty Baker has Kerry Wood go out and throw 141 pitches last night. Wasn't he paying attention to AJ Burnett who is undergoing Tommy John surgery because of his abuse?
  23. SO out of curiousity what do you think of the Sox drafting philosophy the last few years to go after pitchers almost exclusively in the first few rounds?
  24. Did you notice how many former Major Leaguers are in that Toledo lineup? BRING BACK BOCACHICA!!!!
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