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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. The biggest one lately I can remember was the Indians game against Seattle where they came back from like 12 or 13 runs over the last 3 innings of the game at the Jake. Anyone remember the details any better?
  2. With Thomas, I thought it was dual buy out options where if Thomas or the team wanted out of the contract after any season all they had to do was pay a couple of million dollars and that was it???
  3. KW probably bought the getaway car from Billy Beane which turned out to be a Girls Schwinn bike!
  4. Don't mind PA he is just pissy they took away his internet at work!
  5. Why not, who do you think took Kenny to school all of those times???
  6. I hope your right, because right now he is hitting like the worlds biggest leadoff hitter.
  7. Drinking to forget your baseball teams woes??? Where have I heard this one before...
  8. I think all Magic has influenced in the last 5 years is AIDS rates...
  9. I think once again that tells us that JM is making out his own line up cards again. Rios and Daubach are seeming much more confortable the more AB's they get. Brian espesially was hitting the ball hard last night. Could he get another start in a wake up call to Carlos?
  10. If only $16 mil is guareteed now the deal makes sense. I was hoping that the Bears would get a shot at this kid. I think if he can get away from the insanity that is Randy Moss he will be a star.
  11. Could be worse, it could be Harry Carrey trying to say Ichiro, or worse yet Hasegawa...
  12. Drilling Cameron was probably the most important pitch he made all night. 'Bout time someone did that. AMEN!
  13. are you in the city? There is a great uniform place down 35th street from the ballpark. It is west of the park about 5 or 6 blocks, if not I think they have an internet site, but I would have to look it up.
  14. I will help if needed. Just tell me when and where, I will drop anything and everything!!!!!
  15. He also had really good movement on his pitches. Almost too much at times. To me it looks like the rest did him some good.
  16. you people need to stop fantasizing and pretending youre in the know, and just be a fan. K? So are you going to back off and eat crow if it happens?
  17. I voted for the 2 slot, but the thing that scares me is either his inability, or just neglegence for hitting the ball the other way with runners on.
  18. lol! that tells you something when he has to pitch that well to get DOWN To a 9 era!
  19. Its not my man, its not. Ive been saying this s*** for years. I just got sick of saying the same s*** over and over and over..... Konerko is coming around, book it. On the next homestand he is going to go on an HR binge. His approach is looking good at the plate. Heck the ball he hit in the 9th is 5 rows deep at Comiskey.
  20. Seems like? I hate to say it, but Frank is a shadow of his former self, ala Harold Baines of his last year.
  21. Followed by Kenny throwing his desk over yelling "b****es" at Lumbergh, and then sets the whole place on fire, while grabbing his swingline stapler on the way out. [hows that for combining story lines]
  22. Interesting theory, I hadn't thought of it that way. I wonder if HSC can shine a little light on this.
  23. Like I said in a different thread, I wish this was somewhere that more people would see it such as the Trib.
  24. Heck I'd wear a mike for a lot less than that, granted if it was at one of these games lately, they'd only be able to put about every 5th word or so on the air...
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