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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. I hope so, between the injuries and all, it looks like the Spurs have a good shot this year. BTW I am still waiting for you and Ugly's $20, what happened?
  2. Me too, anymore unofficial news leaking out? Anyone?
  3. God no. Phil Rogers is like a bad fantasy league player. Sure the trade might look good on paper, but in reality?
  4. Olivio is going to be one of the best catchers in the AL in the coming years. Mark my words.
  5. Well at least last night the guy beating up on his Ex-team was on OUR team! Go Miguel!!!!
  6. And he can fix outfield walls (kind of) He has to get a new mitt, that thing is ridiculous Duct tape can fix anything, except a wall in Oakland!
  7. I think he is one of those guys that is better the less the AL sees him. He is a great sparkplug off of the bench, and a invaluable utility man. His downfalls just happen to be that he doesn't have much range, much of an arm, or much speed. Which means that pinch running and late defense replacements are out. I like him as a spot starter. I would like to see him playing 2-3 times a week, spelling Jose, Joe, and D'Angelo each a day out of the week, if match ups dictate.
  8. Couldn't be anything to do with the fact that he is an arrogant, egotistical, drug using, phsyco could it?
  9. southsider2k5


    I know that IDseer and ESPNJohn post on WSI from time to time. Smirnoff is a Blue Jays fan so I doubt he would be on another Sox board, besides ESPN because he talks to some of us from time to time. Kmack still hangs out on the ESPN Sox board all of the time as well, and is a fan of another team. Boog is Boog, and I doubt he could handle being on this board, before getting banned very quickly. His style could only be veiled so much before his true colors would show. LSD hardly ever posts anymore. BPJ hangs out at ESPN still, and I haven't ever heard him mention any other boards. WSfan6199, I am not sure who that is. Hope that helps.
  10. Did anyone see the Sam Smith write up that did on the whole Jordan losing his job thing? Man he hates MJ. The headline was "Pollin: Take a Hint, Mike"
  11. southsider2k5


    Now that is lowlife, I can understand leaving the school for a better job, but it is pretty scummy to start stealing back recruits too.
  12. This could be a good sign! 1-0 Sox!
  13. "Jobu, I stick up for you. I ask you for help, and you don't give it to me. Well Jobu, I say f*** you. I do it myself." That movie is great. And the line near the end.... "I hate this f***in' song" where everyone is yelling Wild Thing....LMAO every time. I often wonder if Maggs thinks that last part at Comiskey when everyone is doing the O-E-O thing
  14. And for the bonus points... It was against Andy Hawkins and the Yankees at old Comiskey. We score 4 runs and got zero hits.
  15. After what he said about SL a couple of years ago, I could hardly blame him.
  16. This is what I have been waiting to see. Some kind of a wake up call. I guess we will see if it works or not.
  18. Koch kinda does mess it up but still. Hes the closer and the most important guy in the pen, without him you cant give the pen much credit. And White has been below average, over 4.00 for a bullpen guy is not good. I think hell pull together if given the chance, but a of now, hes not getting any credit from me. Gordon surprised pretty much everyone here and got his ERA down to 3.94 so congrats. Hes been quite dependable. Marte, Glover and Wunsch have all been great. Has Wunsch even allowed a run yet? Nope. Just one hit. And I believe that was on an error. And don't forget Kelly didn't give up a run in spring training either!
  19. And if you hit double play I say f*** you, I hit myself (end bad mocking of Joboo scene in major league)
  20. Thanks for posting that, I thought my computer was F'd up and was ready to spaz!
  21. Yup we are flying to DFW on the 3rd, and still planning on the game the 4th. My best friend gets married on the 5th. It ought to be fun! Try to save some extra money and we will all go to the Ft Worth stockyards for dinner.
  22. Just email me, post it here, or post it on the blogger site directly. Or you can even post it the night before on ESPN. I'll find it! We couldn't be playing the PTC contest without you setting up the site in the first place! hardly seems fair for you to be out of it.
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