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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Ah, now I see. That makes much more sense then. You should be able to get him much cheaper in a week, with games against Oakland and Seattle coming up.
  2. Wow, drastic move! Was there no trade market for him?
  3. Have you been through Detroit lately, what is left to loot???
  4. Interesting theory. Are there any teams in the majors using it, and if so, who?
  5. Are there a lot of off days?
  6. I didn't know that! When did that happen - who was involved - how did it come out? I'd like to hear the details on that story too. Phil Rogers also likes to recycle columns also if you watch it. He has wrote the same article about how many starting pitchers make 30 starts and have 190 innings at least 3 different ways.
  7. At least the Cardinals could have won so that I don't have to hear the words "first place Cubs" again!
  8. Maybe if this GM change is for real they won't be afraid to put him on the DL.
  9. Is Munoz looking refreshed again, or did he have a mechanical problem?
  10. What does Frank consulting with Walt have to do with anything? Would you rather he stays content with .240 and hits that all year long? And Frank has always been this way -- he's "ignored the advice of the teams current coaches" for years now, by most accounts. Were you complaining about it when he was putting up .330, 40, 120? I doubt it. When did Frank cry to the media? I read him say that he's getting busted inside. That's crying? Sounds like a statement of the obvious to me. Most everytime I see Magglio hitting with runners on base, he's PULLING to ball to SS for a nice easy 6-4-3. Maybe I'm seeing a different Magglio at the plate. Hustling in RF is nice, and I think Magglio is an above average RF'er, but you can't fault Frank for being a DH. That's the manager's call, not Frank's. And Frank is a "lightning rod" for controversy because like you said, everything he does or says is under a microscope. He's still the #1 superstar on this team. Magglio may be a better player, but there's nobody who garners as much attention as Frank does. Good, bad, or indifferent, that's how it is. And you're right -- most everybody needs to start earning their paychecks, and soon. Otherwise, this season might be wasted. With the whole hitting coach thing. The problem isn't that he is looking for help. The problem is that the guys on his team have never been good enough for him. Instead he is the only guy on the team who has the team bring in someone else, just for him. What if Maggs slumped and decided he needed to bring in Von Joshua? What if Carlos wanted to bring in an old minor league coach? Would the team allow this to happen? Why is Frank more important than the team? And #2 with that is do you really think that the coaches on this team are incabable of looking at film from mid 90's Frank and telling him what he is doing different? There is NO WAY that Joshua and Ward both haven't seen what was wrong with Frank. And #3 he didn't start looking outside of the organization to bring in help until after he started slumping. As for Frank and the strikezone...This is Frank in today's Trib.
  11. Who is Eddie? He is the CO_OWNER of the Sox! When they bought the team is was Jerry and Eddie. But Einhorn had health problems that inhibited how much he could do. It sounds like he is back now though.
  12. Are you guys serious (HSC and Steff) Kenny is on his way out? Well that is the kind of shake up this team needs. If Kenny is really dispised as you all say, maybe this will turn around the season. Any rumors of the time frame? And if you want to go ahead and email me if you don't want to put it out in public. Ask Mario, I may not be the best writer has ever had, but I am loyal!
  13. #1 Magglio isn't consulting his own personal hitting coach and ignoring the advice of the teams current coaches. #2 Magglio hasn't been crying to the media about the way he is getting pitched. #3 Magglio still tries to hit the ball the other way with runners on the right side of the IF. #4 Magglio goes out and hustles in RF even when he isn't hitting. #5 Basically out outside of Valentin and maybe Jimenez, this whole team has been awful in the clutch. This whole team needs to start earning its keep. Frank is a lightning rod for controversy, because of his own big mouth, everything he does is magnified. No one else on this team has that air about them.
  14. Where did you get your numbers? Frank is hitting .143 with RISP, .167 RISP and 2 outs, .200 with runners on, .250 close and late, I couldn't find the other numbers, but I would be interested to see your source on the rest of them! http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/spli...ts?statsId=4527 I posted his OBP, not his batting averages. http://www.vegasinsider.com/u/baseball/mlb.../8126_split.htm Well those batting averages are why people are bashing him. He is supposed to be driving in runs. That is why he is making $5 mil a year. If he was our leadoff hitter than people could look at his walks in a different light. As it stands now, he isn't coming through in the clutch the way he is supposed to.
  15. Where did you get your numbers? Frank is hitting .143 with RISP, .167 RISP and 2 outs, .200 with runners on, .250 close and late, I couldn't find the other numbers, but I would be interested to see your source on the rest of them! http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/spli...ts?statsId=4527
  16. Saying guys who drive nice cars have little dicks is so obviously jealousy. From my experience i have found that unattractive women say this about rich guys and good looking guys, so that they can have an excuse as to why they cant get these guys. Its pysch 101. They then get a guy who weighs 290, and works as a contruction worker, and tells al her friends "yeah he has a big dick". Its pathetic. But hey, lol, whatever helps ya get through the day............ Listen... I don't have any clue if there is any truth to the myth. I just sited TWO facts that I hear in the radio all f***ing day, ever f***ing day. What your hard on over this issue is I do not know, nor do I care. Take it up with the f***ing advertisers that are shoving elongate or whatever the name of the stupid s*** is down radio listeners ears all f***ing day and night. Obviously there IS a rather large (no pun intended) market for those of you with little dicks. Advertisers play on the insecurities of human beings sweetie. There are MILLIONS of people all over the world, who think they have flaws that really arent there. I cant tell ya how many millions of pretty women think they are ugly and i guarantee there are millions of guys who think they have small dicks who dont. Guys who drive nice guys drive them ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm cuz they like them? Cuz they can afford them? LOL WOW......and yeah sometimes older guys buy sports cars to make themselves feel younger. Yes Bmr.. they sure do. I know many of them. I also know many sporting that sweet BMW, or V06, or Stang, etc, etc... and are living in an apartment, or mommy's house because they can't save enough $$ to buy a house, plan for the future, etc.. They'd rather have that sweet ride. Whether it's cause their dick is small or not, I do not know. But obviously they aint right in the head somewhere. Actually it makes sense. If you are single, a nice car is gonna get ya more dates than a nice house. Guys are smarter than ya think. If some women werent so f***ing superficial, that guys feel like they NEED a nice car to impress them, possibly this wouldnt happen? Just a thought. If a guy buys a car based on how much poon tang he thinks he can get.. he's an idiot. Which in itself is an entirely different thread. He's the idiot? How about the whore with her head under the steering wheel of his 7-series Beemer slurping on his rod in back of the nightclub who's only doing it because she wants to get into his wallet? Who's the idiot -- the guy for trying to fool the girl or the girl who falls for it hook, line, and sinker? How about both? Yeah because YOU wouldnt use whatever means possbile to get blown by a hot chic right? If it takes a 50K (or higher) car to get a BJ, I think you could find one a lot cheaper than that!
  17. Saying guys who drive nice cars have little dicks is so obviously jealousy. From my experience i have found that unattractive women say this about rich guys and good looking guys, so that they can have an excuse as to why they cant get these guys. Its pysch 101. They then get a guy who weighs 290, and works as a contruction worker, and tells al her friends "yeah he has a big dick". Its pathetic. But hey, lol, whatever helps ya get through the day............ Listen... I don't have any clue if there is any truth to the myth. I just sited TWO facts that I hear in the radio all f***ing day, ever f***ing day. What your hard on over this issue is I do not know, nor do I care. Take it up with the f***ing advertisers that are shoving elongate or whatever the name of the stupid s*** is down radio listeners ears all f***ing day and night. Obviously there IS a rather large (no pun intended) market for those of you with little dicks. Advertisers play on the insecurities of human beings sweetie. There are MILLIONS of people all over the world, who think they have flaws that really arent there. I cant tell ya how many millions of pretty women think they are ugly and i guarantee there are millions of guys who think they have small dicks who dont. Guys who drive nice guys drive them ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm cuz they like them? Cuz they can afford them? LOL WOW......and yeah sometimes older guys buy sports cars to make themselves feel younger. Yes Bmr.. they sure do. I know many of them. I also know many sporting that sweet BMW, or V06, or Stang, etc, etc... and are living in an apartment, or mommy's house because they can't save enough $$ to buy a house, plan for the future, etc.. They'd rather have that sweet ride. Whether it's cause their dick is small or not, I do not know. But obviously they aint right in the head somewhere. Actually it makes sense. If you are single, a nice car is gonna get ya more dates than a nice house. Guys are smarter than ya think. If some women werent so f***ing superficial, that guys feel like they NEED a nice car to impress them, possibly this wouldnt happen? Just a thought. If a guy buys a car based on how much poon tang he thinks he can get.. he's an idiot. Which in itself is an entirely different thread. He's the idiot? How about the whore with her head under the steering wheel of his 7-series Beemer slurping on his rod in back of the nightclub who's only doing it because she wants to get into his wallet? Who's the idiot -- the guy for trying to fool the girl or the girl who falls for it hook, line, and sinker? How about both?
  18. lol! You know I was thinking that this morning looking at this thread. How many twists and turns has this one taken? Heck it should have been on the off topic board a couple hundred posts ago! No! If we're talking about it, how can it be off-topic? The will of the people should be honored! Are we talking about Doug Jones? Technically if it isn't baseball, it isn't supposed to be here. IT doesn't matter how much it is being talked about. Granted I don't care where a topic is, but it is the truth.
  19. If we had a division leading team we'd be drawing a lot more fans also. Instead we have this whole Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde thing that turns off fans who don't have a large enough disposable income to go see a team that has the real potential to be very disappointing on lots of nights. If we were playing anywhere near our potential it would matter where we played.
  20. lol! You know I was thinking that this morning looking at this thread. How many twists and turns has this one taken? Heck it should have been on the off topic board a couple hundred posts ago!
  21. I work in the trading industry and we have just been crushed. Volumes are down, and most everyone has moved towards doing more and more stuff electronically. Hopefully they figure out a way to keep the trading floors intact because I love what I do, even if I'm not making a lot of money doing it. Besides how many jobs can you call millionaires "a f***ing idiot" and not be selling streetwise the next day?
  22. I wish I could say the samething! Stupid recesson
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