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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. That's funny I just went back and read that whole chatwrap of Joe Morgan's, and the guy who asked this question is from my hometown! You go MC!
  2. Josh Paul did have to clear waivers. I don't think Aaron had to try to clear waivers, because he still had options left.
  3. Kelly Wunsch's season-long hitless streak ended Thursday on a infield single by Eric Byrnes. But his scoreless streak remained intact after Tom Gordon threw 22/3 scoreless innings. "I don't like to talk about it," Wunsch said of the streak, which doesn't include 11 2/3 scoreless innings during spring training. "I won't look at stats until after the year. I didn't know how many innings I had thrown until today. I try to remain blissfully ignorant."
  4. Some articles that might prove some points The rate of infection is quickly dropping in homosexual males down by about 50% in a 5 year span. http://www.aegis.com/news/re/1998/RE980607.html Infection rates among women in Africa are much higher than males. Very clearly implying because of heterosexual reasons such as sex assults, and males not allowing condoms http://www.aegis.com/news/ips/2000/IP000207.html As a percentage of US population men who have sex with men have a higher percentage of AIDS infection. But the rates of infection are highest amongst intravenus drug users by far. The interesting number is that the rates of infection of heterosexuals and homosexuals are almost identical. So the perception that it is a "gay" disease is pretty much becoming a thing of the past. Espesially when you look at the trends in the rates, with the rate amongst homosexuals falling 50% from 93-98, and the some of the quickest increases in rates of infections being among minority heterosexual females. http://www.nida.nih.gov/Infofax/DrugAbuse.html
  5. Listerine prides themselves on saying that using it will eliminate 99.9% of germs. What they don't tell you is that the .1% that it's ineffective on is jizz. :puke Sometimes it really sucks to be a scientist!!! Imagine getting the "Listerine: Effective On Jizz Or Not?" project... "I got WHAT project?????" "I won't do it!" :fyou "I SAID, I WON'T DO IT!!!!!" Follow quickly by the inevitable "how much does it pay?"
  6. You really think he is going to come around? His swing still looks awful when you compare it to the swing he had in his glory days. There is a ton of up and down motion with his head and shoulders. Plus his hips are flying open way too quickly and forcefully. When he was hitting the ball well his motion was much more under control and less jerky through the zone. It almost seems as if he is swinging hard to compensate for the holes in his swing.
  7. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...o_uc/bo20030502 And of course this comes with the disclaimer of nothing personal, this was just LMAO funny!
  8. I hearby temporarily suspend this thread, until further notice... Which knowing our team will be tonight when we come out flat again!
  9. Maybe we need a "sex topic" board, to branch off of the off topic board?
  10. here ya go yas hon.. you know i would do anything for you........ those girls need a little meat on their bones...i like a little cushion for da pushin!!!!! If they were a jeapardy question it would go....I will take SCANKS for $100......Alex "What is the country music group that just committed a PR nightmare?"
  11. Good for Cal. I hope his elbow sticks together... Now we know what the duct tape was for Mr President!
  12. You know what they haven't been handing them out. I have Rob Gallas's email, I am going to drop him a quick line to say something to the proper people. If anyone else feels the same way as I do go to White Sox.com and find some people to email and tell them to have the ushers practially shoving ballots in people's hands!
  13. I think that is one AB that will stick in my mind for a LONG time. That was a superstar piece of hitting against a guy who had not given up a run all year, and is going to be a great pitcher for a long time in this league.
  14. He has been beating teams that have beaten him up in the past, so far this year. I am hoping that this is a trend that lasts.
  15. I do like the idea of trying Harris as the leadoff hitter and moving D'Angelo down to the two spot. That could hopefully get DA a little more protection and fastballs with Frank hitting behind him.
  16. Reading the paper today, Maggs said that Aaron hasn't been 100%, as many of us have guessed by his preformances. What I am curious of is who will play CF at Charlotte now. Do they keep Borchard in CF even though Aaron is a better defensive CF than Joe, because they want Joe to play CF in the majors, or do they put Aaron in CF and possibly slow down the Borchard to Chicago train?
  17. Or Maggs the other night against Johan Santana, which ever came first
  18. Heck after watching the A's serious I was kinda missing Singleton!
  19. I agree totally with this statement. The platoon is working perfectly. You can see the growth in Olivo's game in almost every aspect of it. This arrangement should also keep Alomar healthy longer. That being said I love Miguels swing and I agree with Hawk when he says he will be a star in this league in the next few years. Maybe KW took advantage of Billy Beane for once on this deal.
  20. Both can affect if you can be assigned to the minors. If you have been sent down a certian # of times you run out of options (and I apologize but I don't remember the EXACT #) and once you have been in the majors for a certain # of years (5 full seasons I believe, not positive) you have to accept the assignment or you can opt for free agency immediately.
  21. I know of about 30 million or so reasons why Sammy and Maggs could have never been in our OF together...
  22. Right now I would have to disagree with moving PK further down the line up. He is finally coming around. You do realize that he is now hitting for a HIGHER average than Carlos is? (.242 vs .244) Pauly is on a 10 game hitting streak and reached base in 18 straight games.
  23. Man Detroit is just a team that finds a way to lose a game. No matter what it takes. Maroth has got to be the best 0-7 pitcher around
  24. Gordon looked awesome last night. His curve had movement on it that I haven't seen for years, which made his mid 90's fastball unhittable up in the zone. I am glad to see him stepping up the way that he has. He could be huge with Koch floundering. I have already had my Harris getting called up prediction work out for me. I think Koch to the DL could be happening real soon, and we could see Flash do some closing if he keeps it up.
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