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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. So only Ugly people commit crimes?
  2. Miguel Olivo, Carlos Lee, and Maggs all ended the game with two points. After looking at the tie breakers Maggs had a strikeout and 3 outs so he drops off. Olivo and Lee had zero K's and two outs so they would have stayed tied, but no one picked Olivo, so the winner is Carlos Lee. Winners with Lee were Sox1422, Theoldroman, and CaliSoxfan
  3. how much more bad luck do we need? An unearned run on a turf bounce on a routine throw from RF, and then Torii f***ing Hunter and his 42 inch vertical steal the game tying HR from Carlos. Plus another unearned run because of a Wunsch error. Jesus we just f***ing wasted the best preformance of the year from paraiah Jon Garland!!!
  4. Anyone know how degrees of separation work? Is a 3rd degree worse than a 2nd degree, or not as bad as a 2nd degree?
  5. They want to see if their defense is better with Maggs in CF and Rios in RF or vice versa. Maggs did play some center for us back when he first came up.
  6. Yeah that was something else. Cost his team a run and all.
  7. Garland 78 pitches through 5 IP, how much farther do you let him go? With the 9 days off, do you try to extend him to 110 pitches???
  8. With a guy who has dislocated his shoulder running into walls, and took a 30 foot dive off of a cliff on a dirtbike, there is nothing more fitting.
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=nine...ov=st&type=lgns
  10. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=fanb...nball&type=lgns
  11. Just for clarifications sake Sunday is considered the last day of the week for PTC purposes!!! Monday is day one of the PTC week!!!
  12. Yeah I have to say that is awful. Crash is much better.
  13. Umm try again Blalock was annointed last year and hit terrible last year. He had to be sent back down to OK City. He didn't hit right away, he hit .211 in about 50 games over two stints last year. It took him to his second year. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/stat...ts?statsId=6871
  14. BTW Rios did get an error on the throw from RF, the run that Guzman scored was unearned.
  15. With the early start get your picks to click in ASAP!!!
  16. Jose will NEVER play CF again unless something CRAZY happens. His hamstrings can't handle CF.
  17. I wonder if Mark is starting to doubt the smartness of turning down that big contract offer yet? Or if he is trying too hard to prove that the Sox should offer him more money.
  18. DEATH TO THE SPAMMER! Have you got an outwar link for us too
  19. Crede is still playing excellent defense, which makes his play a little more palatable.
  20. Yes, we got to Mays, once. Otherwise he's been murder on us. He won the only game that the Twins took from us in Chicago.
  21. Tell me more!! Tell me more! I'm the type if you explain what you believe I might consider it also. CWSOX45 The typical accusation is that there is an extra camera that is used to focus in on the catcher as he is giving signs to the pitcher, then depending on the stadium they change something somewhere in CF to indicate if it is a fastball or off speed, or what kind of location is being given. The most common accusation involved what is put up on the scoreboard such as a certian picture means a certian pitch or spot (such as a bio could be a fastball or a factoid would be off speed)
  22. I heard on the radio today at about noon, that they still don't know the extent of his injury, that can't be good
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