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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Sportcenter does the best commercials. It is amazing the stuff that they always come up with. My personal favorite was the Y2K test.
  2. I think Geraldo was in charge of finding Osama...
  3. To me it saids a lot about the national state of Illini basketball when they are on their 3rd coach in a short period of time. Plus they also got turned down by two of their top choices for the job. They still haven't arrived on the national scene's first teir of coaching jobs.
  4. PR has never been the Bush family strong point. Too bad Sr didn't take better notes of Ron Reagan...
  5. Interesting breakdown. Good info and research done on this!
  6. I think it is interesting that they are saying Gary Ward asked for Harold's help. It says a lot for the impact Harold made in the short time he was here again. Good luck to Harold and I hope he does become a permanent hire.
  7. MB is not going to resign with the Sox. To me that is completely obvious. He is outta here in '06, unless we trade him sooner.
  8. Has there been any word about what they are going charge Ryu with?
  9. There are a bunch of schools in the city of Chicago such as UIC, DePaul, University of Chicago, Chicago St, and others...
  10. If baseball's antitrust exemption gets pulled the status of world wide players is something that could get interesting. Right now it all depends on what country you are from. You could get an American kid who could sue for discrimination and change all of that.
  11. SURVEY SAIDS???? Attendance is flat. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=chwh...ov=st&type=lgns We are average a whopping 31 people less a game versus the same # of games last year. It is not even enough to be 1% less.
  12. Is there a rain delay at the ballpark??? I just got in.
  13. That would be the ultimate slap in the face. No way!
  14. That would explain the smell outside of Wrigley...
  15. - A previously unknown Iraqi group opposed to the US presence said deposed president Saddam Hussein was to deliver a message to his country within three days. "President Saddam Hussein was not killed. He is still alive. He is going to address a message to Iraqis and to the (Arab) nation within 72 hours," the group calling itself Iraqi Resistance and Liberation said in a letter published Tuesday by the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi. The letter said Saddam "has come across evidence that some Iraqi officials had long been involved with American and British intelligence." The mysterious organization stressed it was not "the remnants of the (ousted) Iraqi government," despite comments similar to those made by the regime, particularly information minister Mohammad Said al-Sahhaf, before US troops rolled into central Baghdad on April 9. The group denounced what it called "a disinformation campaign" by the United States to hide losses at the hands of the "courageous resistance." The organization claimed US forces in Iraq have suffered 1,300 deaths and more than 3,000 wounded and that British troops have suffered 211 deaths. The US Defense Department says 137 US military personnel have been killed in the Iraqi conflict. The British say 31 of their troops have died. Al-Quds al-Arabi is edited by Abdul Bari Atwan, a Palestinian known for his pro-Saddam sympathies.
  16. As a visitor to the city, I thought the Cows on Parade was a pretty cool thing. It was definitely unique and added flavor to the downtown area, where I spent most of my time. I wish they would keep the bobbleheads up longer, because I doubt I can get to Chicago before August or September. You obviously weren't around for the wildly successful ping pong tables they put up all over the city... Those I missed. But hey, imagine walking down the street and deciding to embark on an impromptu ping pong match? Guess you'd have to carry your paddle with you at all times. Couldn't be all bad, could it? No one did it like that! The only people who used them were people who played all of time. The whole impromptu thing flopped.
  17. It didn't make sense to me right off of the bat right away either. I remember thinking "how could he keep quiet for 30 years?" We all know how little Pat B looks for attention..
  18. As a visitor to the city, I thought the Cows on Parade was a pretty cool thing. It was definitely unique and added flavor to the downtown area, where I spent most of my time. I wish they would keep the bobbleheads up longer, because I doubt I can get to Chicago before August or September. You obviously weren't around for the wildly successful ping pong tables they put up all over the city...
  19. I have been following it since they were on dateline a while back, when they all thought it was Pat Buccanon. It is an interesting story, and I can't wait until they reveal who it was for sure.
  20. http://slate.msn.com/id/2082179/
  21. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/news/mlb...s_mlb&fext=.jsp
  22. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=fanb...nball&type=lgns
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