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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. http://www.msnbc.com/news/905925.asp?0dm=C11LN
  2. http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/williams.asp Bingo. This is false. BTW for anyone who has never seen this site. It is the BEST for finding out the truth behind urban legends. They tell you if they are true, false, or unknown.
  3. Nice to see Royce Ring with another dominating preformance on paper.
  4. You mean he hasn't already?
  5. http://espn.go.com/ncb/news/2003/0429/1546294.html
  6. OK who voted for 20-25 wins? I think he will do well this year, but that is insane. Even Mark Buehrle still hasn't won 20 in one year, it is a stretch to think that Esteban will do it.
  7. Another Daley winning idea. They should have just let it go after the Cows on Parade...
  8. Isolationism leads to wars, refer back to WW2...Also if anything a more stable and productive world economy would increase our standard of living. As of now our domestic products suck, we pretty much depend on foreign markets. Isolationism would destroy our country. People think that we don't have jobs now, wait until they had to buy stuff made at American union wages. All those parts and labor we are used to getting so cheaply who go up exponentially in price, and induce hyperinflation to our economy. Not to mention it would dry up our sources of some of our best intelectuals that are now becoming our doctors and scientists, because of how far behind the American education system has fallen behind the industrialized world, because it relies on making sure as many people as possible graduate, instead of preparing them for higher education and the work force. And I could go on and on with this but I won't bore people anymore. But don't let reality get in the way of a comedy routine...
  9. It is a sad state of affairs in this day and age where someone can think that way, and still be in a powerful position in an organization. That is a blackeye for the whole organization IMO.
  10. Now if someone on our team said this the Trib would run an article about how our clubhouse was blowing up and our team was in-fighting again...
  11. Early Borchard predicts 5-5 with 4 HR's, lmao!
  12. COMMUNIST!! What is next peeing on the consititution? J-K!
  13. Was that the Seattle team in the late 90's before they got guys like Nelson and company?
  14. Personell-wise you HAD to feel better about this pen, versus last years bunch. Except for Koch, who it is obvious to me is hurt, I have no idea why certian guys are struggling so much.
  15. Well at least the Tigers are in last place, so we know hell hasn't frozen over quite yet...
  16. We all know the Bulls are MUCH closer to the playoffs than either the Hawks or Bears...
  17. Wait a minute, what do you mean " not the champ"?????
  18. I don't feel the least bit sorry for him, and nor can the courts. You can't lay down the precendence that this will be tolerated. If you let him off too easy you tell people that their actions have no consequences which I hate to see happen. Add to it the drugs and alcohol levels that were in his blood, when he and his son attacked Gamboa, and they have to be made an example of, IMHO.
  19. I've made four games this year so far, and managed to see the benches cleared twice in them. I think I have picked pretty well so far this year!
  20. If we can go 3-3 combined against Seattle and Oakland, I will not be upset. Anything more than that is a bonus. To win the division all we have to do is play .500 against the good teams and play good ball against the bad teams.
  21. Garland's learning curve is a little different than your usual pitcher. You are talking about a guy who was drafted out of HS at 18 yrs old and rushed to the majors. He has been learning things at the majors that he should have been learning at a much more relaxed pace in the minors. Up here he is under the micoscope for every start, which makes it much harder to learn.
  22. Speaking of the Twins, do people realize that if it weren't for the Tigers, the Twins would be the worst offensive team in the AL in a mulitutude of categories including batting average, on base %age, and slugging percentage. With RISP they already rank last in on base %age, slugging %age, and OPS along withe 2nd to last in batting average.
  23. Hopefully we see the Buehrle that pitched in the last 6 innings against the Twins and not the other MB we had seen in the 5 or so innings previous to that. This could be another huge momentum series seeing as how badly we have played against the West Coast teams in recent years.
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