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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Hopefully we see the Buehrle that pitched in the last 6 innings against the Twins and not the other MB we had seen in the 5 or so innings previous to that. This could be another huge momentum series seeing as how badly we have played against the West Coast teams in recent years.
  2. As long as it isn't the Bulls who draft him!
  3. Nossek is the "manager" but I swear every single time they showed a picture of him in the dugout he was on the phone. The question is who was on the other end, Kenny or Jerry?
  4. That is a great idea for a promo. Yet another reason why minor league baseball has a lot of appeal to me.
  5. I have been cautiously optimistic when it comes to EL, but he keeps on keepin on, so far. Maybe the slap in the face of having absolutely no one offer you a major league contract, after being a #1 starter was enough to drive him to actually work harder this year and listen to what the coaches are saying, instead of just making the same annual mistakes.
  6. It is a good idea to win 110 games[/code]
  7. southsider2k5


    The anemic duo both got one year deals with club options for '04 as did all of the FA's we signed this year. Thomas has an option for '04. Pauly and Maggs are the only ones signed through 04.
  8. Yeah but eventually you get the Boras backlash, where certian teams won't even deal with him because of his dirty dealings in the past.
  9. Its voodoo, with 100 percent certainty. Trust me. Well.. I'll know for sure after tonight. K, but i already know for sure. So what happened? Nothing.. Brando was a no show. Hmm this ought to fuel the conspiracy theorists...
  10. Hey Rex- what do you think of them trying to turn Corwin into a closer? Just an idea I had.
  11. He still posts on ESPN, if it is the same one you are talking about. Absolutely a pathetic troll. There are much better ones over there.
  12. lol, it is kinda like being 90% through a bad movie... You've come this far, you've just gotta know what happened...
  13. http://boards.espn.go.com/cgi/mlb/request....b_chw&id=213431 Here is Neals line from Saturday.
  14. Its voodoo, with 100 percent certainty. Trust me. Well.. I'll know for sure after tonight. K, but i already know for sure. So what happened?
  15. Yeah no matter how times change there is always Geraldo to make an idiot of himself on national television. I wonder if he kept the bottles from Capones vault?
  16. Does anyone else but me, looking back at the ejection, think it was a little bit manufactured? Not that matters, because it did what it needed to...
  17. and twenty innings of baseball with St Louis and Florida.
  18. they breed eachother I think. What came first the chicken or the egg?
  19. Billy Koch goes on the 15 day DL along with Paul Konerko, very soon. Pauly doesn't sit out two days, plus an off day, without a reason. And we all have seen and heard the well cronicaled adventures of Billy's disappearing fastball. The question is, besides Danny Wright, who else gets the recall from Charlotte?
  20. So it took 10 FULL INNINGS for either team to score a run? Wow. And we thought our offense missed opportunities.
  21. As the television camera showed an anxious Willis McGahee waiting to be taken during the first round of the draft, his agent phoned him and told him to pretend he was talking to an NFL team. The agent, Drew Rosenhaus, was sitting next to McGahee at the time. "I didn't want it to make it look like our phones weren't ringing," Rosenhaus said Sunday. "Willis and I had a little chat to create the perception that we weren't waiting for teams to call us." Rosenhaus believes such gamesmanship helped McGahee become a first-round choice despite a knee injury that was once considered career-threatening. The Buffalo Bills (news) took the former Miami Hurricanes running back Saturday with the 23rd pick. The Bills dispute that Rosenhaus influenced their decision. "I've known Drew Rosenhaus for 20 years, and Drew does a great job for his clients," Bills president Tom Donahoe said. "He says a lot of things ... and as good as Drew does his job as an agent, he doesn't do our job. "There's nothing that he said that had any influence on our decision. We made our decision based on the ability of Willis McGahee and the medical information that we had. Nothing else." McGahee's recovery was widely heralded as miraculous, even though it's still in progress, and Rosenhaus said he manipulated the media. "The media were a huge help," Rosenhaus said. "The Bills were not going to draft a player based on the media, but it helps a team if the player they take has a lot of popularity and notoriety, and in Willis' case, it's a sensational story. "I was trying to create a scenario where Willis was a popular pick because he was the No. 1 story in the NFL draft. That's my job. Mission accomplished." McGahee became a big story even though no one knows yet whether he'll be able to play this year, or whether he'll regain the skills that helped him score 28 touchdowns and rush for 1,686 yards last season. The Bills deny they were duped. "Our doctors personally examined McGahee two different times," Donahoe said. "We had the MRIs, we had the notes from the surgery. We had all the information we felt that we needed to make the decision on him." Rosenhaus has long been one of the better-known agents in pro football. Detractors call him unscrupulous, but clients consider him shrewd, and he's quick to point out that he puts his players first. That was the case with McGahee, who tore three ligaments in his left knee in Fiesta Bowl against Ohio State. Rosenhaus, who said in February that McGahee would be a first-round pick despite the injury, now concedes the prediction was an attempt to help his client. "I was the only one on the planet who said it, other than Willis," Rosenhaus said. "That caused a stir, and people became more interested. We gained a lot of momentum." As the buzz built, the story was easy for Rosenhaus to sell because McGahee was a sympathetic figure. His speedy recovery also helped, beginning when he walked with only a slight limp at the NFL scouting combine six weeks after surgery. McGahee's therapist described the recovery as "remarkable." Rosenhaus spread the news. "The trick," Rosenhaus said, "was to change the debate from whether he was going to play again to whether he was going to be a first-round pick, and from whether he was going to play this year to whether he was going to play at the start of the year. The perception was manipulated to help Willis as much as I could."
  22. I'm not saying I think they're finished, the part about today being a turning point was a quote from a KC fan on the site. I didn't really address that. Sorry. CWSOX45 A KC fan said that today's loss could be a major turning point? Boy, and I thought we were pessimistic. Yeah I though we were overreactors, but there were guys declaring their season over after this game. 17-5 and the season is over???
  23. He didn't call you a b**** and tip over the beer did he??? BTW Ray in 96 was the last steal of home for us.
  24. >Well this will be gut check time for KC. Will they be like Cleveland of last year or the Twins of last year? It ought to be interesting.
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