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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. There is always a market for Left Handed pitching. Sooner or later someone will offer us something for Porzio.
  2. Quit trying to go through the hole at first? He has a golden opportunity to go the otherway after getting Val and DJ on in front of him, instead of being a team player, he tries to pull the ball and ends up GIDP, thus killing the run scoring op.
  3. Did you play basketball for the Hoosiers or something? In college I broadcast high school basketball for a very small HS team that almost got to state finals. They lost to the eventual state champions.
  4. Hoosiers is the best sports movie ever, but maybe I am a little biased, after almost living that movie!
  5. Absolutely the hockey! How is there a question?
  6. It is his AL leading 4th triple, he is tied with Larry Walker for the ML lead.
  7. In his first outing since sustaining a bout of elbow inflammation that landed him on the disabled list March 27, Danny Wright pitched three innings Thursday night for Triple-A Charlotte and began setting the stage for a potentially difficult decision for the White Sox. Wright struck out five, walked one and did not give up a hit while throwing his allotted 60 pitches (33 in the game, 27 in the bullpen) in the first step of a rehab process that could last a month but ultimately projects to send a current starter to the minors. Wright's 14 victories last season were second only to Mark Buehrle's 19, and manager Jerry Manuel has made it clear that when Wright is healthy, he'll go back into the rotation. When that happens, the least effective of the current starters won't be relegated to the bullpen but rather will be sent down. "It could be a real tough decision," manager Jerry Manuel said. "That keeps everybody trying to be effective. If somebody happens to slump, it's not a thing where we possibly would wait. We possibly would insert somebody and let that get corrected elsewhere. I don't think we would have to correct it here because we have depth now at that position." The Sox's thinking is that the bullpen currently is set and a strength of the team even if not consistent yet. Management also believes a starter such as young Josh Stewart needs to continue starting and working longer in games. "I see us having enough depth in the bullpen that it would probably be best if he stayed stretched out," Manuel said. Wright's job in the meantime is to work through a process that had him work three innings his first outing, with four on his next and so on until he has had as many as five starts. He will work on a five-day rotation and eventually increase his pitch count to 100 while the team's medical staff evaluates his progress. The Sox were especially pleased that Wright was effective with his curveball and was getting strikeouts with his breaking pitches. Also, his fastball appeared to have movement late and he did not have discomfort afterward or Friday. "Usually when you have an elbow [problem], the stress of a curveball really bothers you," Manuel said. "So for him to be really effective says good things. "When you have those things happening for you, that means a lot of things are going right for you. That's a lot of stress on the elbow, and if the guy can continue to pitch well and do those things, that's very encouraging."
  8. I couldn't get in either, and I was just DYING to talk about a White Sox winner!!!
  9. DA comes up huge tonight for us!!!
  10. Twins have scored two in their half of the 8th. now its 9-3 Yankees
  11. No need. BC was awesome in the 8th and 9th innings
  12. Detroit doesn't score in their half of the 10th... KC up in the bottom of the 10th
  13. Does this mean I won the I hate the Cubs contest???
  14. 9-1 Yankees over the Twins in the bottom of the 7th
  15. GO TIGERS!!! I guess I should be praying to the saint of lost causes.
  16. After finally seeing a replay of Carlos Lee's Grand Slam, I have another slant on him. That pitch he hit out was inhuman. 99% of players, even if they would have know it was coming, could NOT of have hit that pitch our of the ballpark. That presise AB is why people get so caught up in Carlos Lee. ANy human would have either popped that pitch STRAIGHT up, or pounded it straight into the ground right in front of the catcher. The fact that Carlos hit that pitch almost 400 feet says SO much about his hands. To be able to be strong enough and agile enough to hit that ball out is astounding. I hate to say it, but Carlos probably will never realize his potential with the Sox. For whatever reason he just doesn't respond here. Maybe it is he is too comfortable, maybe it is JM, I don't know. But mark my words. IF he ever leaves the Sox, he is going to go nuts with whoever he ends up with next.
  17. http://www.charlotteknights.com/news/417.htm
  18. KC had a really high era against EL also, before today!
  19. Two things that have been said about Loiaza that contributed to his late season slides. He becomes only a two pitch pitcher, and he has bad work habits How those have been adressed. Don Cooper now bugs him after every start asking him how many times he threw his change, etc. Plus they added that Cutfastball to his repotoire. On his work ethic, I doubt Don Cooper will let him slack. He is a very hands on kind of guy.
  20. Gary Glover is on to pitch for the Sox, Loiaza is done after a great outing.
  21. Leadoff double for Valentin in the 6th
  22. KC gets a two out run in the 6th, but Loiaza gets a K to end the 6th, making a career high tying 11 K's. I am guessing he is done as he has 103 pitches now.
  23. 10 K's now for Esteban as he gets Sweeney now with 2 outs in the 6th inning His career high is 11 in a game.
  24. Could this be the beginning of his turnaround this year?
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