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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. :fyou And when I get over the earache, sore throat, 102 fever, and runny nose I'll say more. Asshole. Obviously, illness is a legitimate excuse. I thought that went without saying, but apparently not. Saying "it's too cold" is what will keep the Sox payroll the same for 2004 as it is in 2003 -- and Sox fans will have only themselves to blame for it. I think what she is saying (and I might be wrong steff) is that she GOT that from going last night...
  2. You would have spent AT LEAST $30 to go to the game (just for parking and the cheapest seat in the house) for just yourself on a week night, with most likely having work the next day? On top of the low 40's temps and a threat of rain??? I completely understand why the crowd was sparse.
  3. I think it is funny that KW took dougass to bat for his stupid statements. Hopefully this incidents ends up as bulletin board material for the Sox and they take it out on the Twins next weekend.
  4. To focus on some of the bright spots that I haven't seen mentioned from last night there are a couple of things about last night I would like to mention. Tom Gordon. In what might have been his most successful outing of the year, he came in and minimized the damage done by Marte, and went 2 full innings getting the win. Nobody even reached base against him in his two innings of work. Walks for at least the 2nd game in a row we coaxed a very high number of walks, walking 8 times last night, and 10 the night before. Jimenez. Even though he didn't score on it, his leadoff triple could have been a huge run, plus he drew 2 BB's last night. I know in 3 of his AB's he had worked to a full count. Konerko sitting. I think it is a continued good thing that the bench is getting much more playing time than in years past. Even though Daubach could not get a hit, it keeps him fresh for other situations. And it isn't like Pauly has exactly set the world on fire lately
  5. I ran onto the field at Comiskey and went after an ex-Marine umpire... J/K!!!!
  6. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Now at least I don't have to see the Yankees of the NHL hoisting another cup. Here is to the 2003 Stanley Cups Playoffs
  7. Without some miracle working, the Bulls are going to be over the salary cap, and only will have their midlevel exception of about $4.5 mil to work with.
  8. Wow, has he strung together 3 great starts. Keep it up Neal. Put more pressure on the rest of the pitching prospects. I love having options!!!
  9. i have a hard time letting joe go too mat................that part of the trade sucked.............big time....... :fyou kw for doing that.......he could have dumped malone instead......... with the control problems that Malone has had, I think Billy Beane wouldn't have done the deal without getting Valentine. He knows that with his budget, chances are he won't be able to resign Foulke and was giving himself another option just in case that eventuality happened.
  10. Yeah, I was kinda waiting for the Marte crucifiction/overreactions from last night... anyone???
  11. Yeah the reason that no one was there Wed, was the same reason that everyone was there Tue. The weather. Plus who wants to spend $40 or $50 for a couple seats to sit out in that cold, when you can watch on TV, and wait for more warmer days?
  12. The question is how will Kansas City react to its first "bad" loss of the year? They made 3 errors, 8 walks, and other assorted gaffs. It'll be interesting to see if they come out with a lot of fire early, or let this get to them.
  13. Or even slide through a second baseman on a double play...
  14. supposedly two of the three who ran around on the OF were also. The middle one had a Kerry Wood jersey that he took off and twirled over his head.
  15. it is as lame as one can get except for maybe Frances see no evil, say no evil, hear no evil policy.
  16. It was said in an interview last night on the 10 o clock news in Chicago. Plus people on this board who were at the game saw him with a Cub hat on, and the security holding it as they took him off of the field. I have been looking for a link also, but haven't been able to find one.
  17. http://www2.bostonherald.com/sport/red_sox...not04162003.htm Here is a story about it. That is where they tell the amount of service he has.
  18. games on a major league roster. 162 games (days) is a year.
  19. They were saying he has 4 years and 115 days of service, just short of the 5 full years you need to be able to deny an option.
  20. http://www2.bostonherald.com/sport/red_sox...sox04162003.htm It is within the article.
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,84326,00.html
  22. Has it been said yet if tonights game will happen?
  23. How quick can you get more security there? 10K walkups aren't to be expected. How do you get more guards with an hour or two's notice? Because they are 10K walk ups they weren't figuring them on being there, how do you plan for that? i dont i expected a big walk up crowd..on the mlb boards i set the over under on attendance at just under 20k..others there were hoping for 30k...it was 80 plus degrees in chicago and a perfect night for baseball..we dont get too many april days like yesterday..a big walk up should have been expected Don't take it as I am defending anyone, but that is a crap shoot at best. To expect as many people as are ticket holders to just show up at a game is a big leap of faith. Yeah I figured there would be some walk ups, it is just 10,000 shocked me.
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