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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Superballs are so light that they don't make that much of a difference. I'm pretty sure the extra bounce they provide is worth the added pound a handful of superballs will give you. Have you tried it? Corking a bat only lightens it approx. one ounce. Adding superballs to an aluminum bat completely changes the weight distribution of the bat, negatively. Trust me. Yeah, I have a bat that's been superballed and I prefer it to the other bats the team had.... It's still very light but you can definitely tell that the superballs are in there when you hit. But I only used it in BP for the fans. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  2. Being 29 I was just old enough to remember the excitment of the SouthSide Hitmen of 1977. I also followed the 83 team very closely and one of my most prized posessions is a scrapbook that my grandmother and I did together that year.
  3. There will be ALL KINDS of T's for the Cubs Sox series. Bet on that.
  4. Damn I must have tuned in RIGHT after that. Nice job Steff.
  5. Its okay. Couldnt figure out why you were attacking me. I am sooooo sorry! I'm crawling under the biggest rock right now. Geezus.. talk about open mouth insert foot. Wow someone who admits it when they are wrong There are so many of those kind of people on message boards Good job Steff!
  6. No game thread, and the most active thread on the Sox board is on domestic violence. It is official, we suck.
  7. Sorry I was a little quick on the trigger tonight. I looked at the time, and I have your pick noted.
  8. Damn I missed that, what did you say Steff?
  9. sorry guys it took me a while to type
  10. He talked a lot about his frustrations with the losing that this team is going through. He mentioned again the fact that he felt that each player on this team was still trying, but when MacNeil pushed him on the 25 individuals thing he kinda ducked. Harry asking him about if there was any point in the season where he thought he was going to go off on the air. He said that during the Tigers series at home he almost lost it, and last night in the post game show after the way the game ended. He also talked more about the rampant cheating the exsisted when he played the game, and how much he participated in it. He said that they had teammates who were experts at stealing signs as well as his use of corked bats at times, and pitchers scuffing the balls on his team. He asked him what he would do if he "had the keys to the car" and he respectfully declined out of respect to the organization. He defended Jerry tooth and nail, and really didn't defend any other management or players. On Konerko he said it is "all between the ears". That it is a mental thing, not a problem with his swing or anything else. He said Pauly is the first question that everyone asks him when they talk about the Sox this year. He said that this was the worst offensive slump he has ever seen any talented team go through in his 40 years of baseball, and he doesn't understand why. He said he thinks that they only team that they have played all year that was more talented than them was Toronto. He said that the worst thing in baseball to watch was a talented veteran team that didn't "give a crap" about winning. It sounded like a veiled shot at last years team IMO, but that was just a feeling that I got listening to him. Hawk said the second worst thing was a talented offensive team that wasn't hitting. He said when it is the pitching that is letting you down, if the offense is there you can hit over it, but not vice versa. Well that is what I can remember, I was in the car listening and I think I remembered most everything...
  11. Did you say that you sat in sec 133 for your season tickets? If that was you I have a question for you, if you could email me or pm me when you get a chance I would really appreciate it. And if I am thinking of someone else whose tickets these are, the same thing applies Thanks.
  12. The Ken Harrelson interview Steff? I heard most of it. Very interesting.
  13. Maybe they should ask Gracey about the Roids...
  14. And actually if he won $20K, it also makes him a felony tax evader as any winnings over $10k have to be declared and taxes paid on them. I wouldn't be surprised if the IRS was involved in this mess soon.
  15. I read this on line earlier today. Good write up Heather.
  16. Only they were talking about a $5000 bet, not $10.
  17. http://espn.go.com/ncf/news/2003/0605/1563467.html
  18. In my book they are all winners
  19. I consider myself a die hard sox fan. I had no interest in watching the game last night. There are better things to do. I didnt even know if they won or lost until a few minutes ago. The key give away was the absence of "this could be the turn around" posts.
  20. http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2003/0604/1563343.html Maybe we should sign him
  21. Just reading about the draft and found this note.
  22. Damn, that probably means I am out then. f***! I want to go SOOOO badly. I have been stalking EBay too, but tickets are averaging $1000 a pair. That is too far out of my range. So if anyone who has tickets backs out at the last minute, let me know!!!!
  23. Tampa's payroll not counting the Vaughn wages is $19 million for the year. Maggs will make $14 mil next year.
  24. I do LOVE watching Badelli play. That kid can flat out FLY. But Maggs for Badelli straight up? No way man. Maybe if it was Crawford and Badelli, but not Rocco alone.
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