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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. GG gets hit hard, but doesn't give up anything more
  2. That is 11 left on base in 5 innings for the Sox
  3. They just said Josh has only thrown first pitch strikes to 5 of 18 hitters!
  4. I hope we don't regret this inning
  6. Time for a slump breaker Carlos!!!!
  7. Nice to see Josh have the poise to pitch around that error. I think that might actually be a key point in this game. Now lets go offense!!!
  8. :fyou Stewart gets a comebacker but Jimenez and Val don't communicate and no one makes the out at second. Everybody is safe DAMN IT!!! :fyou
  9. In other games... Cleveland leads KC 2-0 in the bottom of the 3rd Twins and Jays tied at 1 in the Top of the 4th
  10. 3-1 Tigers as Shane Halter crushes a hanger from Stewart
  11. It amazes me how well Tony G plays in the utility role. I wonder if he would be nearly as effective if he played everyday?
  12. same as yesterday except sub Graffy in for Crede Is this Crede's first day off this year?
  13. Wow can you imagine having 6 starters! Geez it wasn't too long ago we didn't have more than 3!
  14. I agree. DJ was much more relaxed and effective with Rooney. They'd make a great team. Rooney is one of the best broadcasters there is period. There is a reason that he does so much national broadcasting. He is a class act and extremely knowledgable.
  15. Wasn't there an article in the Trib about how Paciorek was sexually abused by a priest in his childhood? I remember reading it. It was a moving piece. Might have been Det News or Free Press though I did read an article about that. It was when he was a kid in Milwaukee if I remember right. It was heartbreaking.
  16. The whole getting pushed out thing was a strong rumor here after it all happened... As for DJ he is soooo much better than when he started. He was completely awful his first year. And I enjoy him much more without Hawk. I don't know why, I just don't think they work well together.
  17. Its a final now, Twins win 6-4. Oh well Soxs win, Cubs lose... 2 out of 3 ain't bad!
  18. and back 100% agree with you - except I was dj, not sports announcer, in college but still know something about filling air time and I am so glad we have Ed and John year in and year out - I also love Hawk and DJ - and loved Hawk and Paciorek - it is good to hear Tom do the occasional Tigers broadcast but he kind of raps on the Sox now and again and I don't like to hear that I liked Hawk and Wimpy a lot more than Hawk and DJ. DJ just has never had much chemistry with Hawk, and despite what they say, I don't know if they still really like each other much. I felt bad the way they pushed Wimpy out of the booth. He really got the shaft job, and I don't blame him for being upset. My only knock on the TV guys is they aren't nearly as objective as the radio guys. I know Farmio will call em like he sees em. He is not afraid to take someone to task for a dumb move whether it is one of our guys or not, and I like that a lot. Hawk will just kinda blow over a play like that. But overall our TV crew is a B I think. There are a WHOLE lot worse guys than the ones we have, but there are also some much better ones.
  19. I absolutely agree with you. I think they are an excellent duo, and they work together well. They mix knowledge and banter very well IMO. After doing some sportscasting in college and I know from first hand experience that it can be harder than hell to fill the dead air, and make a bad game interesting. I really believe these are the two hardest things to do in radio, and they do a great job of both. I think we are lucky to have them, and to have kept them together for as long as we have.
  20. Krash is actually my nickname from way back in High School, maybe Aaron and I can swap stories!
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