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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Its sad, but the Hawks are in so much worse shape than any other team in this town. They are in BIG trouble.
  2. I know ESPN has an archive of old commericals. I have no idea how old they have to be though.
  3. How are the Tigers announcers without Harwell?
  4. Twins have tied it at two in the top of the 4th
  5. Most fun name to say in all of baseball
  6. YOu can cancel the postgame show, Halter gets a one out single in the 4th
  7. Twins are down 2-0 to the Blue Jays in the top of the 4th inning
  8. I heard him telling the story at Soxfest. He said he was out jumping hills on his dirtbike and thought he was jumping a hill, then he looked down and realized it was a cliff, but it was too late!
  9. Pauly is actually really good at turning the 3-6-3. He is one of the best at it in the game today.
  10. I think this one is cool, there are so many to choose from!
  11. According to the Trib said he is the only person who has been scheduled for an interview so far. It sounds like Jim Stack is the only other person besides BJ Armstong that is going to get an interview.
  12. Boy ever since we saw Bernero for the first time and he shut us down, we have owned this guy. Let's keep it up tonight!
  13. But if I remember the deal well enough Marte wouldn't have slipped down the waiver wire far enough for us to get him. So if we really wanted him, we had to deal for him.
  14. Are probably off to the two worst starts on the pitching staff so far. Does anyone think it is coincidence that they are the two sinker/ curveball pitchers? Could the cold be a big part of the problem?
  15. Baseball America lists him as 21, he broke camp with the High A team of Winston Salem. I have got to imagine if this guy can hit .270 and field for anything, he has got to be able to find a home somewhere. I don't know his scouting report though.
  16. I believe I'm correct in saying we also got Ruddy(Edwin) Yan in the deal as well and didn't he steal a record like 88 bases in Single A. Yes we did get him...
  17. God I hope it is Olivo. I think Josh is only here because we didn't want to lose him as an insurance policy. It looks like he will get about a start a week, plus pinchhitting and pinchrunning duties.
  18. I finally figured how how to put an avitar on this thing! Now I am one of the cool people!
  19. http://www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com/ There were so many hits on it that they have had to move it to a bigger bandwidth, but I can't wait for it to come back!
  20. Two weeks, and I will be there for the Saturday nite game! The first fireworks show of the year.
  21. http://espn.go.com/mlb/columns/kurkjian_ti...im/1537033.html But the thing that jumped off of the page at me is that we are tied with the Yankees for the fewest amount of innings pitched by the bullpen.
  22. And after watchimg Omar go nuts on us over the Indians series, I would like to nominate him in bold OMAR VIZQUEL
  23. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/11/opinion/11JORD.html? pagewanted=print&position=topOver the last dozen years I made 13 trips to Baghdad to lobby the government to keep CNN's Baghdad bureau open and to arrange interviews with Iraqi leaders. Each time I visited, I became more distressed by what I saw and heard ? awful things that could not be reported because doing so would have jeopardized the lives of Iraqis, particularly those on our Baghdad staff. For example, in the mid-1990's one of our Iraqi cameramen was abducted. For weeks he was beaten and subjected to electroshock torture in the basement of a secret police headquarters because he refused to confirm the government's ludicrous suspicion that I was the Central Intelligence Agency's Iraq station chief. CNN had been in Baghdad long enough to know that telling the world about the torture of one of its employees would almost certainly have gotten him killed and put his family and co-workers at grave risk. Last December, when I told Information Minister Muhammad Said al-Sahhaf that we intended to send reporters to Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, he warned me they would "suffer the severest possible consequences." CNN went ahead, and in March, Kurdish officials presented us with evidence that they had thwarted an armed attack on our quarters in Erbil. This included videotaped confessions of two men identifying themselves as Iraqi intelligence agents who said their bosses in Baghdad told them the hotel actually housed C.I.A. and Israeli agents. The Kurds offered to let us interview the suspects on camera, but we refused, for fear of endangering our staff in Baghdad. Then there were the events that were not unreported but that nonetheless still haunt me. A 31-year-old Kuwaiti woman, Asrar Qabandi, was captured by Iraqi secret police occupying her country in 1990 for "crimes," one of which included speaking with CNN on the phone. They beat her daily for two months, forcing her father to watch. In January 1991, on the eve of the American-led offensive, they smashed her skull and tore her body apart limb by limb. A plastic bag containing her body parts was left on the doorstep of her family's home. So what is more important at CNN ratings or people?
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