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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Harumph. Of course JM has to send MB out for the 7th. It isn't like we are winning by 5 runs with a fresh pen or anything... I swear if he tires out in Sept or Oct...
  2. Too late, ha-ha! Sorry man, I had to...
  3. Mark is doing a good job of pitching to the big part of the ballpark!
  4. If I read the article they intentionally weren't selling a certian amount of tickets to the general public, and instead selling them to the broker and charging exorbant prices for them.
  5. Has anyone heard an attendance figure yet? It is empty there again. That is so strange to see it like that. Every game I have ever been to there was a sellout, and it seems like every time I used to see them on TV it was at very least close to full.
  6. Meh, it was just an observation. And I just like to think every game that we can bury them now, is a game they have to try to make up later.
  7. As much as I hate to say it... At least the Cub fans have room to talk about being loyal fans, and attendance. They will show up even when they lose. Indians fans have ended up just being full of it.
  8. It seems to me that Jon's problems are strictly between the ears. Some days you can tell he is locked in, others he is out in outer space. He seems to be the type of player that needs someone in his face on a regular basis.
  9. http://www.suntimes.com/output/couch/cst-s...spt-greg10.html This is pretty wild if you ask me. Shows what the tribune really thinks of the faithful
  10. They are only 2 1/2 ahead of the Tigers but 5 games behind the Royals
  11. That is 8 straight loses to the Yankees for MN. Today David Wells dominated the O'less Twinkees.
  12. I do find it interesting that this item has been essentially buried. I guess the networks have had enough of getting burned with the possible WMD stories.
  13. I also just noticed that David Wells has a lifetime 16-6 mark against MN with a 2.44 era. hoping for a Wells win!
  14. Both pitchers are looking solid. Maroth finally gave up his first hit in the 4th inning. Tigers still lead 1-0 in the middle of the 4th.
  15. Hopefully with their history against lefties this bodes well for the Sox-faithful. Also a big play in the inning was a Torii Hunter error.
  16. And to further my point about what people believe of the Iraqi regime, this was in today's Trib. He's got a special gem implanted in his arm that repels bullets. He has almost as many lives as a cat is reputed to have. His mother is a magician. As U.S. troops occupied vast stretches of downtown Baghdad on Wednesday, Iraqis weaned for three decades on stories of Saddam Hussein's invincibility admit they're having trouble believing his end is near. "I wouldn't believe he was dead even if I saw his body on television," said Aboud Muttar, 60, a shepherd. "I won't believe it unless I see it with my own eyes." The news this week that the U.S. dropped 2,000-pound bombs on a building where Hussein was suspected to be, followed by reports he was killed, followed by other reports that he wasn't, have only added to Iraqi skepticism. People here can be forgiven for taking rumors of the dictator's demise with a grain of salt. Despite dozens of coup and assassination attempts, and top-of-the-hit-list status at many overseas spy agencies, Hussein has endured. "He has seven lives," said Ahmed Ali, 23. "You can't kill him." As one tale would have it, that is because of the gem in his arm, which some say is red, some blue. It is said to have been tested on a chicken, which lost just a few feathers when shot at point-blank range. "I first heard about it around the time he took power," said retiree Jasim Waay, 54. "Is it strong enough to work against the British and American military? Only God knows for sure." A mother's love -- and her ability to weave powerful spells -- has protected Hussein with a magic aura, another legend goes. "He's in touch with the occult," said Saad Abdel Reda, 19, a farmer. "And he has fortunetellers tap into the spirit world and tell him when people are trying to kill him." Other bits of folklore bolster his reputation for brutality and cunning. In one, a soldier standing five rows behind the president attempted to kill him, but his gun jammed. Hussein calmly walked over to the soldier, grabbed the weapon and said, "This is how you do it," before shooting him dead. Then there was the citizen who spat on his television screen whenever the president's face appeared. This went on for years, until the man and his daughter saw the president in person, at a parade. "That's the man you always spit on," the little girl said, at which point soldiers within earshot took him away and executed him. Mohamed Sadek, a 43-year-old teacher, believes the regime has fueled the fables to keep Iraqis in check. "That way he seems stronger and keeps people scared," he said.
  17. 1-0 after one inning. This could be their chance to win their first game!
  18. and don't forget about the balk no calls...
  19. http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2003/0410/1537111.html
  20. Don't get me wrong. I am not into the Tony LaRussa, Larry Bowa style of b****ing about everything trying to pick up an edge. But once in a while as a manager, you HAVE to lose your temper, just to show your troops that you care. That was a huge run, and Jerry didn't really seem to give it the importance that it was. He should have argued until he was ejected.
  21. I think that the explanation is pretty simple. Yes the Michael Moore incident is fresh in MLB's minds, and the last thing they want to do is link the national past time to the anti-war movement by honoring two of its most visible leaders. Plus as with Moore, you give them a chance to give baseball a PR nightmare by having happen at a Hall of Fame function. Agree with it or not, it is best for the image and ideals of the game.
  22. What is your guys take on the play at home plate in the 8th? Was he safe or out? And should JM have gotten himself thrown out in order to try to fire up the troops?
  23. And you can see the GM of the Rays going Jaime Navarro? Hell NO!!! Even I have standards!
  24. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=ap-d...ov=ap&type=lgns The DRays are working out John Rocker, and might sign him to a minor league deal. :puke
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