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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. If memory serves me right, didn't they move Family Guy to a few different dates and times also?
  2. Say what you want about the Jays, but for today at least, my second favorite team is the Toronto Blue Jays!
  3. Wow I feel like we should be going to a commercial break now!
  4. So this is twice, thrice if you count his error, that Tony G has made a big mental mistake in a game. Isn't this pretty inexcusable for a part time player to do. I mean his whole role is to come into the lineup 3 times a week and not cost us games. Yesterday he missed a sign on a suicide squeeze and about got Sandy Alomar killed. Luckily he fouled the pitch off and there was no hard done. And finally, granted I didn't look really hard, but how come no one else is talking about this? If Carlos had made these stupid mistakes in a 3 game span everyone would be going nuts! Why isn't anyone else upset at Graffy?
  5. I imagine being on Fox the Family Guy humor might have gone over a few people heads... That might have been the problem with the ratings?
  6. When Choice Clayton ends up with 20 homers, Ray Durham with 35 and Mark Belhorn with 40, you might have a change of heart Change of heart? LOL! I might not be able to keep my lunch down.
  7. The scary thing is we are seeing a pitcher that we have never faced before... Hopefully we learned something from last year!
  8. I could have told you that before the season even started. Yeah, but it just warms my heart to say it. Now if only this disease could spread to the Red Wings and Pistons.... *sigh*
  9. As I have seen so far this year, including the spring. Glover has definately moved ahead of White on the depth chart. Right now I would be afraid to put him into any game that was in any doubt.
  10. After seeing the Sox first two games at home this year I can definately say DE-TROIT SUX!!!
  11. I liked seeing PK get a couple of hits, even if it was the cheap variety. Sometimes that is what it takes to get rolling. I also thought Rowand was seeing the ball really well. Plus Olivo and Alomar have both seemed to be seeing the ball better also.
  12. http://encarta.msn.com/column/daylightsavingtime.asp He are the reasons why. And I love the jabs at people from Indiana.
  13. Aaron would be an ideal 4th OF. I would much rather have prototypical fast defensive CF out there, I love to see the hustle and guts that Aaron gives us.
  14. And there is no better song I like to hear. It means either someone just homered, a pitcher just got yanked, or its a White Sox winner! Anyway you cut it definately a Happy Song for me!!!
  15. why is that? doesn't that f*** up the rotation? are we gonna pitch it 1-2-3-4-1-5-2-3-4-1-5? They altered the rotation so that Colon could start against Cleveland in the Indians home openner, as he requested. The bright side is I get to see Mark B pitch tommorrow!
  16. The funny thing is they just added Easley after the Tigers cut him. The Tigs still owe him $14.3 mil or just about the entire DRays payroll!
  17. I thought it was later 70's. I know it was picked as the theme by the south side hitmen in 77.
  18. I just got back (and warmed up enough to type, lol) from the home openner. The lower deck of the Park has really become as good or better than any of the other facilities I have ever been to, and trust me the list is long. The new fan deck in CF is a great spot for SRO. It is a great unimpeded view of the field from dead center. The black paint job is sharp. The white never really sat that great with me, but the black looks great The new scoreboard is awesome. Anyone who has ever been to a game at Comiskey knows that if you got at too much of an angle to the scoreboard, or if you were underneath of it, it was illegible. This new fully digital board is readable at any angle, no matter how close or far. The resolution is incredible. The picture looks like a plasma screen. It is that good. They also have installed new ribbon advertising boards (just like the United Center and most NBA/NHL arenas) that is also very sharp. The outfield also has new trellace-like entrances to the seats and bleachers out there that are also very nice looking. The outfield concession stands also have a new look trimmed out in a wood look. All in all they are all great improvements. Like I said with all of the work they have done to the park over the last few years is great, only a few small negatives IMO. Like I said the Lower level is one of the best in baseball. If they do have as well on the upper level, we finally will have one of the top baseball only facilites in MLB.
  19. Whatever his logic was, it was stupid. The hardest pitch to bunt is the high fastball, let alone one with movement.
  20. Because Manuel is an idiot. He has guys bunt with two strikes. Nuff said... JM said he didn't tell Graffy to bunt. He did that all on his own...
  21. And my pick to click!!!WHO HOOO!!! Now lets hold em in the pen!
  22. Jinx must be wearing off... My God why can't KC deal Sweeney and Randa instead of Beltran?
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