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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Affeldt done, Grimsley on to pitch.
  2. Bart is at 95 pitches... He might not make it out of this inning.
  3. I hope to just pound them around the all-star break when their all mighty expectations have crumbled around them. Some of them think they will win the world series!
  4. He is the 3rd starter for the DRays, and yes it does say A LOT about them!
  5. They thought the title was wrapped up for this year, once they got beat in the play offs last year!
  6. After winning 94 games last year they are worse than Cub fans. At least they don't EXPECT to win the division. Most Cub fans are realistic. Those Twins fans can't believe that any of the bullpen had career years, or will be any worse this year. It is kind of sad actually.
  7. I always go over there and cause trouble. There are about 3 smart Twins fans on there, other than that there are some incredibly nutty homers. Pick on KevinHaessig and dankind if you get the chance. They are the worst of all of them.
  8. atleast he knew it was strike 3 this time Or was it....
  9. Nice pitch by pitch coverage. I think my heart felt like I was at the game, lol.
  10. That is something that makes my day!
  11. Just looking at the remodling pictures and I got to thinking about the rumors that a home run porch could be a part of the final phase of the Comiskey remodel. Does this still have a chance of happening? Would it cost too much to do? And finally what do people think of the idea? I personally would love to bring the roofshot back to the South Side
  12. Yeah there are definately more guys I could add to that list. Those were just off of top of my head
  13. It is really a bad mix then. You look at the top 3 as guys who have already "broke out", Prior is inbetween, and Myers still isn't there yet. The more times I see that group of names the worse that I think it is. If it is breakout guys stick with that, if it is the "best" young pitchers, Prior and Myers shouldn't be on there, and guys like Wade Miller, Hudson, Mulder, etc need to be on it.
  14. Ha! It got picked up by a bunch of Twins fans on ESPN also, and they made fools of themselves as well! Man a day later and this joke still keeps getting funnier!
  15. I was surprised to see only one of the Oakland big 3 on there. I might have put Mulder or Hudson ahead of Myers
  16. kill-joy If that isn't incentive to win a title, maybe JR should say he will sell the team if they win it all
  17. After the way predictions went the first day... I am going to say 2 1/3 IP 8 runs 5 earned, lol. Affeldt pitches a shutout.
  18. http://boards.espn.go.com/cgi/mlb/request....b_chc&id=643746 Apparently people on here weren't the only ones who fell for Rex's April Fools joke about the bats. This is a classic thread!
  19. I think after the disaster that was Jason Bere's experience eith elbow surgery and just the general amount of arm injuries we have had lately, it sounds like the Sox are taking the safe road, which is just fine by me. If Josh Stewart has to make 3 or 4 starts now that is better than him making them during a pennant race!
  20. The hard caps (bottom and top) have worked wonders for the NFL. You never hear about labor strife or franchises in trouble. I think it is something baseball needs to try.
  21. Let me guess, this is Mariotti (aka kotex boy's) column tommorrow?
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