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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Good luck with all of this Mario. I can't wait to see it!
  2. Don't forget the two game series in Houston. Damn JR trying to make a buck, I wonder if he realizes he cost us openning day?
  3. Well at least that means that the Ex-Sox are getting back to normal. The world will be right when Royce has his first couple of oh fers
  4. Very interesting. If it is true, I hope someone was in the unemployement line today!
  5. Top that off with some great hitters who just had two days to think how embarassed they were on openning day... I hope this all adds up to good news..
  6. I don't know about another starter, but I am hoping we can get a kick ass SS or 2B prospect. We have some decent guys in the system at these spots, but no one you just ache to see in a Sox uni. I would be nice to have someone to point at as the future after Valentin leaves.
  7. the early days the sox were more prominate on wfld, or what is now wciu..... wgn has always been a scrubbies channel.. and untill the past few years the sox were only on there a small handful of the time.... now they have a ton of games on there...... i know its better for you out of towners to get wgn............ No way...they're only on WGN around 30-35 times. That's pretty much the way it's been for the past few years, if memory serves me correctly. Once a week is about how often they're on. back in the early 90's and even further back the sox were only on wgn about 10 times a season if that........honestly.......... I think you are right. I always remember them being on cable a ton right around the time the whole SportsVision/Channel thing got going.
  8. I met her at Soxfest last year, and yes she is.
  9. OK so after reading this I got to thinking. If Brian Daubach gets off to a quick start, does it open up Carlos Lee to a possible deal, even if Joe Borchard isn't ready for primetime yet?
  10. Forget about it, and I'm not saying that because of Boras being the agent, but because of that ridiculous price tag. Vladdy is gonna get a contract similar to that and he's way better then Beltran. The number I heard for Vlad is 5 yrs $90 mil, which is still another $3 mil a year more than Beltran. And I hope this latest trend of greedy Boras clients losing out, doesn't end soon. I hate greedy SOB's! :fyou
  11. Just as a note Beltran is a Boras client so we all know what that means. And he is looking for $15 mil a year for 8 years. As nice as it would be, there is no chance of seeing Beltran in a Sox uni.
  12. http://premium.baseballprospectus.com/arti...?articleid=1763 Here are some more yuks from baseball prospectus
  13. I wonder exactly how long it took Cub fans to start calling about World Series tickets. Was it Kerry Wood's first strikeout? Was it Corey Patterson's first RBI, Sammy's first AB? Or did they wait until it was 5-2, and Glavine was out of the game? Inquiring minds want to know!
  14. I wonder what odds are better, the 750,000 to 1 on the Royals winning the World Series or JR openning his wallet and signing Tejada?
  15. It is an April fools joke actually. I thought it was pretty funny myself. I was hoping to let some stress off of here! Read the last paragraph, it is a dead giveaway.
  16. http://premium.baseballprospectus.com/arti...?articleid=1764 Wow, that is a shocker. It sounded like they weren't even going to talk anymore.
  17. And thank you -- Junior rules. My avatar can - and will - beat up your avatar. Which makes no sense but neither does the way this thread is going. Since I followed Jeter when he was a Kal Central Maroon, can I delcare myself the winner here so this back and forth stuff can be ended? I've even lost track of who is mad at who here (and I don't care) but it is kind of pointlessly going on and on and on. Yeah, your're right. I am done with the bickering.
  18. LMAO. So first you have been here SOOOOOOOOOO long that only your opinion is valid, then you only post when you see something important, but you don't lurk? 2+2=6? *sigh* I will agree with you on one thing, it isn't worth it to go into a war of words, espesially when the words are all circular logic. Call it what you like, but at least follow a line of thought!
  19. I absolutely agree they were all assholes, but they all were problems in the clubhouse also... As for Frank he just has a tendancy to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Why is that? I have no idea. And as for a brawl with the Tigers... Where is Jeff Weaver when you need him?
  20. Mostly problems related to Frank Thomas, but guys like Albert Belle, Jaime Navarro, David Wells, and Royce Clayton had polarizing effects on the clubhouse. I think a guy like Jose gives a level of comfort to someone who has English as his second language. He seems to be able to bridge the gap between those who are English speakers and those who are Spanish speakers. And I think that is an often overlooked factor in why some players have a harder time making it in the majors and fitting into a clubhouse.
  21. Yeah.. I'd like to know that one too. My point is you guys try to say I am new here or I have been here a week. Simply because my post count isnt as high as yours doesnt mean I havent been around longer. The registration dates do no lie in this case. I dont post just to post. I will post when I learn something that will help this site or respond to some interesting topics. lol! You crack me up man. So you've been esentially lurking here for six months so your opinion means more than anyone who hasn't been here that long? I didn't know I had registered with the teamsters. So what does that 6 months entitle you to? Like I said originally, relax.
  22. STFU! What is with all the posters that come here and think they own the board after a week. It's great to have new people here but it would be nice if they weren't all egomaniacs who think theirs is the only opinion that counted. But my opinion IS the only one that matters! j/k Well your statement regarding posters who come on here and own the place for a week. I was here in the early stages and I will be here in the end. By no means am I trying to argue with anyone on here, because Im glad we have a place as Sox fans that we can go, however I want us to be known as a reputable site especially with the upcoming transition. Thats all. Nice so you are going to take an obvious joke, and use it out of context to make a weak point. Its statements like "look at my registration date" that makes new people quit posting on sites like this. As small and new as this group is, without new blood it will tend to stagnate and recycle the same old ideas as a few people ruin it for anyone else. Trust me, I have posted for years on the ESPN site, and was trying out this forumn because I have had a good repoir with Mario from his posts on ESPN. Luckily I have thicker skin from dealing with the trolls over there, then to let someone who has 34 posts in a year try and bully me into not speaking my mind. You worry about reputation, yet pick on posters. Don't you realize that the people who post on a site have almost as much to do with a reputation as the information that the site publishes? Give what I said some thought.
  23. What does registration have to do with anything?
  24. CW, I'm used to it. Afterall I ripped Jose for pretty much two straight years. So what do you think of the leadership side of Valentin? Supposedly he is the key guy for the quickly growing hispanic part of our clubhouse. What is that worth to the team, espesially after all of the clubhouse fiasco's we have had over the past 5 years or so?
  25. STFU! What is with all the posters that come here and think they own the board after a week. It's great to have new people here but it would be nice if they weren't all egomaniacs who think theirs is the only opinion that counted. But my opinion IS the only one that matters! j/k
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