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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. I hope to see the Sens win. I am a big Andre Roy fan, and I started to follow the Sens when he was up there. But at least they got out of the first round this year!
  2. Are we seeing the fruits of Greg Walker?
  3. Hey Ugly, what did you think of my trade getting Berkman for Green?
  4. Me! I just finished filling my half gallon jug of quarters, and my half gallon jug of nickles and dimes is almost full too...
  5. That is wrong. The salary gets paid but it gets donated to a specific baseball charity.
  6. Julio not getting suspended is a crock of s***! :fyou
  7. For some ungodly reason many of us old ESPNers loved to tell our life story. Just wait until I start giving my softball game recaps
  8. 2-0 A's now, and they are still hitting in the bottom of the 3rd.
  9. I am glad to see that you let the nut job in you run around free still...
  10. Well that makes it 5-1 against pitchers so far. Anyone else care to chime in? Make your opinions heard
  11. I thought I read that Mantei was ailing again?
  12. Then Boog would be calling him the greatest first baseman of all time. Just the samething he did with Foulke.
  13. The Arizona Republic reported a start by Byung-Hyun Kim, returning from an ankle injury, could be a showcase for scouts as the Diamondbacks try to find offensive help. Scouts from Boston, Tampa Bay, Detroit, the Chicago White Sox and Milwaukee attended the May 20 game at BOB.
  14. But that trick never works...
  15. Could be worse, have you seen how Alan Embree and Bobby Howry are fairing as middle relievers?
  16. I am going to take Pauly against the lefty again, mate.
  17. http://espn.go.com/mlb/s/2003/0519/1556396.html
  18. http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2003/0521/1557187.html
  19. Can't I just say I know you and Steff? Oh wait then I will emptying trash for sure!
  20. http://espn.go.com/mlb/columns/caple_jim/1556661.html
  21. So some of the jobs do involve things at the all star game itself? If I don't get lucky in the lottery, I might try this.
  22. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...d_nm/sitting_dc
  23. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...eporter_booed_2 What were the circumstances?
  24. I just got tickets. 110 row 2. I like it down there cause you can see the fireworks good. holy s*** is it a fireworks nite too??? damn thats a bonus....... Yep! Also, about the 30th.. anyone interested in bowling a few after the game? Should be interesting after all the drinking hey now theres an idea.. we have never tried that as long as we have been having these meetings.......i wonder why ...lol.... Our new years party every year is at the same bowling alley. They give us a rate of $75 for the lane for the whole night (9pm-2 am). includes bowling shoes and a free buffet plus champagne at midnite. Good times!
  25. I was going to sign up, what does it involve?
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