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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. I am getting there, b****. You know you were SUPPOSED to be helping... That is why you got access to the site remember?
  2. LOL! Now that is one hollow threat if I ever heard one!
  3. This is from today's Trib. As for the Yankees think of all their arm problems. El Duque just underwent big time surgery, and Andy Pettitte seems to have arm problems every year as well. I hope for their sake that Dusty isn't ruining kids careers.
  4. I found some special paper at Wal-Mart that had instructions for how to do it on your computer. It came with about 30 perforated pieces of paper that you ran through your printer and they broke apart into post cards. It was less than $10 for all of the postcards. I don't know if you can send index cards or not, I would call the team and ask.
  5. Honestly the "after 3" rule is bulls***. They tell you that.. but if you write a check on the funds - as long as you don't try to cash it at that bank - they will honor it. Likewise if you have been a customer with the bank for any length of time they cut you some slack. I don't quite understand your question about the car payment check. You wrote them 2, they cashed both, then made you wait for your money back..? If that's the case, then you should have b****ed up a storm and they should have given you your $$ back immediately (If they are the lien holder anyway). No. I wrote one check. They cashed it twice. It's a small bank and I know the Manager and just about all the tellers personally. I'd really prefer to leave, but I've got a good deal going there. No fees, no ATM fees at other banks, etc. I had the exact samething happen at National City Bank (name publish to punish the assholes) with a debit. It was a 10 day appeal process! F National City Bank!!
  6. The Queen of Heartless, Jaques Chirac,
  7. Good luck southsider!! Be sure to let us know if you get them!! I think we are all tailgating game day. Yeah I am trying to work another possibilty too, A friend of a friend knows someone who works in the ticket office. I REALLY want to go!!!
  8. Sounds like a pitiful attempt to top Heathers stellar "mutherf***er dips***ass" thread.
  9. The circumstances of his death were remarkable similar to Rasheede Wheeler of Northwestern. And people have already started whispering about ephedra. I wish the inuendo stuff would wait until some facts are known.
  10. While it surprises me to hear that it really shouldn't. I have never understood where the media in general (and definately sports writers) have this ego trip about being so important. Just vote with what you believe to be the best interest of the baseball HOF in mind. Why make a guy squirm by writing an essay?
  11. If I could get a low level pitching prospect thrown in, or they pay all of Lee's salary, I would do it.
  12. May 16th. The whole info is on Whitesox.com
  13. I'd love to hear anything you find Steff.
  14. 5/5 = 5 pts 1/6 = 5 pts .. I don't see why you would ever count home as a base when it's always part of a run scored. Either that or make R equal to 1 pt. tie-breaker 4 vs 0. The 5/5 guy wins. actually a solo HR is worth 6 points. 4TB, 1RS and 1 RBI.
  15. Well I sent in my postcards for the allstar game ticket lottery. You know even with self adhesive stamps it takes a while to put 103 stamps onto the postcards. Now all that is left to do is cross my fingers.
  16. We'd just go on a 15 game losing streak to show them up
  17. It is advertised in the Trib today as being on CIU, just in case there was still any arguement.
  18. I love the NAMBLA episode too. The part where Cartman is a 10 yr ISO adult male for companionship was hysterical!
  19. BTW, thanks for the warm welcome for all of us ESPN refugees. All I would like to say is that we are are hardy bunch used to the attacks on trollings on the ESPN board. I know some of us have thin skin sometimes, but all in all we are a good bunch. We like to pick on each other and joke (A LOT) so hopefully most people realize that what we say is in jest almost all of the time. I will have to make sure to teach the new guys that sarcasm gets put in green Sox4lifeinPA is the greatest baseball poster ever See what I mean? Thanks for making this a new home for us.
  20. all right the deal is done. But I swear to god if Pujols goes off the week I play you...
  21. Anyone who wants to play is in. Just post your pick before the first pitch of the game.
  22. Oh yeah, and welcome aboard!
  23. Butters "simpsons did it" episode was an instant classic.
  24. This is what I am planning. I am going to set it up all new for everyone here. But I did print all of the results so that I could keep track of how all of us ex-ESPNers are doing. That way I can rub it in the spring training champions face when I whip him this year. So for me, you, ESPN, Sox1422, SoxfanBev, and Ugly at least (and any others that make the switch) we will have a sort of private grudge match going on.
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