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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. My favorite part was the fact they couldn't spell "apologize"
  2. The White Sox announcers (started by Hawk Harrleson) every game make a Pick to Click. In other words they pick the White Sox player who will make the key contribution to the game. like I said, we do a contest on the ESPN.com Sox site, and this is how we do it. WSI has a completely different system. It is a fun thing to do no matter how you do it. This is our site, complete with our rules. http://whitesox.blogspot.com/
  3. Boondocks does rule! UIUC actually had Arron McGruder come to campus to give a lecture about Boondocks and why he created it and everything. It was very interesting. Any kind of a transcript exsist for that? I have checked out mcgruders website and I would love to hear him talk.
  4. Well, atleast we'll be there live on Tuesday to watch them attempt and beat the A's. If we play like we have been, we will have another BRUTAL west coast trip. This isn't the AL Central anymore. We will be playing REAL teams.
  5. Yep. Not much he can do, not like they'll just change their mind and call it a homer, just because Manuel yelled at them. Someone is going to say they lost this game, because Manuel didn't show enough fire. But at this point I'd like to see Backman up here. You guys are totally missing my point. The goal of the arguement isn't to overturn the call. Once the call is made that is it. The object is to get your own team fired up and take away the punch in the stomach that you just recieved by losing a 2 run HR to incompetence. YOu are standing up for your player. That is the other point.
  6. I am helping to run a PTC contest on the ESPN.com White Sox board. If people want to get one going, I can help. We have had every single possible arguement about everything while working out the kinks of ours.
  7. The problem with this is that we are already arguably the most despised team in AL for different reasons...Last thing we need is to cement our place in umps' doghouse for the rest of the year. They already blew 3-4 big calls against us in the last couple of weeks. I'm not talking about Larry Bowa type BS with arguing every single little thing. This was a 2 run homer that would have tied the game. And it was OBVIOUSLY wrong. It'll be all over sportscenter tonight. Even if they were mad about JM arguing it initially they couldn't have stayed mad because they would know they screwed up the first time they saw the replay on TV.
  8. This is the error message and I just got it again. I had it a couple times earlier today Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/virtual/site16/fst/var/www/html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 64 Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/virtual/site16/fst/var/www/html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 64 Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/virtual/site16/fst/var/www/html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 67 ERROR: Cannot find database soxtalk_com Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/virtual/site16/fst/var/www/html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 100 There appears to be an error with the Soxtalk database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here, if this does not fix the error, you can contact the board administrator by clicking here Error Returned mySQL query error: SELECT id, member_id, running_time, location FROM ibf_sessions WHERE id='6fe29b8db5e947a296a25e2e82b7175f' and ip_address='' mySQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) mySQL error code: 2002 Date: Thursday 24th of April 2003 02:24:59 AM We apologise for any inconvenience
  9. I wrote a couple of them during the last baseball season. I wasn't very good at it, so I went back to what I was good at, posting! thats me too..i wrote a few articles early last year about todd ritchie...one i thought was pretty good and the other 2 or 3 i wrote i thought were substandard for this site...so i too went back to what i do best..pissing off carlos lee fans I remember your stuff Baggs. You had that one piece on the originations of the Sox if I recall that was really good. I just never knew it was Southsider that was the one who wrote those few things. I got a pretty good memory, usually. I went back and looked at it, and the articles I wrote were in June of last year...
  10. southsider2k5


    BTW Dave Ragonne had a private workout with the Bears yesterday.
  11. You call that arguing? I call that asking the ump what he is doing for dinner tonight. He was out there for all of 10 seconds, besides the time he was waiting for an answer. He abandoned his team at a critical juncture.
  12. Carmen gets voted off, and they are down to 5. Sorry I am so pissed off with tonights game I had to watch for a while.
  13. It is openning weekend in MTL. Talk to me in August, if the Spos fall out of contention. They had crowds of under 5K a few times last year a few times.
  14. And the thing that might make me the maddest is that Jerry Manuel said about 3 words to the umpire. STAND UP FOR YOUR PLAYERS!!! This really pisses me off. In a two run game, losing a two run homer is the equivilant of getting the wind knocked out of you, and that is EXACTLY how they have looked since this call. Jerry needed to go out there and go nuts, the umpire just cost you the game. This isn't like arguing balls and strikes. This was a game changing call, and he didn't stand up for his team. It discusts me.
  15. The common cold is actually uncurable also, technically.
  16. As opposed to the 6,000 a night they were getting in MTL
  17. Looked like a HR? Even without the replay it hit the seats accross the ailse from foul territory, there is no way physically possible for the ball to be hooking foul and break back into fair territory, after being behind the foul pole. It was a HORRIBLE call.
  18. That was a HR no doubt about it. That will cost us the game, mark my words.
  19. LOL that comic was great. I still say Boondocks is the best strip out there.
  20. I'm not talking about just bad preformance knocking. I am all for ripping someone who is playing badly. But some people seem to have anti-fan groups with agendas against certian players. I wonder why Maggs doesn't have one, but some of our teams superstars do?
  21. im not the only one that thinks koch sux..from baseball prospectus 2003 Rule of Commerce: Stock up on inexpensive goods that others overvalue. In the case of the A's, it's saves. Run Isrighausen's saves up, let him move along and become someone else's financial problem-we'll take the compensation. Run Billy Koch's saves up, and send him to an organization that can't even identify its own good relievers for Keith Foulke, Joe Valentine, and a patient catcher with some upside. It's a good plan, and as long as some GMs pay more attention to baseball's arcane accounting system than performance, someone will always overpay for a "proven closer." Mark Johnson "a patient catcher with some upside" Upside? Maybe they meant backside...
  22. I have thought about this a little bit before replying to it. And most places tend to have a mob mentality when it comes to certian players. There are very distinct groups of people who look for any opportunity to rip Koch, Konerko, Thomas, Carlos, Jimenez, Paul, Garland, and Rowand. It is interesting that Maggs seems to be one of the few players who doesn't have an anti-following. I wonder why that is?
  23. Yet another huge Yankees can't miss prospect...
  24. I figured out what I wanted to. I don't know if the Admins can erase the first post in a thread or not, but I erased all of the rest of my practices, and couldn't erase the original post... If any of you wants to just nuke the whole thread, feel free.
  25. I've been trying to woo Sidney her for 3 years now . He would love to come to Chicago.. but not to the Sox. I am sure he is out of price range anyway...
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