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Everything posted by JoeCredeYes

  1. This is just TLR's brilliant long-con to keep the Sox playing meaningful games all season in prep for the DEEP playoff run.......
  2. I hate to admit I spent some dough on stubs to get that Ray Durham card, loving him though!
  3. Remember when we coulda just signed Joc Pederson for $6M-$7M in both of the previous 2 off-season's and avoided this whole mess?
  4. Haha, I had typed out "he's the left handed version of what we were told Madrigal was" but decided I didn't want to anger the Nick stans on a day like today.
  5. Feel like that goes for both our young Cuban studs unfortunately.
  6. I've noticed some squinting/wincing after he's made plays in CF this year as well. I'm consistently terrified of him getting hurt and assumed I was looking too much into it.
  7. Makes sense, I just want to instinctively blame the new guy.
  8. Was anybody in the training staff fired from last year? I thought I remembered seeing that somebody was, but I see James Kruk is still there since taking over for Brian Ball in 2020.
  9. Hahaha if this series doesn't do that we're really toast. I feel like I need a therapy session after the last 48 hours. How does one make themselves care less about April baseball games?
  10. Oh weird, you mean running the guy coming off hip surgery non stop just to keep your idiot "MVP" out of DP situations has already backfired, who coulda seen that coming?
  11. Is this team just awful on the road? Seriously wtf is this?
  12. This is the dumbest day of Sox baseball I can remember. I really hope these guys just drank for 48 hours straight so at least there's an excuse.
  13. Hasn't been a cleanly fielded ball yet, Tim and Jose are drunk and/or high, Keuchel throwing BP.
  14. Hey Tim and Jose, go ahead and get the fuck off the field.
  15. all right so what's it going to take to get Montas?
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