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Everything posted by JoeCredeYes

  1. Who cares, DFA him already. He's not a major league baseball player.
  2. I voted Rodon, but the fact that there are so many good options on this list tells me the real answer is Tony LaRussa.
  3. This, especially on low pitches, trying to snag them before they drop out of the zone. To me it looks like Seby is caught fighting against his instincts in an attempt to frame from time to time and he flat out wiffs. Hope he improves because he calls a far superior game to Collins IMO, also he was pretty instrumental in winning that FOD game, a forever hero in my book.
  4. I watch on the MLB app as I'm trapped in CA these days. I re-watch most games/big spots/big innings on the opposing booth. Yeah, I have a problem.... love to hear an unbiased opinion on our guys or to listen to their misery, anyway lots of broadcasters mention they aren't there. I don't have the exact numbers, but my gut tells me most booths are not traveling and are watching from a screen in their home states.
  5. I gotta say this whole thing is pretty cool. Kind of can't believe the Sox are involved in such a unique event, and have put together a really exciting team that should get some eyeballs on a national level regardless of how this season and game turns out. AND that we're almost entirely healthy to showcase the guys, I dunno, no point to this post other than this is really cool and I couldn't be happier the Sox are a part of it.
  6. Yeah, it's amazing what speed and steroids can do to keep you on the field.
  7. Oh for sure, I especially notice it with Yoan and feel like he has a tacit agreement with TLR to take it easy down the line if it's not going to be close.
  8. Yeah totally agree, it bums me out and I've really rooted for him to show me something, it just hasn't happened.
  9. Do we never have to watch Collins again after Grandal comes back? Cause I would enjoy that.
  10. Actually think it's brilliant to cut bait on Madrigal before the rest of the league realizes he's a one tool player with a fragile body. Was always a reach at 4th overall in that draft class, but I am not a Madrigal fan at all.
  11. I'm not trading a guy with the ceiling of Randy Johnson/Chris Sale for 25 innings of a 33 year old once great closer having a bounce back year after 2 miserable ones.
  12. Yeah I pray it's just a little tweak, he makes this lineup so much more difficult to deal with, we need his big goofy ass.
  13. Rewatching it now, he either pulls up lame or takes a stutter step running to 1st on his first AB, hard to tell because the camera doesn't show him running up the line. Second AB he's grimacing and flexing his groin after his first swing pretty badly and looks uncomfortable the rest of the AB then grimaces as he walks off the field. 3rd AB he's standing up taller and not doing as drastic a left leg turn than his normal stance. Color me concerned.
  14. So is it first year head athletic trainer James Kruk's fault or what? Nobody can jog without a soft tissue injury.
  15. What does Collins do at a major league level? He's had his chances, time to move on.
  16. This let's sleepwalk into the playoffs and swing at every first pitch attitude this series has been a little concerning.
  17. A good compromise is when both parties are unhappy. Less Leury and Dickman, lots of power for a 7-9 hitter, I'm a fan of the deal.
  18. Was really impressed with how he managed Kopech through his two innings with minimal damage last night, might be able to deal with the zero hitting ability if he can manage the staff like that.
  19. Last 28 Days Player A - .309/.396/.433 - 2HR, 4RBI Player B - .312/.346/.584 - 5HR, 17RBI Player C - .313/.403/.516 - 3HR, 18 RBI Are we sure we even need a 2B? The bigger hole to me is RF/DH/C. Eloy fixes the DH hole especially vs LHP, now go get Gallo and let's win this effing thing. A = Frazier B = Escobar C = Soxtalk Legend Leury Garcia
  20. Oh yeah she's got some Sox gear, sadly I'm out in the Bay Area these days and not making many games that aren't in Oakland.
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