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Posts posted by balfanman

  1. I still do not understand why they place a scheduled day off the day after opening day. It makes much more sense to me to schedule the first series on 3 straight days and have the day off for both teams on Thursday. That way if any of the 3 games have to be cancelled you can make it up on Thursday.


    The way they do it only covers bad weather on opening day. It happens fairly often where the day they schedule off is a "playable" day weather wise and one of the other days is messed up. It would increase the chances of getting the first series in and reduce schedule problems later if they simply placed the off day on Thursday.

  2. QUOTE (2005thxfrthmmrs @ Sep 14, 2016 -> 04:40 AM)
    If Hanh/KW wants to go all in, we need to move Abreu to DH, both the eye test and advance stats tell us he hurts on the field more than he helps. We also need to move Robertson off the closer role and get ourselves a more consistent and reliable closer. To me these two are long shot but are must moves, otherwise we will hang around the WC for much of the year and end up missing by a few games.


    It seems like through the years I've heard from various sources that defense is not really that big of a deal at first base, yet we always seem to be clamoring for a new first baseman because of defense ( Abreu's glove, Pauli's range, Frank's glove & arm, etc.). Personally, I've always valued a good defensive 1st baseman such as Kieth Hernandez, Mark Grace, etc. Even Konerko's ability to dig balls out of the dirt did wonders for this team ( especially Alexis' error totals ) and saved a lot of runs.


    I've had enough of this theory that you can stick anyone at 1st base ( and left field too for that matter). I hope we can make Abrue a dh and get an above average 1st baseman in here.

  3. I heard Darrin Jackson comment on this tonight on the radio and while I like Darrin Jackson and respect his opinion, especially since he is a former player and most assuredly knows more about baseball than I do; I disagree with him on Saladino. He echoed the sentiment that Lawrie should regain the starting 2nd baseman position and Saladino should be the utility player.


    I think that Saladino is a better player than Lawrie and Saladino should start over him. Lawrie can be the utility guy or be traded.

  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 1, 2016 -> 10:38 AM)
    Because at least 2 of those 3 guys would be WAY worse than Avi. I promise you that if May or Engel were up here today, there would be meltdowns about them being rushed, not ready, and/or not good enough.


    Coats is the one guy who may actually deserve a shot, but isn't exactly a guy worth setting the world on fire for anyway.


    Then put Salidino in the outfield everyday and let him get more experience as a utility man and put Sanchez at 2nd. They have not been given anywhere near the chances that Avi has had and he's still terrible.

  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 1, 2016 -> 10:19 AM)
    Seriously the dude must have a deal with the devil.


    The White Sox sign Austin Jackson, Adam LaRoche retires

    Austin Jackson gets a season ending injury

    The Sox trade for Tilson, gets hurt in his debut.

    Sox sign Justin Morneau,

    Avi is playing lately because of issues with Melky's health.


    He just keeps coming back.


    This is where your GM has to grow a pair and say NO! We already know what he is, leave him in the minors until he figures out to do at least one area of the game well.


    At this point ( actually at least a couple of months ago now) give someone else an extended try out to see what they have. Coats, Engle, May, scrap heap fodder.....anyone. By trotting Avi out there again and again you are just fueling the fan base thoughts of " is this the best you can do......really".

  6. QUOTE (Sox Fan In Husker Land @ Sep 1, 2016 -> 08:01 AM)
    Arizona Fall League Rosters



    P Brian Clark

    P Matt Cooper

    P Brad Goldberg

    P Connor Walsh


    C Zack Collins (taxi squad member, activated only on Wednesdays and Saturdays)


    1B Danny Hayes

    3B Trey Michalczewski

    OF Courtney Hawkins


    Manager Aaron Rowand.


    I liked Rowand as a player, but I certainly hope that this is not so they can announce him as the new manager after this season ends and claim that he has experience.

  7. QUOTE (shysocks @ Sep 1, 2016 -> 09:43 AM)
    Lots of good points being made in here. The Sox have tried to shed Avi, but injuries and Adam LaRoche being an abnormal human being have thrust him back into the lineup every time.



    I agree that it would be reasonable, but I would be opposed to it just as I was opposed with Viciedo. Both were known to be bad and I'd rather the money, time, coaching effort, and Spring Training plate appearances just be used another way.


    I agree with this post also. Especially as a backup, or bench player, I would much prefer someone who is at least fundamentally sound and seemingly tries hard on every play. Much prefer even Shuck or Coats in that role over Garcia.

  8. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Aug 31, 2016 -> 05:10 PM)
    I'm going to be hard-pressed to support this franchise if Avi is back in any meaningful role. He's been below replacement level four years in a row, it would be an utter slap in the face to our fanbase to trot him back out there for another season. Having said that, I seriously doubt he's on the roster next year. I think it's far more likely they hand Tilson the CF job, which would also be a complete joke.


    I agree!

  9. This poor excuse for a baseball management "team" couldn't possibly entertain any thoughts of going on with Avisail Garcia anywhere near this organization in 2017 could they?


    I try not to be one who overreacts much, but gee, I would of cut him immediately after this game!


    I don't believe that he alone cost the White Sox this game, it's that he represents what's wrong with this team as a whole. No freaking fundamentals.



  10. I definitely think that the Sox should be sellers, but selling what?


    Overall, I like our pitching and hope we can keep that in tact, for the most part. I do realize that you have to trade talent to get any real talent in return and I'm not sure that any of our offensive players would bring much in return to make a big difference next season.


    It would be great if we could find another Carlos Quentin or a young, under valued center fielder or catcher to improve the offense. Of course, as many have brought up, I do not trust our current management team to be able to find these types of players.

  11. I have no idea what this management team will actually do the next 2 weeks or so. I was really hoping that after the all star break the team would make it very clear what direction to take, buy or sell, and so far they have.


    I really, really hope that, as much as it goes against the big inner Sox fan in me, that they keep on looking absolutely horrible for the rest of the month. That would make the decision extremely clear. If that happens, the Sox brain trust, at least in my mind, better be selling like gang busters. If they aren't really selling at that point, I'll have my answer in no uncertain terms on their competency.


    That being said, they will probably go 8 - 6 the rest of July and screw us again.

  12. I think that you could definitely increase the speed of the game and probably increase the amount of offense at the same time by simply shortening the amount of time between pitches and enforcing it. The pitcher and catcher have too much time between pitches to determine how to best attack a hitter, thus advantage pitcher. If the pitchers worked much faster and thought about what to throw and where to throw it less, you would give the hitter more of an advantage.


    More runs scored, less strike outs and much faster games.

  13. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 10, 2014 -> 11:54 AM)
    My issue with keeping him is I think our defense is absolutely pathetic and we can't consciously build our team around pitching and not focus on defense. I see no way that Viciedo turns into a positive defender, which means he has to really really really hit to provide significant value. I actually think he could do that, but feel he's just a really bad fit on our current roster.


    I agree, we gave our opponents way too many outs last year. We will never improve much if that continues.

  14. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Dec 9, 2014 -> 02:03 PM)
    I disagree, his game depends a lot on his athleticism and speed both of which are declining at this stage of his career, couple with that his injury history and the risk factor is too high given his contract.


    Maybe I'm off base here, but Crawford seems to me to be a guy who can transfer quite nicely from a speedster, to more of a power guy with adequate speed. Sort of a Jim Thome with a little less power, but better legs. Is it wrong to think that he could hit 25 - 30 home runs at the cell and provide better than average defense?


    If he doesn't have to rely quite so much on his legs he might remain healthier. Then you have the Herm Schnieder effect too.

  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 20, 2014 -> 09:15 AM)
    I still think Avi should be used as a trade chip if there is a team out there that projects him as a future star. I've watched all of his at bats closely this year, and it's amazing how much he struggles to square up any pitch over 90 mph. I'm not sure if it's due to the labrum injury, but he's going down the same path as other previous Sox youngsters like Josh Fields. I've been impressed by his ability to work the count, as he's not chasing a lot of pitches out of the zone.


    That alone makes him very different from the other Sox prospects.


    I don't know if he'll turn out good or not, but at least he has that going for him.

  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 29, 2014 -> 02:32 PM)
    He's one of the best defensive shortstops in minor league baseball, let alone the White Sox. But he's still quite young, and there are major questions about whether or not his bat will play. He's multiple years from the majors and may not make it at all (in fact, odds are, he won't in any big way). He's a legit prospect on defense alone, but it's way early to project him as a major leaguer.


    Thanks. I thought that he finally started to hit a little at AA. Isn't there some precedent for some minor league players to start hitting better at higher levels because they face better pitchers, who are at least around the plate a little more?

  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 15, 2014 -> 05:15 PM)
    Fine but Hawk's criticism isn't that women aren't the equivalent athletes to men in baseball he's saying women would be scared of contact and aren't tough, dainty, not meant to get dirty, etc.


    IMHO, that's not what he's saying at all. He did not say that women "athletes" were afraid of contact etc., he's saying that women in general are not as tough as men....generally.


    Female athletes are a very small percentage of the overall female population. I'm in my mid 50's and probably 98% of the women I know would have nothing to do with a collision.


    I find absolutely nothing wrong with what Hawk said and in my opinion the P. C. people are way over the line here, as they are on most issues.

  18. QUOTE (Señor Ding-Dong @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 03:59 PM)
    Also, this tidbit from a 5/27 article:


    • Conor Gillaspie would have served as the emergency catcher Monday, after Flowers was ejected and Adrian Nieto came into the game. Ventura gave him the nod over Leury Garcia, but Paul Konerko, who came up with the Dodgers as a catcher, no longer is in the running.



    Probably don't want to harm his knees and have him lose all of that speed! ;)

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