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  1. He's been groomed to play CF through his minor league career; true. But we all know that he's destined for a corner position, and as I said, he can't be any worse than what we've had out there so far this year. I'm all for it, let's see if he's ready. (tongue in cheek) Another superstar prospect coming to fruition.
  2. I think it's a wash (CF or RF) - niether him nor Mags is really equiped to play that position. CF that is... Thanks for the update Disco...
  3. Well he can't be any worse than what we've been carting out there every night. At least he's a power threat - he should make sure he stays away from our other power guys though, they got some bad voodoo right now.
  4. Cool - they say you can't make them more than 2 weeks in advance - I'm just entertaining some people and wanted to make sure we got in. Doesn't sound like it will be a problem anyway.
  5. Steff - I tried to call to make reservations on 5/24, and they told me they can't make the reservation until next monday. That is what I was trying to get around. But, I'll just call on Monday and make one. Thanks.
  6. Steff - wasn't trying to snub anyone - I guess I shouldn't have limited my question to HSC. Thanks for the input, I'll give them a call. Thanks again.
  7. HSC - since you seem to be in the know; I was wondering what is the best way to make reservations for the Stadium Club? My season passes came with all the info, and it says that I need to wait until 5/5/03 to make reservations for the 5/24/03 game. Is there a way around this, our am I at the mercy of getting through via the phone system on the 5th? Any shortcuts or help that you can offer, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. CWSox - are you in Detroit? Or guy Furio, lives there...
  9. You really put Fick and Hunter in the same category? I personally would love to have Torii on our side; Fick, I wouldn't let park my car.
  10. UNS - who? Fick or Hunter?
  11. Seems to be a hatred list that has festered out of jealousy... Now guys like Fick I can understand, but you've got most major stars in the league here. What has Torii Hunter done for us to hate him, besides beat us with great defense and timely hitting?
  12. Need to keep his games down for sure; maybe around the 70 range, or a little more. But it'd be nice to have him healthy for a playoff run.
  13. Hot - are you the board referee?
  14. I think Jimenez is doing a good job at 2B - I don't see the logic there. I still think they love Harris and want to prove to everyone what a great steal he was for Singleton. If anything, they should be letting Harris play CF, and move Joe to LF (since he'll be replacing CLee by seasons end).
  15. Actually, I was think champaigne and caviar before she mentioned mgd/steak.
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