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Everything posted by upnorthsox
QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:58 PM) Yeah, but I don't get bent outta shape about it. Maybe I am too blasé about things. People getting bent out of shape about someones writing??? Now that would be original for soxtalk!!
QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:43 PM) She is a professional writer. She is a published novelist. And if she were writing about the Sox, you'd love her. Try to look past team issues and see talent for what it is. I like her now and I'd absolutely love her if she was writing about the Sox(there's sooo much more material with the Sox anyhow). I didn't know if she was a writer or not, that's why I framed it as a ???? However I doubt she's writing her blog as a pro getting paid and more as a fan.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:05 PM) yea, but it's not ORIGINAL. Irony is never ORIGINAL. Isn't that ironic?
QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:23 PM) Silly challenge. I'll make the same challenge to you or anyone that ever insults any baseball player on here to go out and work your way the Big Leagues and do a better job. Writing is her job; it's her profession. Writers get criticized. If you are in a profession that places you in the public eye and counts on the acceptance of an audience in order to be successful, expect criticism from those that don't like your style of doing what you do. I reserve my right to not like her batgirl writings. In my opinion, she's a decent writer, just not when it comes to sports. She crosses the line from witty to stupid and ridiculous in most of the things I've read. Again, my opinion. Is she a writer? Or is she someone who started a blog and because of the talent she exhibited was asked to contribute elsewhere? And of course you're entitled to your opinion, just as others reserve the right to express their opinion of yours.However if you want your views to hold any weight then providing more than just stating something is stupid and ridiculous would help.
QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 05:32 PM) I dont see how anyone who is a fan of the Twins can make fun of any stadiums whatsoever. If the Sox somehow pull of Griffey, I suppose her next published article will be about suicide instead of acceptance, lol. Where did she make fun of someone else's stadium?
Not sure they can catch us but that's also why this ain't over and why this is still the biggest part of our schedule right now. If we can come out of August still with a double digit lead we'll be alright but if we let it slip to 5 or 6 we're in a dogfight til the end with no chance to rest up and prepare for the playoffs. It's also why the the Tribe should be considered contenders for the WC.
QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 05:15 PM) Personally I would love to see the Indians in the playoffs, as that means at least one of the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels, and A's are staying home, and I have no fear of the Indians as a playoff team. Make that, at least two of.... My wet dream is for us to face the Injuns in the ALCS.
I disagree with DeLuca, 1st we haven't wrapped this up yet and with the 12 games we have in a row we can't afford not to have a closer. 2nd, a DL stint now wouldn't extend past Aug. 31st so we wouldn't get that spot to play with. That said, after the series at Minny Aug. 23-25th would be an ideal time with 10 of 14 games vs sub .500 teams, the stint also encompassing the Aug. 31st deadline, and he would also miss out on the long flights to Seattle and Texas.
Btw, a 2004 Sox version: Stage 1: Denial The Twins will fade. They can't be this good forever. The bubble will burst. The exuberance will become rational. If we can just pick up a game a week. Just a game a week. Well, maybe, um, two games for a couple of weeks… Stage 2: Anger/Questioning Why would a just God allow such things to happen? Why is evil rewarded and goodness punished? Why would Magglio Ordonez get struck down in the prime of his youth while Robby Alomar was allowed to remain in perfect health? Who replaced the regular bats with ass-bats? Why Scott Schoenweiss, why? Stage 3: Bargaining If the Sox can sweep this five-game series against Detroit, I'll go to the game every Sunday. I'll be good from now on. I'll wear my Ben Davis jersey all the time, even if it does give me a rash. I'll collect all the Sox bobbleheads. I won't complain about what a horrific pile of steaming crap our stadium is. I'll never call Jerry Reinsdorf a black-hearted tight-ass again. I'll… Stage 4: Depression I can't believe we lost five out of five to Detroit. Stage 5: Acceptance. I -- Wait a minute, acceptance? Are you crazy? There's still two months of baseball left to play! And the Cubs Still Suck!!!
Btw, as far as playing the best to be the best.....I don't see Oakland as being the best and I doubt any other team dreads playing them in the playoffs. They've just had our number lately, there's no shame in prefering not to play them. Are any of you Illini fans really happier to have played and lost to UNC than to have played MSU for the championship?
QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 04:07 PM) I guarentee you that the Sox will try to kick Cleveland's asses no matter what the situation or ramifications. This team has no fear of Oakland or anyone else, as well it should be. To be honest it would be a travesty to every fan who pays to see those games, if they rolled over. It would piss me off as a baseball fan. Resting starters or pitching minor leaguers to set the rotation for the post season is one thing, losing on purpose, or even not trying to hard is another. Since the games would be in Cleveland I think the paying fans would be thrilled if we didn't play our "A" lineup. That said, I don't see this team laying down for anyone even if we don't go with the A team. I mean, look at that Wednesday lineup, were we trying to let the Yankmees win? Another possible scenerio, it's Oct. 2nd, the Yanks, BoSox, Tribe, and Angels(or A's with other in 1st) all have identical records. Yanks-BoSox are playing each other in Boston with the winner taking the AL East, Angels are playing in Tejas, Tribe are at home vs the White Sox who clinched 2 weeks earlier and have locked up the best record in baseball. Do you still play all your starters?
QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 01:45 AM) Last time we faced Boston...it was a big series. The division was closer, and it was our first time against the big boys in the East. This time...it's still a big series...because we're in the hardest stretch we have this year. And this is a chance to really send a message. Right now, if the Yankees drew us in the 1st round of the playoffs, how do you think they'd react? "Oh god, that guy's going to be in Center Field again". 1 series, and we're in some of their heads. We can get in Boston's head this time. We need to get the bats going again. That's for darn sure. David Wells throws a lot of strikes...so hopefully we won't be swinging at too much out of the strike zone, and that could help. But as usual...the real key is the pitching. And you know what? I'll take Mark and Jon up against any other 2 pitchers in the league. This is their series now. Jon shut down Boston last time, Mark didn't. Mark's due for another good game too. I agree this is a big series and it's the fact that Jon and Mark are going for us that makes it so. Those two have to have big games as does the BP, if that happens then it doesn't matter if we go 1-2, 2-1, or 3-0.
She has a smarmy style which some might not appreciate but I love it. I've said it before that her whole concept would make an excellent sitcom, though I'd rather have it be White Sox based.
Wow, we're only 3 games into this 22 game stretch and we're already declaring victory after going 2-1? Talk about a bout of overconfidence..... :headshake :headshake
QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 07:49 PM) Yes there will be. In 2000, we played 3 day games while the networks showed the NYY in prime time. We're 28-13 in day games this yr, so without a doubt we'll play all night games.
Garcia starts on the road whereever that may be. I'm hesitant to start Buehrle vs the A's but I know we'll live and die by him in the playoffs so what the F_ let's just get it going.
QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 06:13 PM) Offenses hit slumps, but thus far the club is still playing a little over .500 ball since the break and I think of it as quite the positive considering the woeful hitting as of late. Now lets take the rubber game today. Surprisingly we're 15-10 since the break which is our usual .667 win %.
QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 03:20 AM) Garland: Bad: Outings where he's surrendered more than 4 ER = 4 Outings where he's surrendered 10 or more hits = 3 Outings where he's issued 3 or more walks = 2 Outings where he's surrendered 3 or more HRs = 2 Good: Outings where he's held the oppenent to 2 ERs or less = 13 Outings where he's held the opponent to 0 ERs =3 Outings where he's held the opponent to 4 or less hits = 5 Outings where he's issued 1 walk or less to the opponent = 15 Outings where he has managed to not walk a single batter = 3 Buehrle: Bad: Outings where he's surrendered more than 4 ER = 3 Outings where he's surrendered 10 or more hits = 3 Outings where he's issued 3 or more walks = 3 Outings where he's surrendered 3 or more HRs = 1 Good Outings where he's held the oppenent to 2 ERs or less = 13 Outings where he's held the opponent to 0 ERs = 6 Outings where he's held the opponent to 4 or less hits = 4 Outings where he's issued 1 walk or less to the opponent = 15 Outings where he has managed to not walk a single batter = 7 The fact of the matter is, even as dominate as Garland has been this year, Buehrle has been even better. Garland may have 3 more wins however Buehrle IMO as of August 7th is the AL Cy Young. I'm not sure how those stats go one way or the other for either pitcher, it looks like it's pretty even right now. I wouldn't count Halliday out just yet and Colon has as good a shot as anyone.
QUOTE(juddling @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 08:07 PM) I don't think Griffey and his off-the-field actions are in question here. What i was upset about was the fact that we have the best team in baseball....a decent ballpark......dedicated fans....and a very nice city and still players like Junior don't want to play here. Maybe i'm one of those south-side fans that always feel slighted but i get tired of everyone wanting to play in NY, or Boston,,or (shudder) the North side. What do the Sox have to do to get a few more name players in here??? I don't think Griffey have even been close to a series in his career and certainly the Reds aren't going any time soon...so why wouldn't he want to come here???? The spring training excuse is a joke...and it's not like he has a history with WS fans (like say..Torri Hunter). Don't get me wrong.....i'm not terribly upset we didn't get Junior but at the same time...i do feel a bit slighted that he wouldn't even consider coming here. so to that....again......Junior...F U :finger :finger :finger First off, that was his agent not Jr. Second, limited trade lists are done before the season so our record now would have no bearing whatsoever. Third and maybe most importantly, Jr is home where he wants to be.
QUOTE(shakes @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 06:34 PM) That's great to hear. Stuff like this needs more national press. And it will, just as soon as the Yankees or Red Sox do it.
QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 05:59 PM) Pudge won't test positive. You know why? Because he's off of steroids now. The guy lost 30 pounds in the offseason and his power numbers have, let's say, diminished. A guy would still have to be on steroids to test positive. It looks to me like his power numbers are pretty much inline with his career #'s except for his ungodly stretch of '99-00.
QUOTE(bigred3535 @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 12:58 AM) I was just wondering if anyone knew when the list of who made it through waivers will be released? I'm assuming that the process is complete/almost complete by now...is that a false assumption? I can't remember when it typically is known. Yes that's a false assumption, while many will be put thru at the onset many others will be put thru later on as neccessary. IIRC the waiver window for a player is up to 72 hrs.
We should begin hearing stuff by Wednesday, last yr ESPN's website ran a listing of those who cleared and those who didn't. I would expect the same this yr. As a side note: The Sox find themselves in an interesting situation this yr, as the last team on the waiver list they in effect get a period of exclusive negotiations with any team trying to clear a player. It will be interesting to see if they can take advantage of this.
QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 08:01 PM) I wonder when the last time was that the Sox did that, it has to be a while. What? A 4 game series sweep on the road? How about in Cleveland July 14th-17th. Talk about strange, two 4-game road sweeps vs .500+ teams sandwiched around a 1-2 road series loss to the worst team in baseball(who they had won 11 in a row against).
Interesting, could've sworn I read this morning that he had accepted an assignment to Char.