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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. Judge dropped the Anderson ball and they botched a double play.
  2. They shouldn't swing at fastballs at the top of the zone at all, nobody's going to do anything with that. He throws 3 for strikes up there, grab some bench and tip your cap.
  3. Holy shit, be glad they caught it. That sounds like what killed my uncle and godfather. Both got covid and died a few weeks after recovering from what appeared to be a massive heart attack. Weird thing is, neither had any evidence of heart issues before that. Both were in their mid 60s.
  4. He absolutely kilt that ball. Should have been a moonshot, not an out. 107.6 MPH and a 38 degree launch angle.
  5. I waver right now between the anger and bargaining stage as I'm realizing they aren't good enough and probably will never be.
  6. Cease underperformed his peripherals last year. He doesn't really have a track record of performance. Everyone is allowed to have a bad game, especially against a good offense. It is frustrating how Cease completely wilts against any team that is good. That is Vazquez like.
  7. I agree. While Cease has improved, he is choking against good offenses. He strikes out a ton of hitters and that will bring the FIP down. I
  8. While true, I point to Javier Vazquez as a guy who always pitched worse than his peripherals. He has to shut down good offenses about half the time(because that's realistic) before I give him any credit.
  9. He sucked against good offenses last year and he has to prove that he can pitch well against them. As good as he was at striking out hitters last year, his ERA was barely better than in 2020.
  10. I couldn't give two shits about the ks. Cease gave up 5 runs.
  11. I think Houston and Toronto might have something to say about that.
  12. But if he signed with Detroit he'd be healthy and kill the Sox.
  13. Is it sad that I've already resigned myself to the idea that the ceiling for this core is getting curbstomped in the ALDS?
  14. Kopech's game is their only chance, but given how patient the Yankees are idk if they're going to win a game. They might just pummel the Sox into submission.
  15. The good news is that Vaughn is ok. Probably more important than anything happening in this game.
  16. Vaughn is ok. Thank god.
  17. Holy shit, when Lynn comes back they should finally be healthy.
  18. This kind of shit happens all of the time, and is nearly impossible to prove. Really, all the Sox have to do is say he was fired for performance reasons and it will probably get thrown out. People are getting fired for union organizing which is illegal and they're having a hard time proving it in a court of law. Courts are really a sham, as what they actually do is uphold existing power structures. There is no justice.
  19. I hate Naylor I hope he has a golden sombrero
  20. wow how could they tell he got there first? I couldn't
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