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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. Sox hitters getting blown away with 91 mph fastballs.
  2. Wow Ramirez is swinging the magic wand. That was in the dirt and he got a hit out of it.
  3. Yeah and DH Grandal until he learns what the Sox pitchers are actually good at.
  4. And Darin Erstad instead of Robert.
  5. Yep I go full meatball during gamethreads. If you don't like it.... To be a fan of a team is to be irrational.
  6. I wasn't joking about the pitch selection/blocking issues. I was completely joking about the "next Sox FA flop thing" He'll be fine as a hitter. The DH thing was more intentional hyperbole about being frustrated with his pitch calling/blocking. If you've seen my posts lately, you should have known that I don't think that even when the season is completed you can draw any conclusions. Can you draw conclusions by Memorial Day in a normal season? Not really. So why should we here? BTW my dad is a Dodger fan and I've seen enough of Grandal to know that his pitch blocking is subpar. It is what it is, and it's going to drive everyone nuts. He's good defensively except for pitches in the dirt. Like I said in a previous post, Grandal supposedly studied the Sox pitchers this winter and his pitch selection so far with the starters couldn't be more wrong. He's gotta get on the same page with his guys.
  7. Nobody can take a joke.....whatever. This season sucks so far...has anyone ever heard of dark humor? Seriously?
  8. It was sarcasm dude. I will say this though....for a guy that supposedly studied the pitching staff before signing with the Sox, the pitch selection has been shit. That and the passed balls are the only legit gripes I have with him.
  9. It was a sarcastic post because he sucks so far. It was in no way meant to be serious. Just trying to make light of a crappy start, whatever. The only things I'm actually concerned about with Grandal are his pitch selection and the amount of wild pitches/passed balls he allows.
  10. What is that, the 3rd time they've had the bases loaded and didn't score?
  11. Grandal has gotta be better than he's been so far. This is a 60 game season there's no time for fuckery.
  12. I don't think you can draw any conclusions whatsoever from this year. Grandal is supposed to contribute now, and he looks like ass so far. Just calling a spade a spade.
  13. Is Grandal the next Sox free agent flop? Inquiring minds want to know.
  14. Despite being a bit concerned about Grandal's game calling, I don't think it's fair to make any long-term conclusions out of this season. It's all messed up for so many reasons.
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