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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. I agree with you that it's too early to draw any conlusions but I am a bit concerned about Grandal's ability to call a game.
  2. Pitchers are getting lit like a cheap Chinese xmas tree. You think it's a coincidence that the one decent game the Sox SP has had was the one McCann started?
  3. His framing doesn't matter because the ball isn't getting to him. His pitch selection is shitty.
  4. Not necessarily. He could have issues too, idk. I was speculating given the fact that she's pregnant and he's the one filing. The reality is nobody knows. I'm sure it will come out one way or another in court. Usually divorces between public figures get details made public. Whatever it is, it's unfortunate for everyone. From my own personal experience, when a relationship fails neither party is blameless.
  5. It's weather, as the stuff that was rolling through here last night is over there. But, it's a good thing as it gives them time to hopefully get Ricky's test back. I hope Ricky is ok.
  6. Tony this is my fault, I didn't see your warning until after I made a few posts and replied to them. Apologies for the thread derailment.
  7. Did you read what she actually said? It didn't sound that happy to me.
  8. There are basically only 3 reasons to do that: 1. Not your kid 2. She's fucking nuts 3. Both 1. and 2.
  9. It might not be his kid, and they have ways to know that before the kid is born now. Hence the Maury Povich meme. I think this is the most likely scenario and would explain a bunch.
  10. If they canceled the two games, why is anyone else playing tonight? If it's enough to cancel these two games, shouldn't it be enough to call the whole thing off?
  11. You shouldn't be working either. There's a reason why corporations are pushing for immunity from covid-related lawsuits.
  12. Yeah I know which one you're talking about and it was going to be tough to get any outs from that one because the shift screwed them up.
  13. No I'm talking about the easy double play ball that like the 3rd batter of the game hit to Anderson and Leury dropped it on the transfer. There would have been 2 outs, nobody on and the score would have been 1-0.
  14. I mean, nobody should be playing. Not even in a bubble.
  15. I have no idea how the NFL can consider going on with a season in light of what's going on with the Marlins. It would be exponentially worse.
  16. No I get it completely, and you're right about Giolito being really up and down last year. When he was on, he was unhittable and when he was bad he was bad. I.looked up what he did last year on fangraphs and he had 3 really good months(May, June and August) and 3 really bad ones(April, July and September) and during his hot streak he saw a lot of bad lineups. He also gives up a lot of HRs. Leury messing up that DP is a valid excuse though and it's one that won't show in the box score.
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