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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. Can we at least go through the rotation 3 times before making any grand proclamations? Again, this is a weird season and I wouldn't draw any long-term conclusions out of it.
  2. I know they hit 300+ HR last year, they're not the best offense ever assembled, and they blew away the previous record by 30+ HR. I think the previous record was 276. EDIT it was actually 267. They still have the golf balls. This is ridiculous. a lot of these HRs should have been flyouts. They've decided that if they can't juice the players they're going to juice the balls, which is BS.
  3. We should all be very afraid if they start Gonzalez instead of Dunning. That would remind me of the 5th starter black hole from 2001-04. It should be Dunning or Lambert.
  4. I think Giolito will figure it out too, I just hope it's not too late before he does.
  5. I think he and Polanco are sharing their spiked protein shakes with the rest of the damn team. Test the entire lineup. Polanco is a known roider as well. Also about Cruz he was nothing until he was like 28 and started using the juice. Wouldn't surprise me if he's on something that's one step ahead of drug testing.
  6. OMG Robert and Moncada are going to beast. Also, the way the Twins teed off on Sox pitching made me wonder if there's some pitch tipping or something else fishy going on. They were all over everything. There's just something fishy about 10+ HR in a 3 game series by one team. Sox pitching isn't that bad.
  7. Everything about Giolito's season last year pointed to it being repeatable. That being said, I'm not sure he's ever going to have the command to be a true ace. Even last year, his command stats were below average. Giolito might be a very good #2 but unless he can put the ball where he wants to more often, he's going to have games like he did Friday against good offenses. Giolito might have a career like Trevor Bauer where he has really dominant seasons and seasons where you say WTF, he's better than that. Everyone knows that I think he's a good pitcher. Does Giolito have the stuff and the chance to develop into an ace? Absolutely. Will he ever harness his pitches well enough to actually get there is the question. Anyway, I think he'll be fine and figure it out eventually. I just hope it's not too late and the Sox have dug themselves too big of a hole before he does so. This is a different and unusual season, and I wouldn't make any long-term proclamations based on 60 games in a weird season during a global pandemic. The stress of that affects everyone differently and we're all human, even athletes.
  8. You don't say... That being said if the Twins are gonna rake like this again, the Sox have no chance.
  9. I'm not too concerned. The stuff was still there, he'll be fine.
  10. I agree. Do the Sox pitchers have a tell that the Twins have picked up on?
  11. Good lord Herrera sucks. DFA his ass already. He's lost his marbles.
  12. Lopez being forcibly removed from the rotation is an upgrade, as long as he's replaced by Dunning or Lambert and not Gonzalez.
  13. I really like that one. Don't forget about the Sandlot, that was marketed toward my age group when it came out in 1993.
  14. They did. They used to be clinical terms for a level of intellectual disability. As everyone knows, I'm autistic and I don't have a huge issue with the use of the term "retarded" with proper context. If you're using it to describe someone with an actual learning disability/intellectual disability then yeah it's hurtful. I've been called that and I don't appreciate it. It's a gray area in my book and tread lightly. In case you didn't know, retarded is actually a synonym for slow. Calling someone a retard in general is distasteful. It's not PC or anything it's about having respect for fellow human beings.
  15. I believe Lopez is actually hurt. His velocity was way down. Doesn't change the fact that he sucks when healthy, but whatever.
  16. At least Engel won't fuck up defensively even though he has a noodle arm.
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