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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. There's a reason that he's not cost prohibitive, and it's because he's super risky. I don't trust him very much at all. I would have rather them gone shopping at the bargain bin than sign Keuchel. He was the most risky FA pitcher on the market this year. His contract has a chance to backfire horribly and it could quite possibly be an albatross going forward.
  2. I'd like to give Lopez a look in the pen before writing him completely off, but yeah I'm not sure he's going to cut it as a starter.
  3. The Sox had plenty of DH options without EE. McCann, Collins, Mercedes, if there was a full season Vaughn could have forced the issue....Even Eloy was an option there. Sure, injuries occur....they had the depth to cover for them without Keuchel and EE.
  4. I'm fine with most of the moves they made this year. Keuchel scares me(think 2019 Jon Lester) and EE just seemed unnecessary. If all they would have done was add Grandal, Mazara and Gio Gonzalez and signed Moncada/Robert to long term deals I'd have been fine with that. Is it cheap? Yeah I still think Keuchel has a chance to backfire horribly on them. What's the point of having all of these younger guys if they're not going to see what they have. They need to know what they have in guys like Collins and Dunning. I'd have been fine if they used this year to find out what they had and then gone on a spending binge this winter.
  5. Um......then what's the point of keeping him around? Collins is blocked like crazy now. Grandal/Abreu/Vaughn. Not to mention he's 26 and quickly exiting prospect territory.
  6. He probably won't, but....you're losing a valuable year to see what Collins is.
  7. I wonder why they signed EE just to block him if they like him so much?
  8. Ok who has the higher ceiling Moncada or Robert?
  9. I posted that before he threw those. The ones to Mercedes were nasty. It seemed like he was working on his fastball tonight because he didn't throw very many offspeed pitches. Would explain getting knocked around a bit.
  10. Giolito doesn't have his breaker tonight. Better now than Friday.
  11. Robert=good or Herrera=bad? I think it might be both.
  12. He had 14 and 17 in 2003-04 with the Phillies. Citizens Bank is a notorious launching pad so it might have been inflated. GRF is no longer playing as a hitter's park and is closer to neutral these days. He hit 10 in with Detroit once as well. But yeah, if Madrigal is Polanco that's a great outcome. Not sure he's ever going to hit double digits in HRs though.
  13. Polanco had the ability to hit 15+ HR if he went on a binge. If Madrigal goes on one he might get to double digits.
  14. Of those 4: Like: Mazara I used to be in the Collins sucks camp, but he kinda put me in the wait and see category. I don't believe that much in Lopez either, but I'm ok waiting and seeing with him too. Madrigal is so unique as a player that I have no idea what to think of him. He could be a generational hitter, he could be ok, or anything in between.
  15. No of course man, Rodon is coming back from TJS I'm not worried at all. I'm chalking it up to a ST dead arm equivalent because he's building up post injury. Not to mention the Sox lineup is really good.
  16. Yeah he did back before the injuries. In 2015 and 2016 he hit 100 multiple times. Even in 2018 after he came back from shoulder surgery he was hitting 98 late in starts. (5th or 6th inning)
  17. What happened to Rodon hitting 100 couple weeks ago? I thought I saw that somewhere on Twitter. I was basing my optimism about him off of that. Needless to say if he's throwing 92 he doesn't have the control for that. I hope it's just dead arm or something.
  18. Ok, now that it's clear I can quit posting in this thread.
  19. Please explain.....I wasn't sure that @Harold's Leg Lift knew my position so I clarified it as quickly and succinctly as I could. I don't think I put too much opinion in that post other than saying I agreed with him. What the hell...I really don't think what I said was that opinionated at all.
  20. Nailed it. I think that continuity is important for any sport right now. For some reason fans tend to side with ownership over players. I don't get it, but it is what it is. EDIT(Before another person jumps on me I was clarifying my position because I wasn't sure whether or not he knew) I think they can get it done if there's an opt out for the players if things ever go back to the way they were BC(before covid)
  21. They could just say "we're not playing unless blah blah blah" and enter in another round of negotiations. Quite frankly they should just tear up the last year of the CBA and deal with it now.
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