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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. While true, it's not safe for all of us to be working either. Too bad we don't have a union that can stand up to unsafe working conditions. Complain about your CEO putting a monetary value on your life.
  2. I'm genuinely worried about the scenario suggested in that tweet actually playing out.
  3. Now....if they're piggybacking off of the SARS vaccine that they've been working on for 15 years I can buy it a lot easier. I'd want to hear from experts all over the world that the science is solid and that there was no fuckery going on.
  4. Since the record for a safe vaccine is 48 months, and we have the entire world working on it, I have doubts about a vaccine that is developed in fewer than 30 months. It seems like a disaster waiting to happen in terms of safety. You don't want to compound the pandemic by disabling people in an attempt to solve it. If they can chop 18 months off the record, I'd buy that. Anything less and I'd be very skeptical about the validity of the protocols necessary to declare a vaccine safe. In any case, I'd want the science to be internationally scrutinized if it's released before 2025. I'm all for vaccinations but I'm very concerned about something getting rushed to market and causing major damage to human health. I don't think this is an unreasonable position to hold.
  5. Tony, idk how to say this to you but it's better for the Hawks long-term if they lose to Edmonton and somehow get another Uncle Gary gift. I know the players will try to win, but we'll see.
  6. The next full year that happens I think Moncada is going to go off.
  7. https://www.prohockeyrumors.com/2020/06/snapshots-cba-little-fossier.html
  8. A play in team has won 1st overall. 2. Kings 3. Senators (f/Sharks)
  9. Some guys that I'm thinking of: Madrigal Vaughn Dunning Basabe Gonzalez Crochet Rutherford Stiever Can you guys think of any more?
  10. If Rodon is healthy, the Sox are deep enough in SP to be without Kopech for 16 games. I'm not a fan of this practice but it is what it is. Kopech got a free year from being injured. If the Sox wouldn't have called him up in 2018 he'd have no service time. IIRC he was on the roster for 45 days in 2018. That is 1/4 of the season(180 days in normal years) which is what they'd have to make up to mess with it. Count on Madrigal missing a week and Kopech missing 2.5 weeks.
  11. I don't think there are going to be many trades. And if there are, returns are going to be minimal. Even the best rentals will get at best interesting guys. I'd count on zero top 150 prospects getting moved.
  12. Rodon is like the Sox version of Mark Prior. I'd like for him to stick around past next year but I don't think that's realistic. He could be a really good signing for someone. It's a shame he hasn't and won't help the Sox that much.
  13. I know it's a job....but the purpose of their job is to entertain, just like acting is a job. Way to miss the point.
  14. People in this country are so selfish that they'd rather put their heads in the sand than deal with an existential crisis. I was just going to say that. With how climate change has been treated for the past 30 years you can't tell me you're surprised that science has become political.
  15. While this is true, what is the reason why they're doing it? For people's amusement. I have a problem with that. I have more of a problem with people being forced back to work without having a say in workplace safety, but that's another story. I disagreed with grocery stores being open during the lockdown btw and would have gone to an online instacart type model.
  16. All I can do is look at this with the same cognitive dissonance that I allow myself to have when enjoying football on Sundays in the fall. These guys are risking their long term health for tons of money and my amusement.
  17. My thoughts: 2020 is in severe jeopardy due to Covid 2021 is going to have similar issues as 2020, unless somehow the president and certain governors correct their rectal-cranial inversion and take Covid seriously. CBA is up in 2022 and there is going to be a war, which was going to happen regardless of Covid. If the CBA wasn't up I'd say there'd be baseball in 2022 but both MLB and the NHL are going to have issues with the next round of negotiations. The NFL is very lucky they extended their CBA before Covid. Otherwise, they'd be in some shit too. The NBA is far enough away that they can get away with it. My optimistic side says that we might get an 82 game season in 2021. With the way things are trending, It's incredibly optimistic to think they're going to finish this season and they're going to start 2021 on time.
  18. Are the taxi squads going to play each other too?
  19. They might not get through training camp before having to shut it down.
  20. Yeah, that's my thoughts too. Was just answering Fathom's question.
  21. Rodon has an infant daughter, but beyond that I don't think so. Ashley Rodon was pretty open on social media about her difficulties getting pregnant, so if anyone on the Sox might opt out it's him. I don't even follow them on Twitter, but I know from following Sox related stuff.
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