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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. Oh no, that must mean it is bad.
  2. This is very true. There is no way every major prospect can flame out, can they? I don't think it is going to go down that way, but it would be a very White Sox occurrence for them to get zero stars and only a few average players out of this whole thing. Hahn/KW's player evaluation is very suspect, to say the least.
  3. All is lost, we might as well shut down Sox park and they will never win more than 70 games again. Find something else to do with your time and energy. There. You happy?
  4. why? Eloy potentially hurt badly?
  5. We're all frustrated, but if he doesn't break out of it in the next week or two he'll be approaching Mendoza, then Buxton territory. Not good. The tools are there, I hope it doesn't take too long for him to figure it out. It took Gordon/Moustakas/Hosmer a while too but they ended up ok. They floundered for 2+ full seasons before the light went on. That is a bad case, but all is not lost with Moncada. I still believe that if or when the light comes on with him he could be a 7+ WAR guy annually.
  6. I honestly don't understand why they sent him down.
  7. I know that, the Fulmer thing was more wishful thinking than anything, I'd take him straight up for Abreu as well.
  8. On a more serious note, I'd like to see the Sox attempt to acquire Jon Gray from the Rockies. He has great stuff but it doesn't work in the thin air in CO. Was recently sent to AAA. Maybe in a Bust/Bust deal with Fulmer???
  9. Then Ricky needs to be shitcanned ASAP. Not to mention being utterly clueless on how to handle a young pitching staff.
  10. they're going to show the Charlotte game after Sox postgame so someone can give an update then, I guess?
  11. For fuck's sake, really???? Hope it isn't bad.
  12. Wow looks like good Avi is back. Build that trade value for this winter. We'll know that he's completely back when he takes a damn walk.
  13. if they blow it, meh. Completely different feeling when you're 15 games over .500 rather than 20+ games under. It is just a bad baseball team being bad at baseball.
  14. I know 3, Greg, WBWSF, and Two-Gun Pete. LOL. Whenever the Sox lose, remind ourselves that 4 wins in 2014 was the difference between Benintendi and Fulmer.
  15. At this point, I'm with both of you guys. This is what 4 meaningless wins got us, a complete bust in Fulmer vs a stud in Benintendi.
  16. That is a job requirement for a hitting or pitching coach these days. Knowing Spanish is a must in today's MLB.
  17. I agree in principle, but if they let Trump get away with murder, they're not really on our side. Sorry, just the way I feel.
  18. No reason to get excited at all. They have a better chance of being a bottom 5 team in the league than making the playoffs. I think that Crawford is finished based on the moves they made today. They're going to roll with Ward/Forsberg. It will be a stretch for them to get to 80 points this season if that is the case; 60-75 is more likely. Hopefully that is bad enough for a top 3 pick.
  19. I'm sorry man, now isn't the time for that. Now is the time to rise up and take our democracy back. We're teetering on the edge of fascism, and there needs to be a strong opposition to it. There is no moderation currently, there is only swift and firm opposition to Trump's policies. No being a wimp. Mainstream Dems are taking flowers to a gunfight, and committing political suicide. Those in Washington that have a (D) by their name need to grow a fucking pair of gonads and fucking stand up. Now isn't the time for civility, now is the time to be ruthless. The GOP has been ruthless for decades, we need to do it now. We have to save our democracy.
  20. Reddy I think you're wrong. Bernie did way better in places like IA, MI, WI, CO and other states in Middle America. Hillary did better in urban areas with a large minority population. The economic message works better in more rural areas and the social message works better in urban areas. If you can't win a district going "full progressive" so to speak that is a heavily red district anyway and you're not going to change those people's fragile little minds. I'd argue going "full progressive" is the way to win deep purple areas, and the mainstream message is just throwing away purple districts to the GOP.
  21. IMO, mainstream Dems aren't working to advance the Democratic Party. You know what would? Embracing DSA candidates. This is what the people want. The whole reason to run as a party is to win elections and gain control of the House/Senate/POTUS/SCOTUS. They're not doing that. Reddy, we're on the same side here. I don't think that transitioning from privately owned corporations to co-ops can happen in even one or two generations, it has to be done slowly. Although I am not a card carrying member of the DSA, mostly because I think capitalism can be saved if you heavily regulate it, I agree with a lot of their ideas in principle. Also, they aren't really a political party themselves. They are a branch of of the Democratic Party, that is gravely concerned about the erosion of labor rights and wage stagnation, also, people I know that are involved are huge into the social justice scene and support organizations like BLM. Contrary to popular belief, the ideals stated in the DOI and Constitution are not mutually exclusive with democratic socialist ideology, in fact, I'd argue the opposite. Democratic Socialism is basically what they have in Scandinavia. It seems to work pretty well there. Why not try it here?
  22. I'm only slightly concerned about Moncada because he's not flirting with Mendoza. It could be much worse. Go ask Twins fans how they feel about Buxton and that will make you feel much better. Look up Buxton's numbers for his career and 2015, 16 and 18 and you'll suddenly look at this in a new light. Buxton was also the consensus #1 heading into 2015.
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