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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. Lonzo Ball sucks. He can't shoot, he can only score close to the rim. He's Rondo as a jump shooter, while being nowhere near as good at defense and passing.
  2. I disagree, it got significantly worse when the racists and bigots came out of the woodwork when to their horror a person of color was elected president. But really, it was the Nixon administration that was patient zero for the radical right virus that infects this country now.(I'm looking at you Kissinger) It should have been quarantined in the 1970s, as it spawned Ronald Reagan, who was the was the catalyst for it. Read about Paul Manafort's "Southern Strategy" in the 1980 election. That election was won on racism and bigotry based on so called Christian Values. Also, a lot of the illegal immigration issues we're facing now comes from the destabilization of Latin America due to the foreign policy decisions of one Henry Kissinger during the Nixon/Ford administrations.
  3. Of course I do. Why would I suggest that course of action if I didn't understand that? My mom is an immigrant, Most of my extended family are as well. I think that DACA is the right thing to do though. These people didn't choose to come here, they were kids, dragged here by their parents. They should not be held responsible for a migration decision that wasn't theirs to make. They have known no other home than the USA. Those people should be given amnesty. This hits close to home because my best friend in college would have qualified for this program but it didn't exist at the time. He came here as an infant and didn't know that he was not a US citizen When he was 18, he registered to vote, not knowing he wasn't a US citizen. He found out about a year later. It caught up to him right as we were about to graduate, he was then deported, and given a permawhack. I thought the whole thing was unfair and unjust. There is no way in hell he knew what he was doing. He didn't choose to come here, and yet he was launched to a place he never knew as home. The dude barely spoke Spanish. There is also the practicality of border security given how huge the US-Mexico border is. It really is not economically feasible to do anything but find people through their own stupidity or ignorance and deport them when they are found.
  4. There is a very simple way to combat the illegal immigration problem, but most people don't want to hear it. Make it incredibly difficult for an undocumented immigrant to find a job or any source of income. I know there are fake SSA cards, and stuff like that that can temporarily get around it. Why do illegal immigrants come here? Why do employers hire them anyway? They come here for a better life. Employers hire them anyway because they can exploit their labor for cheap(in some cases giving them less than minimum wage because they have no legal recourse) You stop illegal immigration very easily, You fine the ever loving shit out of companies that hire them. If a company has illegal immigrants, they get fined their entire profit margin from the quarter in which they were found hiring illegals. No Jobs, no hope of a better life, no reason to come here. I also have zero problems with launching people who come here illegally and use government benefits to support themselves. Nope, can't happen.
  5. I'm not arguing that he hasn't. I could see and even rationalize some of his policies if it actually helped a majority of Americans, even if it doesn't help me personally. Hell, I'd support those policies. IMO, if what is best for the country and what is best for me personally are opposed, I'd take the hit because I know it is the right course of action. Most people aren't that selfless.
  6. Jenks, you have the right to your opinion, and there used to be a place for a conservative party in the USA but the Republicans have gone full Nazi in my opinion. Having a sensible conservative party is part of a healthy democracy, IMO. There has to be checks and balances on everything. They should just be represented in congress proportionally to the percentage of the population that would actually benefit from their policies. When the Republican party got hijacked during the Nixon administration by the radical right, it ceased to be a sensible conservative party anymore. If our definitions of "liberal" were those ideas of FDR and "conservative" were those of Eisenhower, I'd probably consider myself an independent but because our definition of "conservative" is Trump, and our definition of "Liberal" is Hillary Clinton(who is basically an Eisenhower Republican), the whackjobs have shifted this country so far to the right that it is incredibly frustrating to have any sort of rational conversation with people. can't even have a positive conversation, nor find common ground with conservatives anymore which is scary when you have some views that skew that way yourself. For example, I am a pretty big proponent of responsible gun ownership, but I do agree that we're way too lax with gun laws. There has to be some happy medium. I generally agree that unions are a good thing, and that most people should have one, but I also agree that in some cases they've gone too far toward messing with productivity and ability to launch a poor worker. Most of the ideas that mainstream conservatives spout today are not actually rational conservative ideas, but those of the radical right. I could live with a conservatively ideological party if it actually had the best interest of their constituency in mind, rather than those of oligarchs and racists. There are real conservative policies that are in the best interest of business and their constituents, but people don't realize what that is.
  7. Despite the fact that I think that Trump is a scumbag to the nth degree, a downright despicable human being and a compulsive liar, If he does something positive I would give him credit for it (it hasn't happened yet and I'm not holding my breath) I agree with him in principle about protecting US jobs and keeping them here, but I disagree with the way he's going about it.
  8. And this is the problem people. It takes an incredible amount of effort to decipher the bullshit in the media and put on your critical thinking hat. Time and energy that most people don't have. I know the difference between propaganda and facts, but most people don't have the amount of time I do to go through everything. I consume media, and form my own conclusions. I'm open to things I don't want to hear if it is based on concrete evidence, The issue is that most evidence to anything presented right now is circumstantial at best, and downright false and misleading at worst. True investigative journalism is dead, and that is a massive issue.
  9. See this is the problem, honestly with both sides of the political spectrum. According to the other side of the spectrum, there are zero valid points from the opposite side. This is an issue, brought about by St. Ronald Reagan, because of the repeal of the Fair and Balanced News Act. Now, nobody knows what the facts are. To be honest, as someone who grew up in the 90s, it is really scary that all "news" has some sort of political message behind it. It needs to stop NOW. Restore this law, and start reporting FACTS as news again. ONLY THE TRUTH, not opinion. News=/=Entertainment. News=/=Politics. News=FACTS & WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave over what happened to his profession.
  10. I disagreed with calling him up last year. I thought they should have waited until May of this year to call up Moncada. He wasn't raking at AAA after returning from his injury and it took him a while to turn it around, I hope the same doesn't happen this year.
  11. This season is his first where he's been in the majors before mid-July. He's got 500 MLB ABs, but this is his first season in MLB from April-October.
  12. This x 100. When a young pitcher has a good outing, you let him leave the game on a positive note, rather than let him get himself into trouble. Ozzie was great with that. Ricky is god awful, and that is an understatement.
  13. Now Avilan is going to give up a bases clearing double to completely fuck up Gio's line again.
  14. I don't agree with this. Gio's velo was way down this inning, they should have pulled him after that single.
  15. it is incredibly frustrating to have an AB like that end in an out when it is your guys.
  16. WTF happened to Quintana since the calendar hit 2017? Seems like a completely different guy that he was from 2012-16 with the Sox. The Sox are so incredibly lucky to have acquired Eloy and Cease for him. It seems ridiculous in retrospect.
  17. Hopefully with better consistency. That may or may not happen, but I think Gio might be that guy. He'll pitch like an ace for stretches, and AAAA fodder for other stretches. Hopefully Gio can keep the AAAA stretches to a smaller amount than Floyd did.
  18. Giolito looks like the guy I saw vs. the Cubs in ST. Lots of weak contact. The strikeouts will come. Patience, my young Padowan /yoda
  19. Would like to see Gio miss some bats but weak contact is ok.
  20. Looks like Giolito is ditching the curve for the slider. That is ok, because his slider is nasty too.
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