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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. How much longer do they continue to start Fulmer? They have to try him in the bullpen sooner rather than later, right? Also, whomever the scout is that was watching Vanderbilt games in 2015 and recommended Fulmer over Buehler needs to shitcanned.
  2. Soria might be a legit trade piece with his added velo from the lower arm slot
  3. How much longer does he stay in W-S? He's 22 so I think it might be a good thought to see how he does in Birmingham after the Carolina League ASG. They can still build up his innings in Birmingham.
  4. Rodon had the best control he's had in a long long time today.
  5. I know, I've already accepted it. I just hope they get more for him than the Pirates did for Gerrit Cole. Hopefully they will just because he throws with his left hand. In any event, going to be frustrating watching him turn into an ace for another team. Imagine how Pirates fans feel watching Cole light it up for the Astros this year.I'm a pitching junkie too, so it hurts more for me. My favorite thing to watch in baseball is great pitchers being great. ☹️
  6. Now that I know he's still got the stuff, I expect the guy to perform. I understand it is his first start in over a year that he is healthy. I can't talk about his performance in 2016-17 and what he needs to improve on? Again, I'm kinda salty that management has wasted 3 lefties with great stuff. (Sale, Quintana, Rodon) Frustrated that I can't enjoy him pitching in games that matter.
  7. No shit sherlock, I was just making an observation. He has a history of falling apart in the middle innings like Vazquez did when he was here. This was a thing in 2016-17 as well. Someone also compared him to a LHP version of Rich Harden and when he's good, that is also accurate. When he was healthy he'd only pitch 4-5 innings most starts.
  8. It isn't that they won't be contending in 2020 per se, it is that if Rodon becomes the pitcher we all think he could be they can't afford to let him go for nothing. Sad, but reality.
  9. Rodon quickly reminding me why I used to think he was left-handed Javy Vazquez.
  10. It's hard for me to get excited about Rodon because he's probably not going to be here when they're winning. Has 3.5 seasons of control at this moment.
  11. I don't think he will either, but maybe the shoulder surgery would scare him into taking the $. You gotta try though. The fact that he still has everything stuff wise makes me think not. We all know you only hire Boras if you want to get paid. If you're Hahn, you try to buy out a few FA years and if he turns it down, put him on the block. He's free after 2021.
  12. Well, if Rodon wants to get paid he better quit then. You only hire Boras if you want to get paid. 97!!!!
  13. Why the fuck does Coop ever have Rodon work at 92-93. He's much more effective at mid 90s and he gets hit everywhere when he tries to hold back. It doesn't work Coop. Stop it. Even before he was injured they did this and it infuriates me.
  14. If he starts performing, it is a decent option to have. Really like Carlos as a pitcher, but he's not going to be here when the Sox are contending, so if someone blows you away you take it and say adios. He is the Sox last major trade chip. If he establishes himself as a top pitcher by July 2019 would not be surprised to see him traded next year. If you're Hahn, and he pitches well to end the season, do you go to him and offer him 6/80? that is pretty much the only way he'll stick around. If he turns that down, then you put him on the block. He will have as much control as Sale did when he was moved with a worse track record.
  15. Ok Rodon just hit 96 twice in a row, I'm sold.
  16. Wow. much better velo this inning. He just made JD Martinez his b**** on a 95 mph fastball.
  17. I'm not really either, but we saw flashes from Gio at 95ish and he continued to lose. If 90-91 is where he settles in, he's in trouble. I don't think there will be enough difference between his fastball and breaking stuff.
  18. Rodon, similar to Giolito, has to be 93-94 at least to have a chance as an MLB pitcher. He doesn't have the command to be working at 90-92.
  19. As many of you know, I have spoken many times about my experiences being Autistic. I'm here to talk about the other two issues I deal with, that I am not ashamed of, and I'm putting it out there. Along with Autism, I also deal with Bipolar disorder and Generalized Anxiety. Wil Wheaton wrote a piece about how GAD/clinical depression are the tag team champions of mental illness,. I'll share that article If those two are the tag team champions, when you add autism to the mix it really is the unholy trinity. I thought 'd share this with everyone, due to the recent suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. If anyone has questions, feel free to add to the discussion and I'd be glad to answer anything. Open Forum. EDIT. Having a hard time finding Wil Wheaton's article again. Will keep trying.
  20. I'm obliterating my 12-team roto league, but my pitching staff got decimated tonight, as I have Darvish on the DL, and just lost Strasburg, Tanaka and Buehler. Best available pitchers are Matz, Eovaldi and Covey. One guy in my league has a major Sox boner so if I don't pick up Covey soon, I will lose that opportunity. Should I take the chance that Covey has turned it around or no? Moves cost $1. I have to pick up a pitcher because I don't have 5 healthy starters at this point. EDIT. Picked up Covey. I thought he was the best option ATM.
  21. If Giolito busts, but Covey becomes a rotation mainstay, that kinda makes up for it.
  22. I heard Sale threw a 100+ mph fastball today. Haven't seen him do that since he was in the pen in 2011. Sale should feel shame for giving the only RBI up to Thompson, who's barely hitting .150(if even that)
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