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About zenryan

  • Birthday 08/22/1981

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  1. Starting today. No time served since he was paid. should be interesting lawsuit. I think it might be hard for MLB to uphold this two year suspension.
  2. Another reason why it sucks the Rays don’t have a new stadium. Would be nice seeing Adames and Franco playing on the left side of the infield. he deserves all good things that’s happening for him in Milwaukee. Just sucks he pretty much couldn’t see the ball at The Trop.
  3. Franco turned 20 years old at the start of Spring Training. Last played a minor league game in the FSL as an 18 year old. Also had a minor injury in the Dominican Winter League this past offseason that cut his season short. This wasn’t a Kris Bryant type situation and the argument would hold more water if there was a minor league season in 2020.
  4. He said something along the lines that if the Rays picked up his option then he’d be honored that they wanted him. If not then maybe he will probably retire. He lives in the Sarasota area. Less than an hour drive to the stadium. I’m guessing if he wants to play, he and TB will work something out for less than the $15M option that was declined.
  5. I’m ok with expanded playoffs but I think it should be 12 teams. Six in each league. You should be rewarded for winning your division over 162 game season so no byes or short series. Division winners l to ALDS/NLDS. Wild Cards 3 plays Wild Card 2. Winner plays Wild Card 1. Single game/winner take all. Then reseed going into divisional series based on overall wins. But WC playoff winner doesn’t get home field in any round during DS or LCS. Or atleast not in the divisional round.
  6. Ji-Man Choi homered today hitting right handed. 2020 gonna 2020...
  7. Well 2020 season has became a sham. The MLBPA lost all their leverage in this back in March, when for some dumb reason they gave MLB the power to set any schedule without negotiating. Whoever allowed that in the contract should be fired.
  8. Probably a way to force the MLBPA back towards 80 games. But who knows. I’ll watch bc what else is there to do but I defiantly won’t be too bothered if my team wins or lose. It’ll be like preseason football, I’ll watch but don’t get hurt and screw up 2021.
  9. 50-60 game schedule? No thanks. Waste of time.
  10. Brady is just going to keep that #12 Bucs jersey warm for Rodgers.
  11. Guess McMahon is having to put that money into the WWE since wrestling is hemorrhaging money right now.
  12. Writers should use SDP instead of PTBNL going forward.
  13. lol, missing game winning FGs is very Bucs-like. Just saying.
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