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  1. when ever ohio state blitzes you'll see what ND is so good at short passes to their 6'5 recievers and they break so many tackles... and have u ever seen a nd game? Brady Quinn breaks more tackles then any quarterback i think
  2. HAHA Osu tear apart ND? No way in hell the Buckeyes are gonna be able to stop the irish passing game. And nd might not be that great on D but they do get quite a few turn overs
  3. Notre Dame and Ohio State should be a great game and will get more publicity than if it was Oregon Ohio state
  4. I dont think any bear will win the DPOY award because of all the playmakers on defence it makes it so just one player doesnt stand out
  5. Big game next week at steelers... Orton's going to have to play descent or else I'd like to see grossman get in from what I've seen of grossman he can at least give the recievers a shot at catching the ball
  6. Was it officially announced yet?
  7. Does anyone know when the College football bowl games are announced im anxious to see if notre dame makes the fiesta bowl
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