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Everything posted by JoshPR

  1. I so agree with this. It's obvious the players are in protest for something. Something happened around mid point last year that put this in motion..
  2. Thank God I didn't watch or care. This team sucks
  3. How is Larissa not being held accountable for this shit... Seriously what a Fucking joke. Jerry like Jerry Jones and Al Davis was totally disconected
  4. I love baseball and I love the white sox but this same coaching staff is back next year I'll stay away. That would be the biggest slap in the face to all Sox fans
  5. Is that Armando Benitez on the mound?
  6. These Jabronies have seen 2 pitches lol
  7. I swear if this coaching staff ain't gone next season....
  8. First Fucking pitch.... Way to fight Sebastian... Dude sucks
  9. Can this nightmare be over? Not that it will be any better when at the year end press conference Hahn announces Tony has his total confidence and because of injury they can't evaluate this year correctly
  10. Anything in the dirt that lol wuss is gone. Just terrible
  11. Give me a Fucking Break. Are you Fucking kidding me. Throw him a Fucking slider
  12. I've been impressed with Lambert. Let Ruiz take hike for next year
  13. Starting to tire of the bad Harrison ABs
  14. 12 singles no xtra base hits.... Sad
  15. Until a good coach figures him out. Which will probably happen once he leaves the sox
  16. Seby bitching too much. Swing the Fucking bat
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