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Everything posted by JoshPR

  1. Not defending Hahn. But he did go through a rebuild. Schuler inherited a team that Larry Hines built and did nothing to get it over the hump. Only signing cheap burned out veterans. And Hawk no comment
  2. Ron Schueler. Hawk Harrison. Sorry Hahn ain't even close to these 2
  3. Pitiful. That's why you Fucking run hard. So tired of this shit
  4. Just stuff ive seen on you tube and shit
  5. None of that. He just seems to be kind of a douche
  6. Is it me or does Kaplan seem to be a total douche?
  7. I really hope so. And I'm glad we didn't get gallo
  8. Fuck off Hahn. I do think he is frustrated to an extent I do. But you know what I've lost all respect for being a Fucking pussy. Once JR went over his head he should be resigned. If he had any self respect and balls to do so
  9. Lol I was wondering if anybody else caught that
  10. Didn't you see the shot of tony pre-game pretty much struggling to stay awake
  11. Lolol cue shot. Run hard Yaz... Good night it ain't worth staying up for
  12. Huh? Aren't the brewers in the hunt?
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